C: 《The c programming langage》 、《C Traps and Pitfalls》、《Expert+C+Programming》
C++:《Thinking in C++》,《The c++ programming language》,《effective c++》,《more effective c++》,
《exceptional c++》,《more exceptional c++》,《inside the c++ object model》 、《Ruminations on C++》
《C++ Primer》、《Parallel and Distributed Programming Using C++》
Java:《Thinking in java》,《Core Java》,《effective java》,《Java Puzzlers》,《Java Network Programming》,
《java concurrency in practice》,《深入Java虚拟机》 、《Java Programming on Linux》、《Concurrent And Real-Time Programming InJava》
windows:《Windows核心编程》,《Windows Internals》
linux:《Advanced Programming in the UNIX.Environment》,《Understanding Linux Network Internals》,
《UNIX Network Programming》 、《The Art of Unix Programming》、《Beginning Linux Programming》、
《The Linux Kernel Primer》、《Understanding Linux Network Internals》、《Understanding the Linux Kernel》
network:《TCPIP Illustrated Volume I&II》,《The Linux Networking Architecture》
Programming:《Programming Pearls》、《More Programming Pearls》、《Code Complete》、
《The Practice of Programming》