rails 2.2 base.rb

User.create([{ :first_name => 'Jamie' }, { :first_name => 'Jeremy' }]) do |u|
          u.is_admin = false


people = { 1 => { "first_name" => "David" }, 2 => { "first_name" => "Jeremy" } }
 Person.update(people.keys, people.values)


 For the Post with id of 5, decrement the comment_count by 1, and
       increment the action_count by 1
        Post.update_counters 5, :comment_count => -1, :action_count => 1
      Executes the following SQL:
      UPDATE posts
         SET comment_count = comment_count - 1,
             action_count = action_count + 1
       WHERE id = 5


:set_sequence_name 指定自增序列


StatisticsLog.columns_hash.keys     #=> ["independent_visitor", "created_at", "updated_at", "new_independent_visitor", "hour", "domain", "date", "id", "pv", "ip"]

 StatisticsLog.column_names  #=> ["independent_visitor", "created_at", "updated_at", "new_independent_visitor", "hour", "domain", "date", "id", "pv", "ip"]


StatisticsLog.name.underscore  => "statistics_log"


 "drugs".singularize # "drug"


=> "Pv"


 For example, an Active Record User with the <tt>name</tt> attribute has a <tt>name?</tt> method that you can call

to determine whether the user has a name:

  user = User.new(:name => "David")
  user.name? # => true

 anonymous = User.new(:name => "")

  anonymous.name? # => false

 Accessing attributes before they have been typecasted


benchmark 方法

