lucene从4.0开始就提供了多个打分模型,包括TF-IDF,BM25,DRF等。默认的实现还是基于经典的TFIDF模型。下面对solr edismax查询中涉及到的一些公式进行介绍。
tf(float freq):词频,freq为某个词在该文档的相应field中出现的次数, 默认为Math.sqrt(freq):
idf(long docFreq, long numDocs):逆文档频数,docFreq为term总共在几个文档中出现,numDocs为文档总数.默认为(Math.log(numDocs/(double)(docFreq+1)) + 1.0)
queryNorm(float sumOfSquaredWeights):不影响排序,每个命中的文档都会乘以该因子。仅仅使得不同的query之间的分数可以比较。在不同的查询条件,或者索引不同的情况下(比如分布式查询),需要考虑到该因素的影响。默认为(float)(1.0 / Math.sqrt(sumOfSquaredWeights))
lengthNorm():创建索引时候写入nrm文件中,默认是1.0 / Math.sqrt(numTerms) numTerms为添加的field中term的总数,采用1个byte保存
Field.setBoost: 字段权重
Document.setBoost: 文档权重,在lucene4中已经去掉.solr4中保留了此参数.实际上也是通过设置Field.setBoost来完成,在4中如果同时设置了Field.setBoost以及Document.setBoost,则最后该字段的权重为Field.setBoost*Document.setBoost.相关代码可以查看solr中DocumentBuilder.toDocument.
public float lengthNorm(FieldInvertState state) { final int numTerms; // 分词出来的term数量,state.getBoost() 就是建立索引时候设置的权重 if (discountOverlaps) // 是否忽略指定的term数量 numTerms = state.getLength() - state.getNumOverlap(); else numTerms = state.getLength(); return state.getBoost() * ((float) (1.0 / Math.sqrt(numTerms))); }
/** Cache of decoded bytes. */ private static final float[] NORM_TABLE = new float[256]; static { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { NORM_TABLE[i] = SmallFloat.byte315ToFloat((byte)i); } }
search(leafContexts, createNormalizedWeight(wrapFilter(query, filter)), results)
DisjunctionMaxScorer.score() ---- 返回最终的分数
public Weight createNormalizedWeight(Query query) throws IOException { query = rewrite(query); // DisjunctionMaxQuery Weight weight = query.createWeight(this); // DisjunctionMaxWeight 计算idf,各个子weight的queryWeight float v = weight.getValueForNormalization();// 返回queryNorm中的参数 float norm = getSimilarity().queryNorm(v); // 计算queryNorm if (Float.isInfinite(norm) || Float.isNaN(norm)) { norm = 1.0f; } weight.normalize(norm, 1.0f); // 计算各个子weight的weightValue return weight; }getValueForNormalization:
/** * queryNorm(float sumOfSquaredWeights)计算 * * @return * sumOfSquaredWeights的值 */ public float getValueForNormalization() throws IOException { /** * sum 各个weight的总得分, max 所有weight中最大的一个 */ float max = 0.0f, sum = 0.0f; for (Weight currentWeight : weights) { float sub = currentWeight.getValueForNormalization(); // sub=queryWeight * queryWeight sum += sub; max = Math.max(max, sub); } float boost = getBoost(); // 1.0f DisjunctionMaxQuery中没有设置boost,只是在子query中进行了设置 return (((sum - max) * tieBreakerMultiplier * tieBreakerMultiplier) + max) * boost * boost; // sumOfSquaredWeights计算公式 }
public Scorer scorer(AtomicReaderContext context, boolean scoreDocsInOrder, boolean topScorer, Bits acceptDocs) throws IOException { Scorer[] scorers = new Scorer[weights.size()]; int idx = 0; for (Weight w : weights) { // we will advance() subscorers Scorer subScorer = w.scorer(context, true, false, acceptDocs); // 返回每个weight的Scorer对象 if (subScorer != null) { scorers[idx++] = subScorer; // 放入Scorer数组中 } } if (idx == 0) return null; // all scorers did not have documents DisjunctionMaxScorer result = new DisjunctionMaxScorer(this, tieBreakerMultiplier, scorers, idx); return result; // 返回DisjunctionMaxScorer对象 }DisjunctionMaxScorer.score()