
 unit HookFuncLib; interface uses Windows,SysUtils,Classes; const CHookJump_LEN = 5; //要修改的函数的跳转5字节,一个Jmp指令,一个函数地址 type TFuncHookList = class; TFuncHook = class private OldProtection: DWORD;//内存区域原读写权限 FOldFunc: Pointer; OldCode: array[0..4] of Byte;//要修改的原函数5字节 NewCode: array[0..4] of Byte; function GetHasInstalled: Boolean;//要替换成的5字节 public constructor Create(OldFunc: Pointer); destructor Destroy;override; property HasHooked: Boolean read GetHasInstalled; function HookFunc(NewFunc: Pointer): Boolean; procedure UnHookFunc; procedure SwapOld; procedure SwapNew; end; TFuncHookList = class private HookList: TStringList; function Getitem(index: Integer): TFuncHook; function GetFuncCount: Integer; public constructor Create; destructor Destroy;override; function AddHookFunc(HookName: string;OldFunc: Pointer;NewFunc: Pointer): Boolean; function FindHookedFunc(Func: Pointer): Integer; procedure UnHookFunc(HookName: string);overload; procedure UnHookFunc(Func: Pointer);overload; procedure SwapToOldFunc(HookName: string);overload; procedure SwapToOldFunc(Func: Pointer);overload; procedure SwapToNewFunc(HookName: string);overload; procedure SwapToNewFunc(Func: Pointer);overload; procedure SwapToOldFuncs; procedure SwapToNewFuncs; procedure UnHookFuncs; property item[index: Integer]: TFuncHook read Getitem; property FuncCount: Integer read GetFuncCount; end; implementation { TFuncHook } constructor TFuncHook.Create(OldFunc: Pointer); begin OldProtection := 0; FOldFunc := OldFunc; NewCode[0] := 0; end; destructor TFuncHook.Destroy; begin if HasHooked then UnHookFunc; inherited; end; function TFuncHook.GetHasInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := NewCode[0] <> 0; end; function TFuncHook.HookFunc(NewFunc: Pointer): Boolean; var OffsetAddr: DWORD; //偏移地址 begin Result := False; if (NewFunc <> nil) and (not HasHooked) then begin if VirtualProtect(FOldFunc,8,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,@OldProtection) then //解内存保护成功 begin NewCode[0] := $e9;//Jmp指令机器码 OffsetAddr := Integer(NewFunc) - Integer(FOldFunc) - SizeOf(NewCode); CopyMemory(@NewCode[1],@OffsetAddr,SizeOf(OffsetAddr));//将偏移地址写入NewCode的Jmp指令后 CopyMemory(@OldCode[0],FOldFunc,SizeOf(OldCode));//保存原函数5字节 CopyMemory(FOldFunc,@NewCode[0],SizeOf(NewCode));//替换5字节 Result := True; end; end; end; procedure TFuncHook.SwapNew; begin if HasHooked then CopyMemory(FOldFunc,@NewCode[0],SizeOf(NewCode));//恢复到新函数执行 end; procedure TFuncHook.SwapOld; begin if FOldFunc <> nil then CopyMemory(FOldFunc,@OldCode[0],SizeOf(OldCode));//恢复到原函数 end; procedure TFuncHook.UnHookFunc; var temp: DWORD; begin if (FOldFunc <> nil) and HasHooked then begin try CopyMemory(FOldFunc,@OldCode[0],SizeOf(OldCode));//恢复原函数 VirtualProtect(FOldFunc,8,OldProtection,@temp);//恢复原读写保护 NewCode[0] := 0; except end; end; end; { TFuncHookList } function TFuncHookList.AddHookFunc(HookName: string;OldFunc, NewFunc: Pointer): Boolean; var FuncHook: TFuncHook; index: integer; begin if HookList.IndexOf(HookName) = -1 then begin index := FindHookedFunc(OldFunc); if index <> -1 then begin FuncHook := TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[index]); Result := FuncHook.HookFunc(NewFunc); HookList[index] := HookName; end else begin FuncHook := TFuncHook.Create(OldFunc); Result := FuncHook.HookFunc(NewFunc); HookList.AddObject(HookName,FuncHook); end; end else raise Exception.Create('HookName '+HookName+' 已经存在!'); end; constructor TFuncHookList.Create; begin HookList := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TFuncHookList.Destroy; begin UnHookFuncs; HookList.Free; inherited; end; function TFuncHookList.FindHookedFunc(Func: Pointer): Integer; var i: Integer; label 1; begin Result := -1; for i := 0 to HookList.Count - 1 do begin if TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[i]).FOldFunc = Func then begin Result := i; goto 1; end; end; 1: end; procedure TFuncHookList.UnHookFunc(HookName: string); var index: Integer; begin index := HookList.IndexOf(HookName); if index <> -1 then begin TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[index]).Free; //HookList.Delete(index); end; end; procedure TFuncHookList.UnHookFunc(Func: Pointer); var index: Integer; begin index := FindHookedFunc(Func); if index <> -1 then begin TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[index]).Free; HookList.Delete(index); end; end; procedure TFuncHookList.SwapToOldFuncs; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to HookList.Count - 1 do TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[i]).SwapOld; end; procedure TFuncHookList.SwapToNewFuncs; var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to HookList.Count - 1 do TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[i]).SwapNew; end; procedure TFuncHookList.UnHookFuncs; begin while HookList.Count > 0 do begin TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[HookList.Count - 1]).Free; HookList.Delete(HookList.Count - 1); end; end; procedure TFuncHookList.SwapToOldFunc(HookName: string); var index: Integer; begin index := HookList.IndexOf(HookName); if index <> -1 then TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[index]).SwapOld; end; procedure TFuncHookList.SwapToOldFunc(Func: Pointer); var index: Integer; begin index := FindHookedFunc(Func); if index <> -1 then TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[index]).SwapOld end; procedure TFuncHookList.SwapToNewFunc(HookName: string); var index: Integer; begin index := HookList.IndexOf(HookName); if index <> -1 then TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[index]).SwapNew; end; procedure TFuncHookList.SwapToNewFunc(Func: Pointer); var index: Integer; begin index := FindHookedFunc(Func); if index <> -1 then TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[index]).SwapNew; end; function TFuncHookList.Getitem(index: Integer): TFuncHook; begin if (index < 0) or (index > HookList.Count - 1) then raise Exception.Create('超过边界'); Result := TFuncHook(HookList.Objects[index]); end; function TFuncHookList.GetFuncCount: Integer; begin Result := HookList.Count; end; end. 
