protected void setDisplayOrientation(Camera camera, int angle) {//mycode Method downPolymorphic; try { downPolymorphic = camera.getClass().getMethod("setDisplayOrientation", new Class[] { int.class }); if (downPolymorphic != null) downPolymorphic.invoke(camera, new Object[] { angle }); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } }在CameraConfigurationManager的setDesiredCameraParameters方法中调用此方法。
setDisplayOrientation(camera, 90);//mycode
//这段代码用于横屏的时候+ /*if (width < height) { Log.i(TAG, "Display reports portrait orientation; assuming this is incorrect"); int temp = width; width = height; height = temp; }*/
//横屏模式 /*rect.left = rect.left * cameraResolution.x / screenResolution.x; rect.right = rect.right * cameraResolution.x / screenResolution.x; rect.top = rect.top * cameraResolution.y / screenResolution.y; rect.bottom = rect.bottom * cameraResolution.y / screenResolution.y;*/ //竖屏模式mycode rect.left = rect.left * cameraResolution.y / screenResolution.x; rect.right = rect.right * cameraResolution.y / screenResolution.x; rect.top = rect.top * cameraResolution.x / screenResolution.y; rect.bottom = rect.bottom * cameraResolution.x / screenResolution.y;5.CameraManager类的getFramingRect方法修改:
//用于横屏时候的扫描mycode //int width = findDesiredDimensionInRange(screenResolution.x, MIN_FRAME_WIDTH, MAX_FRAME_WIDTH); //int height = findDesiredDimensionInRange(screenResolution.y, MIN_FRAME_HEIGHT, MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT); //用于竖屏的扫描 int height = findDesiredDimensionInRange(screenResolution.x, MIN_FRAME_WIDTH, MAX_FRAME_WIDTH); int width = findDesiredDimensionInRange(screenResolution.y, MIN_FRAME_HEIGHT, MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT);
PlanarYUVLuminanceSource source = activity.getCameraManager().buildLuminanceSource(data, width, height);之前加入一下代码
//mycode byte[] rotatedData = new byte[data.length]; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) rotatedData[x * height + height - y - 1] = data[x + y * width]; } int tmp = width; // Here we are swapping, that's the difference to #11 width = height; height = tmp; data = rotatedData; PlanarYUVLuminanceSource source = activity.getCameraManager().buildLuminanceSource(data, width, height);