main.c 文件:
/* ************************************************************************************************************* * Copyright(C): * Filename : * Author : * Version : * Date : * Description : ************************************************************************************************************** */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <signal.h> #include <ncurses.h> #include "colors.h" #include "tetris.h" #include "shapes.h" #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b)) #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) /*---------------------CONSTS--------------------------*/ #define MYKEY_ESC 27 /* 每个Block在Y和X方向占用字符数 */ #define BLOCK_CHARS_Y 4 #define BLOCK_CHARS_X 8 /* Window左上角X Y 坐标 */ #define WINDOW_ORGN_X 10 #define WINDOW_ORGN_Y 5 /* Window在X和Y方向可以容纳的Block数 */ #define WINDOW_BLOCKS_Y 8 #define WINDOW_BLOCKS_X 5 /* 这个值应尽量是奇数,保证新的Block从中间出现 */ /* Window的字符宽度和长度 */ #define WINDOW_HEIGHT (WINDOW_BLOCKS_Y * BLOCK_CHARS_Y +2) #define WINDOW_WIDTH (WINDOW_BLOCKS_X * BLOCK_CHARS_X +2) /* 子窗口大小 要至少可以容纳一个方块大小*/ #define SUBWND_HEIGHT WINDOW_HEIGHT #define SUBWND_WIDTH (BLOCK_CHARS_X*5/2) /* 子窗口显示位置(左上角坐标) */ #define SUBWND_ORGN_X (WINDOW_ORGN_X+WINDOW_WIDTH) #define SUBWND_ORGN_Y (WINDOW_ORGN_Y) /* _board_table数组大小 */ #define BOARD_TABLE_X (WINDOW_BLOCKS_X*4) #define BOARD_TABLE_Y (WINDOW_BLOCKS_Y*4) /* 新的Block出现时的X Y坐标 */ #define BLOCK_INIT_X (1+BLOCK_CHARS_X*((WINDOW_BLOCKS_X)/2)); #define BLOCK_INIT_Y 1 /* 每消除一行增加的分数 */ #define SCORE_ADD_PERLINE 100 /* 每升一级需要的分数 */ #define SCORE_PERLEVEL 1000 /*--------- GLOBAL VARIABLES DECLARATION----------------*/ static int _block_x; /* 方块左上角x坐标 */ static int _block_y; /* 方块左上角y坐标 */ static int _block_index; static int _block_next; static int _table_shape_curr[4][4]; static int _table_shape_next[4][4]; static int _line_noneempty_min; static int _flag_new; /* 新方块产生标志 */ static int _flag_done; /* 游戏结束标志 */ static int _time_down; /* 方块下降时间,ms */ static int _window_height; static int _window_width; static short _bg_color; /* 背景颜色 */ static short _fg_color; /* 前景颜色 */ static WINDOW *_pwindow; static WINDOW *_subwnd; static struct BOARD _board_table[ BOARD_TABLE_Y ][ BOARD_TABLE_X ]; static int _level_max; /* 最大等级 */ static int _level_cur; /* 当前等级 */ static unsigned int _score; /* 分数 */ static int _table_downtime[ ] = { /* 每个等级对应的下降时间,ms */ 500,450,400,350,300,250,200,250,100,50,20 }; static const unsigned char _arrow_up[5][5] = { {0,0,1,0,0}, {0,1,1,1,0}, {0,0,1,0,0}, {0,0,1,0,0}, {0,0,1,0,0}, }; static const unsigned char _arrow_right[5][5] = { {0,0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,1,0}, {1,1,1,1,1}, {0,0,0,1,0}, {0,0,0,0,0}, }; static const unsigned char _arrow_left[5][5] = { {0,0,0,0,0}, {0,1,0,0,0}, {1,1,1,1,1}, {0,1,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0,0}, }; static const unsigned char _arrow_down[5][5] = { {0,0,1,0,0}, {0,0,1,0,0}, {0,0,1,0,0}, {0,1,1,1,0}, {0,0,1,0,0}, }; /*----------FUNCTION DECLARATION----------------------*/ void CalBlockShape(int index, int buf[4][4]); void Change(void); int CearFullLines(void); int Collision(void); WINDOW *CreateNewWindow(int height, int weight, int y, int x); void CreateSquare(WINDOW *win, int y, int x); void DrawArrow(const unsigned char arrow[5][5], int y, int x ); void DrawBackground(int l); void DrawNext(WINDOW *win,int y,int x); void DrawShape(WINDOW *win, int index, int table_shape[4][4], int tl_y, int tl_x); void DrawSquare(WINDOW *win, int y, int x); int HasFullLine(int start, int end, int *fullline); void InitNcurses(void); void Initial(void); int LeftBorder(void); int MaxRight(void); int MinLeft(void); void OnAlarm(int p); void OnColor(WINDOW *win, int index); void OffColor(WINDOW *win, int index); void RandomBlock(void); int RightBorder(void); void ShowInfo(WINDOW *win); void UpdateBackground(int y, int x); /* main */ int main(int argc, char**argv){ int ch = 0; int quit = 0; struct itimerval tick; int max_x, max_y; Initial(); InitNcurses(); getmaxyx(stdscr,max_y,max_x); if ( max_x < WINDOW_ORGN_X+WINDOW_WIDTH+SUBWND_WIDTH+5 || max_y < WINDOW_ORGN_Y+WINDOW_HEIGHT+2 ){ addstr("your screen is to small! press any key to quit!"); getch(); endwin(); exit(1); } curs_set(0); /* 隐藏光标 */ _pwindow = CreateNewWindow(WINDOW_HEIGHT, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_ORGN_Y, WINDOW_ORGN_X ); wattron(_pwindow,A_REVERSE); /* 反白显示 */ _subwnd = CreateNewWindow(SUBWND_HEIGHT, SUBWND_WIDTH, SUBWND_ORGN_Y, SUBWND_ORGN_X ); wattron(_subwnd,A_REVERSE); /* 反白显示 */ attron(COLOR_PAIR(7)); mvaddstr(0,1,"Press ESC to quit"); mvaddstr(1,1,"Press Up to change"); mvaddstr(2,1,"Press Arrows to move"); attroff(COLOR_PAIR(7)); refresh(); signal(SIGALRM,OnAlarm); tick.it_value.tv_sec = _time_down/1000; tick.it_value.tv_usec = 1000*(_time_down%1000); tick.it_interval.tv_sec = _time_down/1000; tick.it_interval.tv_usec = 1000*(_time_down%1000); setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &tick, NULL); while( 1 ){ /* press ESC to quit*/ switch( ch=getch() ){ case KEY_LEFT : /* 左移 */ if ( !MinLeft() ) _block_x = _block_x-2; /* 注意这里不是减1 */ break; case KEY_RIGHT : /* 右移 */ if ( !MaxRight() ) _block_x = _block_x+2; /* 注意这里不是加1 */ break; case KEY_DOWN : /* 向下 */ while( !Collision() ) _block_y = _block_y+1; break; case KEY_UP : /* 变形 */ Change(); break; case MYKEY_ESC : /* 退出 */ quit = 1; break; } if ( quit != 0 ) /* 推出游戏 */ break; werase(_pwindow); /* 用werase() 用wclear()屏幕会闪烁 */ DrawShape(_pwindow, _block_index, _table_shape_curr, _block_y, _block_x); DrawBackground(_line_noneempty_min); box(_pwindow,'|','-'); wrefresh(_pwindow); } delwin(_pwindow); delwin(_subwnd); endwin(); return 0; }; void CalBlockShape(int index, int buf[4][4]){ int i; unsigned int value; value = (_shapes[index].box[0]<<8)|(_shapes[index].box[1]); for (i=0; i<4; i++){ buf[0][i] = (value&(1U<<(15-i)))!=0 ? 1:0; buf[1][i] = (value&(1U<<(11-i)))!=0 ? 1:0; buf[2][i] = (value&(1U<<(7-i )))!=0 ? 1:0; buf[3][i] = (value&(1U<<(3-i )))!=0 ? 1:0; } } /******************************************* * Change(); * 如果满足变形的条件则变换形状 * Input : NONE * Output: NONE * Return: 可以变形返回 1,不可以返回 0 *------------------------------------------- * 备注:判断依据是变形之后是否有部分方块在 * 右边界之外(不可能从左边界出去) *******************************************/ void Change(void){ int tmp_index; /* 如果已经到底,不能变形 */ if ( Collision() ) return; tmp_index = _block_index; _block_index = _shapes[_block_index].next; CalBlockShape(_block_index,_table_shape_curr); /* 有可能发生碰撞 */ if ( _block_x+8 > WINDOW_WIDTH-2 ){ _block_x = _block_x-2; if ( RightBorder() ){ _block_x = _block_x+2; _block_index = tmp_index; CalBlockShape(_block_index,_table_shape_curr); return; } _block_x = _block_x+2; return; } } int ClearFullLines(void){ int i, j; int end = BOARD_TABLE_Y-1; int start = _line_noneempty_min; int fullline; int cnt=0; while( HasFullLine(start,end,&fullline) ){ for ( i=fullline; i>=_line_noneempty_min && i>=1; i-- ){ for( j=0; j<BOARD_TABLE_X; j++ ){ _board_table[i][j] = _board_table[i-1][j]; } } _line_noneempty_min++; /* 注意这里不是减奥 */ end = fullline; start = _line_noneempty_min; cnt++; } return cnt; /* 返回清除的行数 */ } int Collision(void){ int i, j, x,y; x = (_block_x-1)/2; y = (_block_y-1)/1; for (i=0; i<4 && y<BOARD_TABLE_Y; i++ ){ for (j=0; j<4 && x<BOARD_TABLE_X; j++){ if (_table_shape_curr[i][j] != 0 && _board_table[y+1][x].value != 0 ) return 1; x++; } if ( i<3 && _table_shape_curr[i+1][0] == 0 && _table_shape_curr[i+1][1] == 0 && _table_shape_curr[i+1][2] == 0 && _table_shape_curr[i+1][3] == 0 ) break; if ( i == 3) break; x = (_block_x-1)/2; y++; } if ( y+1 >= WINDOW_BLOCKS_Y*BLOCK_CHARS_Y ) /* 到底了 */ return 1; return 0; } WINDOW *CreateNewWindow(int height, int weight, int y, int x){ WINDOW *pwin = newwin(height, weight, y, x); box(pwin,'|','-'); wrefresh(pwin); return pwin; } void DrawArrow(const unsigned char arrow[5][5], int y, int x ){ int i,j; int x0 = x; for ( i=0; i<5; i++ ){ for ( j=0; j<5; j++ ){ if ( arrow[i][j] ) mvaddch(y,x,'|'); x++; } x = x0; y++; } } void DrawBackground(int line){ int i, j; int r_x, r_y; r_x = 1; r_y = line+1; for ( i=line; i<BOARD_TABLE_Y; i++ ){ for ( j=0; j<BOARD_TABLE_X; j++ ){ if ( _board_table[i][j].value != 0 ){ OnColor(_pwindow, _board_table[i][j].color); DrawSquare(_pwindow,r_y,r_x); OffColor(_pwindow,_board_table[i][j].color); } r_x+=2; } r_x = 1; r_y += 1; } } void DrawSquare(WINDOW *win,int y, int x){ if ( win == NULL ) win = stdscr; mvwaddch(win,y,x,'['); mvwaddch(win,y,x+1,']'); } void DrawShape(WINDOW *win, int index, int table_shape[4][4], int tl_y, int tl_x){ int i, j, y, x; y = tl_y; x = tl_x; if ( win == NULL ) win = stdscr; OnColor(win, _shapes[index].color_id); for (i=0; i<4; i++){ for (j=0; j<4; j++){ if( table_shape[i][j] != 0 ) DrawSquare(win,y,x); x+=2; } x = tl_x; y++; } OffColor(win, _shapes[index].color_id); } int HasFullLine(int start, int end, int *fullline){ int i, j; if ( start<0 || end>BOARD_TABLE_Y-1 ) return 0; /* 从下往上找,一旦找到便退出 */ for ( i=end; i>=start; i-- ){ for ( j=0; j<BOARD_TABLE_X; j++ ){ if ( _board_table[i][j].value == 0 ) break; } if ( j == BOARD_TABLE_X ){ *fullline = i; return 1; } } return 0; } int LeftBorder(void){ if ( _block_x <= 1 ){ if ( _shapes[_block_index].box[0] & 0x88 || _shapes[_block_index].box[1] & 0x88 ) return 1; else return 0; } return 0; } int MaxRight(void){ int i,j; int x,y; if ( RightBorder() ) return 1; y = (_block_y-1)/1; for ( i=0; i<4 && y<BOARD_TABLE_Y && y>=0; i++ ){ x = (_block_x-1)/2+3; for ( j=3; j>=0 && x+1<BOARD_TABLE_X && x+1>=0; j-- ){ if ( _table_shape_curr[i][j] != 0 ){ if ( _board_table[y][x+1].value != 0 ) return 1; else break; } x--; } y++; } return 0; } int MinLeft(void){ int i,j; int x,y; if ( LeftBorder() ) return 1; x = (_block_x-1)/2; y = (_block_y-1)/1; for ( i=0; i<4 && y<BOARD_TABLE_Y && y>=0; i++ ){ for ( j=0; j<4 && x-1<BOARD_TABLE_X && x-1>=0; j++ ){ if ( _table_shape_curr[i][j] != 0 ){ if ( _board_table[y][x-1].value != 0 ) return 1; else break; } x++; } x = (_block_x-1)/2; y++; } return 0; } void OnColor(WINDOW *win, int index){ if ( win == NULL ) win = stdscr; switch( index ){ case 1 : wattron(win,COLOR_PAIR(1)); break; case 2 : wattron(win,COLOR_PAIR(2)); break; case 3 : wattron(win,COLOR_PAIR(3)); break; case 4 : wattron(win,COLOR_PAIR(4)); break; case 5 : wattron(win,COLOR_PAIR(5)); break; case 6 : wattron(win,COLOR_PAIR(6)); break; case 7 : wattron(win,COLOR_PAIR(7)); break; default: break; } } void OffColor(WINDOW *win, int index){ if ( win == NULL ) win = stdscr; switch( index ){ case 1 : wattroff(win,COLOR_PAIR(1)); break; case 2 : wattroff(win,COLOR_PAIR(2)); break; case 3 : wattroff(win,COLOR_PAIR(3)); break; case 4 : wattroff(win,COLOR_PAIR(4)); break; case 5 : wattroff(win,COLOR_PAIR(5)); break; case 6 : wattroff(win,COLOR_PAIR(6)); break; case 7 : wattroff(win,COLOR_PAIR(7)); break; default: break; } } void OnAlarm(int p){ int lines = 0; if ( _flag_done != 0 ){ return; } if ( _flag_new!=0 ){ _flag_new = 0; RandomBlock(); ShowInfo(_subwnd); }else if ( !Collision() ){ _block_y++; }else{ if ( _block_y <= BLOCK_INIT_Y ) _flag_done = 1; UpdateBackground(_block_y,_block_x); _flag_new = 1; } werase(_pwindow); DrawShape(_pwindow,_block_index, _table_shape_curr,_block_y,_block_x); lines = ClearFullLines(); DrawBackground(_line_noneempty_min); box(_pwindow,'|','-'); if ( lines ){ _score += lines*SCORE_ADD_PERLINE; _level_cur = MIN(_score/SCORE_PERLEVEL,_level_max); ShowInfo(_subwnd); } wrefresh(_pwindow); if ( _flag_done != 0 ){ mvaddstr(WINDOW_ORGN_Y-1,WINDOW_ORGN_X,"Done!"); wrefresh(stdscr); } } void RandomBlock(void){ _block_index = _block_next; _block_y = BLOCK_INIT_Y; _block_x = BLOCK_INIT_X; CalBlockShape(_block_index,_table_shape_curr); /* 随机产生下一个方块 */ srand(time(NULL)); _block_next = rand()%MAX_BOX; } int RightBorder(void){ int i; int x = (WINDOW_WIDTH-1-_block_x)/2-1; if ( _block_x+8 >= WINDOW_WIDTH-1 ){ /* +8是因为x方向每个小方块占两个字符间距 */ for (i=0;i<4;i++){ if (_table_shape_curr[i][x] != 0 ) return 1; } } return 0; } void ShowInfo(WINDOW *win){ int x, y; int i; werase(win); x = 1+SUBWND_WIDTH/2-BLOCK_CHARS_X/2; y = 4; DrawNext(win, y, x); y += BLOCK_CHARS_Y+1; for ( i=1; i<SUBWND_WIDTH-1; i++ ){ mvwaddch(win,y,i,'-'); } wattroff(win,A_REVERSE); /* 关闭反白 */ y += 1; mvwaddstr(win,y,x,"Next"); y = SUBWND_HEIGHT/2; x = SUBWND_WIDTH/10; mvwprintw(win,y,x,"%s: %d","Score",_score); y += 2; mvwprintw(win,y,x,"%s: %d","Level",_level_cur); y += 4; mvwaddstr(win,y,x,"Version: V1.0.0"); y += 1; mvwaddstr(win,y,x,"Author : sduzh"); wattron(win,A_REVERSE); /* 打开反白 */ box(win,'|','-'); wrefresh(win); } void DrawNext(WINDOW *win, int y, int x){ CalBlockShape(_block_next, _table_shape_next); DrawShape(win, _block_next, _table_shape_next,y, x); } void Initial(void){ int i,j; srand(time(NULL)); _block_next = rand()%MAX_BOX; _bg_color = COLOR_BLACK; _fg_color = COLOR_WHITE; _block_x = BLOCK_INIT_X; _block_y = BLOCK_INIT_Y; _flag_new = 1; _flag_done = 0; _window_height = WINDOW_BLOCKS_Y*BLOCK_CHARS_Y+2; _window_width = WINDOW_BLOCKS_X*BLOCK_CHARS_X+2; _line_noneempty_min = BOARD_TABLE_Y-1; _score = 0; _level_max = sizeof(_table_downtime)/sizeof(_table_downtime[0])-1; _level_cur = 0; _time_down = _table_downtime[_level_cur]; for (i=0; i<BOARD_TABLE_Y; i++ ){ for (j=1; j<BOARD_TABLE_X; j++){ _board_table[ i ][ j ].value = 0; } } } void InitNcurses(void){ initscr(); start_color(); init_pair(1, _tab_color[1], _bg_color); init_pair(2, _tab_color[2], _bg_color); init_pair(3, _tab_color[3], _bg_color); init_pair(4, _tab_color[4], _bg_color); init_pair(5, _tab_color[5], _bg_color); init_pair(6, _tab_color[6], _bg_color); init_pair(7, _tab_color[7], _bg_color); cbreak(); nonl(); noecho(); intrflush(stdscr,FALSE); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); } // x, y:发生碰撞时方块左上角x和y坐标 void UpdateBackground(int y, int x){ int i,j; int row, line; short color = _shapes[_block_index].color_id; /* 先将字符坐标x,y转换为在_board_table数组中对应的位置 */ line = y-1; row = (x-1)/2; for ( i=0; (i<4) && (line+i<BOARD_TABLE_Y); i++ ){ for ( j=0; (j<4) && (row+j<BOARD_TABLE_X); j++ ){ _board_table[line+i][row+j].value |= _table_shape_curr[i][j]; if ( _table_shape_curr[i][j] != 0 ) _board_table[line+i][row+j].color = color; } } _line_noneempty_min = MIN(line,_line_noneempty_min); }
#ifndef TEIRIS_H #define TETRIS_H /* Board */ struct BOARD{ int value; int color; }; /* Shape */ struct SHAPE{ /*一个字节8位,每4位表示游戏方块中的一行,例如: box[0]=“0x88”,box[1]=“0xC0”表示: 1000 1000 1100 0000 */ unsigned char box[2]; short color_id; /* 每个方块的颜色索引 */ int next; /* 下个方块的编号 */ }; #endif /* TETRIS */
#include "tetris.h" #include "shapes.h" struct SHAPE _shapes[MAX_BOX] = { /* * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 */ { {0x88,0xc0}, 1, 1 }, { {0xe8,0x00}, 1, 2 }, { {0xc4,0x40}, 1, 3 }, { {0x2e,0x00}, 1, 0 }, /* * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 */ { {0x44,0xc0}, 2, 5 }, { {0x8e,0x00}, 2, 6 }, { {0xc8,0x80}, 2, 7 }, { {0xe2,0x00}, 2, 4 }, /* * 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 * 1 */ { {0x8c,0x40}, 3, 9 }, { {0x6c,0x00}, 3, 8 }, /* * 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 * 1 */ { {0x4c,0x80}, 4, 11 }, { {0xc6,0x00}, 4, 10 }, /* * 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 */ { {0x4e,0x00}, 5, 13 }, { {0x8c,0x80}, 5, 14 }, { {0xe4,0x00}, 5, 15 }, { {0x4c,0x40}, 5, 12 }, /* * 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 * 1 * 1 */ { {0x88,0x88}, 6, 17 }, { {0xf0,0x00}, 6, 16 }, /* * 1 1 * 1 1 */ { {0xcc,0x00}, 7, 18 }, };
#ifndef TETRIS_SHAPES_H #define TETRIS_SHAPES_H //#include "tetris.h" #define MAX_BOX 19 extern struct SHAPE _shapes[MAX_BOX]; #endif // TETRIS_SHAPES_H
#ifndef TETRIS_COLORS_H #define TETRIS_COLORS_H #include <ncurses.h> #define MAX_COLOR 8 extern const short _tab_color[MAX_COLOR]; #endif /* TETRIS_COLORS_H */