For an intended output t = ±1 and a classifier score y, the hinge loss of the prediction y is defined as
Note that y should be the "raw" output of the classifier's decision function, not the predicted class label. E.g., in linear SVMs,
It can be seen that when t and y have the same sign (meaning y predicts the right class) and
, the hinge loss
, but when they have opposite sign,
increases linearly with y (one-sided error).
来自 <>
Plot of hinge loss (blue) vs. zero-one loss (misclassification, green:y < 0) for t = 1 and variable y. Note that the hinge loss penalizes predictions y < 1, corresponding to the notion of a margin in a support vector machine.
来自 <>
在Pegasos: Primal Estimated sub-GrAdient SOlver for SVM论文中
形状: 预测值 代表着预测 个类中的得分(注:CHW表示着在网络设计中,不一定要把预测值进行向量化,只有其拉直后元素的个数相同即可。) . 在SVM中, 是 D 维特征 , 和学习到的超平面参数 内积的结果
所以,一个网络如果仅仅只有全连接层 + 铰链损失函数,而没有其它的可学习的参数,那么它就等价于SVM
标签 , 是一个整数类型的数 其代表在 个类中的正确的标签。
损失函数计算: , 范数 (默认是 , 是 L1 范数; L2 范数,正如在 L2-SVM中一样,也有实现),
Computes the hinge loss for a one-of-many classification task.
bottom | input Blob vector (length 2)
top | output Blob vector (length 1) |
In an SVM, is the result of taking the inner product of the features and the learned hyperplane parameters . So, a Net with just an InnerProductLayer (with num_output = ) providing predictions to a HingeLossLayer is equivalent to an SVM (assuming it has no other learned outside theInnerProductLayer and no other losses outside the HingeLossLayer).
Computes the hinge loss error gradient w.r.t. the predictions.
Gradients cannot be computed with respect to the label inputs (bottom[1]), so this method ignores bottom[1] and requires !propagate_down[1], crashing if propagate_down[1] is set.
top | output Blob vector (length 1), providing the error gradient with respect to the outputs
propagate_down | see Layer::Backward. propagate_down[1] must be false as we can't compute gradients with respect to the labels. |
bottom | input Blob vector (length 2)