
How to install Jython (Java-Python)
with JDK 1.5 on Windows:

1. Download JDK 1.5: (~size varies)
and install it.

2. Download Jython: (~2.7 MB)

3. Set PC-Environment:
JAVA_HOME = java-installation-folder
PATH = java-installation-folder/bin

4A. Open a command-line (cmd) and install Jython by compiling jython-21.class:
> javac jython-21.class

4B. Replace jython-installation-folder/jython.jar with this jython.jar

5. Set PC-Environment:
CLASSPATH = java-installation-folder/jre/lib/rt.jar; jython-installation-folder/jython.jar; .;
PATH = jython-installation-folder

6. Start a new command-line (for the environment-settings to take effect) and run Jython:
> jython

7. Enter the following script line-by-line:

from javax.swing import JTable
from javax.swing import JFrame

colnames = ['#', 'name']
rowdata = [[1, 'apple'],[2, 'orange']]
table = JTable(rowdata, colnames)

frame = JFrame("Tabelle")
frame.getContentPane().add( table )
frame.size = 400, 300
frame.visible = 1

8. A new pop-up-window should appear after entering the last line and hitting return,
showing the table-contents inside.


For another nice example go to: 
and scroll down to 'A GUI example' (Scribble)

You can copy and paste the entire script to a file
and execute it from the command line:
> jython

To test how it should look like click here:

Have fun! :-)
