1 添加菜单项 (Text Mode)
(define ti-flab-iterate
(lambda ()
(display "Hello World!")
(define flowlab-menu
("iterate" #t ti-flab-iterate "Iterate.")
(define add-menu
(lambda (name menu test value help)
(make-menu-item name test value help)
(add-menu "flowlab/" main-menu #t flowlab-menu "")
2 输出当前的迭代次数和参数
(define (export-niters fname parameter)
(niter (%iterate 0))
(out-port (open-file fname "w"))
(if (not out-port)
(cx-error-dialog "unable to open output file for exporting niters")
(format out-port "$~a = ~a~%" parameter niter)
(flush-output-port out-port)
3 字符串处理
;takes any string as argument 'str', breaks it on the basis of blank-space or
;newline character into multiple strings. These multiple strings are returned
;as a list.
(define (tokenizer str)
(l (string->list str))
(result '())
(delimitters (list #/space #/newline #/) #/())
(started? #f)
(temp '())
(lambda (c)
(if started?
(if (not (memv c delimitters))
(set! temp (append temp (list c)))
(set! result (append result (list (list->string temp))))
(set! temp '())
(set! started? #f)
(if (not (memv c delimitters))
(set! temp (append temp (list c)))
(set! started? #t)
(if started?
(set! result
(append result (list (list->string temp)))
4 自动保存,记录输出信息的迭代脚本
;; iterate.scm
(define casename "coal_inj_00")
(define iternum 500)
(define hy-start-transcript
(lambda (filename)
(if (file-exists? filename)
(remove-file filename)
(ti-start-transcript filename #t)
(define (hy-stop-transcript)
(if transcript-open?
(stop-transcript #t)
(define (log-exec-proc exec-proc trn-file)
(hy-start-transcript trn-file)
(define my-iterate
(lambda (num)
(if (number? num)
(read-case-data casename)
(iterate num)
(write-case-data (format #f "~a-i~a" casename num))
(log-exec-proc (lambda () (my-iterate iternum)) (string-append casename ".trn"))
5 读取 report 文件中的数值
(define (hy-read-rp-file filename)
(let ((p (open-input-file (format #f "~a" filename))))
((x (read p) (read p)))
(or (number? x) (eof-object? x))
(close-input-port p)
(if (number? x) x #f)
6 读取数据到 list 中
(define hy-read-data-to-list
(lambda (fname)
(let ((p (open-input-file (format #f "~a" fname))))
(let f ((x (read p)) (l '()))
(if (or (eof? p) (eof-object? x))
(close-input-port p)
(display x)
(if (number? x)
(set! l (append l (list x)))
(f (read p) l)
7 导出 bc 信息
(define (hy-export-bc-names)
(lambda (name)
(format #f "{~a, /"~a/", /"~a/"},/n"
(zone-name->id name)
(zone-type (get-zone name))
8 显示 list 内容
(define hy-display-list
(lambda (l)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((>= i (length l)))
(display (format #f "~a --- ~a/n" i (list-ref l i)))
9 非稳态计算时自动保存脚本
;; Scheme file to autosave files at a particular time interval,
;;(modify by LiuGuoqing ,[[email protected]][email protected][/email])
;;original: FLUENT Online Technical Support "Solution 656 :Autosave at specified time intervals "
;; Usage:
;; To use the scheme file to save files at a given time interval,
;; 0. Read case and data files, then read autosave.scm through File > Read > Scheme
;; 1. Open the Execute Commands panel in the GUI (Solve>Execute Commands)
;; 2. Increase the number of Defined Commands by
;; 3. Click ON next to the most recent command and select Time Step
;; next to the drop down arrow under When
;; 4. Enter the following text in the field under Command:
;; (autowrite "wcd" "autoname-" 0.2)
;; 5. Enter the compression status below. Change only the text between the quotation marks.
;; For compressed files use ".gz"
;; For uncompressed files use ""
(define g_zip "")
;; The value of 0.2 should be replaced with the desired interval for the current case
;; The value of "wcd" should be replaced with
;; "wd " for data files only
;; "wcd " for case and data files
;; The value of "autoname-" should be replaced with the actual pathname+filename :
;; if it is written in current directory,pathname can be omitted.
;;default setting
(define g_filename "auto-")
(define g_wcom "wd")
(define (writefiles current-time)
(let* ((time-string) (writecommand))
(rpsetvar 'autowrite/last-file-time current-time)
(set! writecommand (string-append g_wcom " " g_filename g_zip))
(ti-menu-load-string writecommand)
(define (autowrite wcom filename interval)
(let* ( (current-time) (overlap) (last-write) (file-write-time) )
(if (not (rp-var-object 'autowrite/last-file-time))
(rp-var-define 'autowrite/last-file-time (rpgetvar 'flow-time) 'real #f)
(set! current-time (rpgetvar 'flow-time))
(set! last-write (rpgetvar 'autowrite/last-file-time))
(set! overlap (- last-write (* interval (truncate (/ last-write interval)))))
(set! file-write-time (+ interval (- last-write overlap)))
(if (> current-time file-write-time)
((truncate (/ last-write interval)<? 10)
(set! g_filename (string-append filename "000" (number->string (inexact->exact (truncate(/ last-write interval))))))
((truncate (/ last-write interval)<? 100)
(set! g_filename (string-append filename "00" (number->string (inexact->exact (truncate(/ last-write interval))))))
((truncate (/ last-write interval)<? 1000)
(set! g_filename (string-append filename "0" (number->string (inexact->exact (truncate(/ last-write interval))))))
(set! g_filename (string-append filename (number->string (inexact->exact (truncate(/ last-write interval))))))
(set! g_wcom wcom)
(writefiles current-time)