/* FDTD-1D-2.2.c 1D FDTD simulation of a lossy dielectric medium */ /* Simulation of a sinusoidal wave or a Gauss pulse transmiting in a lossy dielectric medium exsiting in free space */ /*8888888888888 Using a new formulation and using flux density 8888888888888*/ /* The Fourier Transform has been added */ /* 1D FDTD simulation of a frequency dependent material */ # include <math.h> # include <stdlib.h> # include <stdio.h> # define KE 200 /* KE is the number of cells to be used */ # define NF 10 /* NF is the number of the frequence in fourier transform */ # define Pi 3.1415926 void main () { double ex_low_m1, ex_low_m2,ex_high_m1,ex_high_m2; double dx[KE],ix[KE],ex[KE],hy[KE],sx[KE]; double ga[KE],gb[KE],gc[KE]; int n, m,k, kc,NSTEPS; int kstart_dielectric; /* 介质的左边界*/ int kend_dielectric; /* 介质的右边界*/ double T; double t0, spread,pulse, pulse1, freq_in, pulse2; /*pulse1 is Gauss pulse, Pulse2 is a sinusoidal wave */ double epsilon_r,epsilon_0; /* 介质的相对介电常数 和 真空介电常数*/ double sigma; /* 介质的电导率 */ double ddx, dt; /* The FDTD Cell size and the time interval */ double freq[NF], arg[NF], ampn[NF][KE],phasen[NF][KE]; double real_part[NF][KE], imag_part[NF][KE]; double real_in[NF], imag_in[NF], amp_in[NF], phase_in[NF]; double mag[KE] ; double tau, chil, del_exp; FILE *fp ; /* Initialize */ ddx=0.01; /* Set the cell size to 1cm */ dt=ddx/(2*3e8) ; /* calculate the time step */ epsilon_0=8.85419e-12; kc=5; /* 激励源所引入的位置 */ t0= 50.0; /* Center of the incident pulse */ spread=10.0; /* Width of the incident pulse */ T=0; NSTEPS=1; ex_low_m1=0; /* 在n+1时存储左边界处前一个格点ex[1] 结果 */ ex_low_m2=0; /* 在n+2时存储左边界处前一个格点ex[1] 结果 */ ex_high_m1=0; /* 在n+1时存储右边界处前一个格点ex[KE-2] 结果 */ ex_high_m2=0; /* 在n+2时存储右边界处前一个格点ex[KE-2] 结果 */ for (k=0; k<KE; k++) { ga[k]=1.0; /* initialize to free space */ gb[k]=0.; gc[k]=0; /* initialize to free space */ ex[k]=0.; hy[k]=0.; dx[k]=0.; ix[k]=0; sx[k]=0; mag[k]=0; for (m=0;m<=2;m++) { real_part[m][k]=0.; /* Real and imaginary parts of fourier transform */ imag_part[m][k]=0.; ampn[m][k]=0.; /* Amplituds and phase of the fourier transform */ phasen[m][k]=0.; } } for (m=0;m<=2;m++) { real_in[m]=0.; /* Fourier Trans. of input pulse */ imag_in[m]=0.; } /* Parameters for the Fourier Transform */ freq[0]=50.e6; freq[1]=200.e6; freq[2]=500.e6; for (m=0;m<=2;m++) { arg[m]=2*Pi*freq[m]*dt; printf("%2d %6.2f MHz %7.5f \n ", m, freq[m]*1e-6,arg[m]); } /* These parameters specify the input pulse */ // printf("input frequence (MHz) -->"); // scanf("%lf", &freq_in); // freq_in=freq_in*1e6; // printf("%8.0f \n",freq_in); printf("Dielectric start at kstart_dielectric -->"); scanf("%d", &kstart_dielectric); printf("Dielectric end at kend_dielectric -->"); scanf("%d", &kend_dielectric); printf("Epsilon_r -->"); scanf("%lf", &epsilon_r); printf("Conductivity -->"); scanf("%lf", &sigma); printf("chil----->"); scanf("%lf", &chil); tau=1000.; /* Make sure tau is >0. */ if (chil>0.0001) {printf("tau (in microseconds)--->"); scanf("%lf",&tau); del_exp=exp(-dt/tau);} printf ("%d %d %f %f %f %f \n", kstart_dielectric,kend_dielectric,epsilon_r, sigma,tau,chil); tau=1.e-6*tau; printf("del_exp= %f \n",del_exp) ; for (k=kstart_dielectric; k<=kend_dielectric;k++) { ga[k]=1/(epsilon_r+sigma*dt/epsilon_0+chil*dt/tau); gb[k]=sigma*dt/epsilon_0; /* initialize to dielectric medium */ gc[k]=chil*dt/tau; } for (k=0;k<KE;k++) { printf("%2d %4.2f %4.2f \n",k,ga[k],gb[k]); } /* Main part of program */ while (NSTEPS>0) { printf("NSTEPS -->"); /* NSTEPS is the number of times that the Main loop has executed */ scanf("%d", &NSTEPS); printf ("%d \n", NSTEPS); printf("程序正在运行,请稍侯! \n"); for (n=1; n<=NSTEPS; n++) { T=T+1; /* T keeps track of the total number of times the main loop is executed */ /* Main FDTD Loop */ /* Calculate the Dx field */ for (k=1; k<KE; k++) { dx[k]=dx[k]+ 0.5*(hy[k-1]-hy[k]); } /* Put a sinusoidal wave or the Gauss pulse at the cell kc */ pulse1=exp(-0.5*(pow((t0-T)/spread,2.0))); // pulse2=sin(2*Pi*freq_in*dt*T); pulse=pulse1; /* 脉冲的类型由pulse1和pulse2两个变量来选择 */ dx[kc]=dx[kc]+pulse; printf("%5.1f %f %6.2f \n", T,pulse,dx[kc]); /* Calculate the Ex from the Dx */ for (k=0;k<KE;k++) { ex[k]=ga[k]*(dx[k]-ix[k]-sx[k]); ix[k]=ix[k]+gb[k]*ex[k]; sx[k]=del_exp*sx[k]+gc[k]*ex[k]; } /* Calculate the fourier trasform of Ex */ for (k=0;k<KE;k++) { for (m=0;m<=2;m++) { real_part[m][k]=real_part[m][k]+cos(arg[m]*T)*ex[k]; imag_part[m][k]=imag_part[m][k]-sin(arg[m]*T)*ex[k]; } } /* Fourier Transform of the input pulse */ if (T<100) { for (m=0;m<=2;m++) { real_in[m]=real_in[m]+cos(arg[m]*T)*ex[10]; imag_in[m]=imag_in[m]-sin(arg[m]*T)*ex[10]; } } /* Absorbing boundary conditions */ ex[0]=ex_low_m2; ex_low_m2=ex_low_m1; ex_low_m1=ex[1]; ex[KE-1]=ex_high_m2; ex_high_m2=ex_high_m1; ex_high_m1=ex[KE-2]; /* Calculate the hy field */ for (k=0; k<KE-1;k++) { hy[k]=hy[k]+0.5*(ex[k]-ex[k+1]); } } /* End of the Main FDTD Loop */ /* At the end of the calculation, print out the Ex and Hy field */ for (k=0; k<KE; k++) { printf("%3d %6.2f %6.2f \n", k, ex[k], hy[k]); } /* Write the E field out to a file "Ex" */ fp=fopen("Ex.txt","w"); fprintf(fp, "T=%5.0f \n", T); for (k=0;k<KE;k++) { fprintf (fp," %5d %6.2f %6.2f \n", k,dx[k],ex[k]); } fclose(fp); /* Write the H field out to a file "Hy" */ fp=fopen("Hy.txt","w"); fprintf(fp, "T=%5.0f \n", T); for (k=0;k<KE;k++) { fprintf (fp,"%5d %6.2f \n",k, hy[k]); } fclose(fp); printf(" %5.0f \n", T); /* calculate the amplitude and phase of each frequency */ /* Amplitude and the phase of the input pulse */ for (m=0; m<=2;m++) { amp_in[m]=sqrt(pow(imag_in[m],2.0)+pow(real_in[m],2.0)); phase_in[m]=atan2(imag_in[m],real_in[m]); printf("%d Input pulse: %8.4f %8.4f %8.4f %7.2f \n", m,real_in[m],imag_in[m],amp_in[m],(180.0/Pi)*phase_in[m]); for(k=0;k<KE;k++) { ampn[m][k]=(1.0/amp_in[m]*sqrt(pow(real_part[m][k],2.0)+pow(imag_part[m][k],2.0))); phasen[m][k]=atan2(imag_part[m][k],real_part[m][k])-phase_in[m]; } } /* write the amplitude field out to a files "amp " */ fp=fopen ("amp0.txt","w"); for (k=0;k<KE;k++) { fprintf(fp,"%d %8.5f \n ", k,ampn[0][k] ); } fclose(fp); fp=fopen ("amp1.txt","w"); for (k=0;k<KE;k++) { fprintf(fp,"%d %8.5f \n ", k,ampn[1][k] ); } fclose(fp); fp=fopen ("amp2.txt","w"); for (k=0;k<KE;k++) { fprintf(fp,"%d %8.5f \n ", k,ampn[2][k] ); } fclose(fp); } printf("程序运行完毕 \n"); }
root@gallup-virtual-machine:/home/source# gcc -Wall li.c -o li
li.c:7:6: 警告: ‘main’的返回类型不是‘int’ [-Wmain]root@gallup-virtual-machine:/home/source#
1、 root@gallup-virtual-machine:/home/source# gcc li.c -lm -o li