python多线程入门起来十分容易,所以这里直接和多线程socket server一起示范:
import thread def child_thread(param1, param2, ...): #your codes here thread.exit_thread() def test(): #Use thread.start_new_thread() to create new threads thread.start_new_thread(child_thread, (param1,param2,...)) thread.start_new_thread(child_thread, (param1,param2,...))
那么多线程server socket代码如下:
# -*- coding: cp936 -*- import time import thread import socket def timer(no, interval): cnt = 0 while cnt<10: print 'Thread:(%d) Time:%s/n'%(no, time.ctime()) time.sleep(interval) cnt+=1 thread.exit_thread() def test(): #Use thread.start_new_thread() to create 2 new threads thread.start_new_thread(timer, (1,1)) thread.start_new_thread(timer, (2,2)) def child_connection(index, sock, connection): try: print "begin connecion " , index print ("begin connecion %d" %index) connection.settimeout(50) #获得一个连接,然后开始循环处理这个连接发送的信息 while True: buf = connection.recv(1024) print ("Get value %s from connection %d: " %(buf,index)) if buf == '1': print "send welcome" connection.send('welcome to server!') elif buf!='0': connection.send('please go out!') print "send refuse" else: print "close" break;#退出连接监听循环 except socket.timeout: #如果建立连接后,该连接在设定的时间内无数据发来,则time out print 'time out' print ("closing connection %d" %index) #当一个连接监听循环退出后,连接可以关掉 connection.close() #关闭连接,最后别忘了退出线程 thread.exit_thread() ''' 建立一个python server,监听指定端口, 如果该端口被远程连接访问,则获取远程连接,然后接收数据, 并且做出相应反馈。 ''' if __name__=="__main__": print "Server is starting" sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.bind(('localhost', 8001)) #配置soket,绑定IP地址和端口号 sock.listen(5) #设置最大允许连接数,各连接和server的通信遵循FIFO原则 print "Server is listenting port 8001, with max connection 5" index=0 while True: #循环轮询socket状态,等待访问 connection,address = sock.accept() index+=1 #当获取一个新连接时,启动一个新线程来处理这个连接 thread.start_new_thread(child_connection, (index,sock, connection)) sock.close()