vim 点滴知识 —— g 命令

gd  will take you to the local declaration.

gDwill take you to the global declaration.

g* search for the word under the cursor(like *, but g* on 'rain' will find words like 'rainbow').

g# same as g* but in backward direction.

gg goes to the first line in the buffer (or provide a count before the command for a specific line).

G goes to the last line (or provide a count before the command for a specific line).

gf will go to the file under the cursor(ctl+o返回)

g] and other commands will jump to a tag definition (a tag can be a function or variable name, or more).

使用gd/gD命令可以跳转到一个函数的声明处,但是无法跳转到函数的定义出。如果想要跳转到一个函数的定义出(go  to definition),可以使用Ctags工具。vim中默认已经安装了Ctags。具体使用见下面的链接

