
转自(你所不知道的秘技+神技:动态行转列 http://www.itpub.net/thread-1609939-1-1.html)

type PivotImpl as object
  ret_type anytype,      -- The return type of the table function
  stmt varchar2(32767),
  fmt  varchar2(32767),
  cur integer,
  static function ODCITableDescribe( rtype out anytype, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number := 0 )
  return number,
  static function ODCITablePrepare( sctx out PivotImpl, ti in sys.ODCITabFuncInfo, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number := 0 )
  return number,
  static function ODCITableStart( sctx in out PivotImpl, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number := 0 )
  return number,
  member function ODCITableFetch( self in out PivotImpl, nrows in number, outset out anydataset )
  return number,
  member function ODCITableClose( self in PivotImpl )
  return number

create or replace type body PivotImpl as
  static function ODCITableDescribe( rtype out anytype, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number )
  return number
    atyp anytype;
    cur integer;
    numcols number;
    desc_tab dbms_sql.desc_tab2;
    rc sys_refcursor;
    t_c2 varchar2(32767);
    t_fmt varchar2(1000);
    cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    dbms_sql.parse( cur, p_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
    dbms_sql.describe_columns2( cur, numcols, desc_tab );
    dbms_sql.close_cursor( cur );
    anytype.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_object, atyp );
        for i in 1 .. numcols - 2
      atyp.addattr( desc_tab( i ).col_name
                  , case desc_tab( i ).col_type
                      when 1   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                      when 2   then dbms_types.typecode_number
                      when 9   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                      when 11  then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2  -- show rowid as varchar2
                      when 12  then dbms_types.typecode_date
                      when 208 then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2  -- show urowid as varchar2
                      when 96  then dbms_types.typecode_char
                      when 180 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp
                      when 181 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz
                      when 231 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz
                      when 182 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym
                      when 183 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds
                  , desc_tab( i ).col_precision
                  , desc_tab( i ).col_scale
                  , case desc_tab( i ).col_type
                      when 11 then 18  -- for rowid col_max_len = 16, and 18 characters are shown
                      else desc_tab( i ).col_max_len
                  , desc_tab( i ).col_charsetid
                  , desc_tab( i ).col_charsetform
        end loop;
    if instr( p_fmt, '@p@' ) > 0
      t_fmt := p_fmt;
      t_fmt := '@p@';
    end if;
    open rc for replace( 'select distinct ' || t_fmt || '
                              from( ' || p_stmt || ' )
                                          order by ' || t_fmt
                                           , '@p@'
                       , desc_tab( numcols - 1 ).col_name
      fetch rc into t_c2;
          exit when rc%notfound;
      atyp.addattr( t_c2
                  , case desc_tab( numcols ).col_type
                    when 1   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                    when 2   then dbms_types.typecode_number
                    when 9   then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2
                    when 11  then dbms_types.typecode_varchar2  -- show rowid as varchar2
                    when 12  then dbms_types.typecode_date
                    when 208 then dbms_types.typecode_urowid
                    when 96  then dbms_types.typecode_char
                    when 180 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp
                    when 181 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz
                    when 231 then dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz
                    when 182 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym
                    when 183 then dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds
                , desc_tab( numcols ).col_precision
                , desc_tab( numcols ).col_scale
                , case desc_tab( numcols ).col_type
                    when 11 then 18  -- for rowid col_max_len = 16, and 18 characters are shown
                    else desc_tab( numcols ).col_max_len
                , desc_tab( numcols ).col_charsetid
                , desc_tab( numcols ).col_charsetform
    end loop;
        close rc;
    anytype.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_table, rtype );
    rtype.SetInfo( null, null, null, null, null, atyp, dbms_types.typecode_object, 0 );
    return odciconst.success;
    when others then
      return odciconst.error;
  static function ODCITablePrepare( sctx out PivotImpl, ti in sys.ODCITabFuncInfo, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number )
  return number
    prec     pls_integer;
    scale    pls_integer;
    len      pls_integer;
    csid     pls_integer;
    csfrm    pls_integer;
    elem_typ anytype;
    aname    varchar2(30);
    tc       pls_integer;
    tc := ti.RetType.GetAttrElemInfo( 1, prec, scale, len, csid, csfrm, elem_typ, aname );
    if instr( p_fmt, '@p@' ) > 0
      sctx := PivotImpl( elem_typ, p_stmt, p_fmt, null );
      sctx := PivotImpl( elem_typ, p_stmt, '@p@', null );
    end if;
    return odciconst.success;
  static function ODCITableStart( sctx in out PivotImpl, p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number )
  return number
    cur         integer;
    numcols     number;
    desc_tab    dbms_sql.desc_tab2;
    t_stmt      varchar2(32767);
    type_code   pls_integer;
    prec        pls_integer;
    scale       pls_integer;
    len         pls_integer;
    csid        pls_integer;
    csfrm       pls_integer;
    schema_name varchar2(30);
    type_name   varchar2(30);
    version     varchar2(30);
    attr_count  pls_integer;
    attr_type   anytype;
    attr_name   varchar2(100);
    dummy2      integer;
    cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    dbms_sql.parse( cur, p_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
    dbms_sql.describe_columns2( cur, numcols, desc_tab );
    dbms_sql.close_cursor( cur );
        for i in 1 .. numcols - 2
      t_stmt := t_stmt || ', "' || desc_tab( i ).col_name || '"';
        end loop;
    type_code := sctx.ret_type.getinfo( prec
                                      , scale
                                      , len
                                      , csid
                                      , csfrm
                                      , schema_name
                                      , type_name
                                      , version
                                      , attr_count
    for i in numcols - 1 .. attr_count
      type_code := sctx.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
                                                 , prec
                                                 , scale
                                                 , len
                                                 , csid
                                                 , csfrm
                                                 , attr_type
                                                 , attr_name
      t_stmt := t_stmt || replace( ', max( decode( ' || sctx.fmt || ', ''' || attr_name || ''', ' || desc_tab( numcols ).col_name || ' ) )'
                                     , '@p@'
                                         , desc_tab( numcols - 1 ).col_name
        end loop;
        t_stmt := 'select ' || substr( t_stmt, 2 ) || ' from ( ' || sctx.stmt || ' )';
        for i in 1 .. numcols - 2
          if i = 1
        t_stmt := t_stmt || ' group by "' || desc_tab( i ).col_name || '"';
        t_stmt := t_stmt || ', "' || desc_tab( i ).col_name || '"';
          end if;
        end loop;
--dbms_output.put_line( t_stmt );
    sctx.cur := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    dbms_sql.parse( sctx.cur, t_stmt, dbms_sql.native );
    for i in 1 .. attr_count
      type_code := sctx.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
                                                 , prec
                                                 , scale
                                                 , len
                                                 , csid
                                                 , csfrm
                                                 , attr_type
                                                 , attr_name
      case type_code
        when dbms_types.typecode_char          then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, 'x', 32767 );
        when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2      then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, 'x', 32767 );
        when dbms_types.typecode_number        then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as number ) );
        when dbms_types.typecode_date          then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as date ) );
        when dbms_types.typecode_urowid        then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as urowid ) );
        when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp     then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp ) );
        when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz  then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp with time zone ) );
        when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as timestamp with local time zone ) );
        when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym   then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as interval year to month ) );
        when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds   then dbms_sql.define_column( sctx.cur, i, cast( null as interval day to second ) );
      end case;
        end loop;
    dummy2 := dbms_sql.execute( sctx.cur );
    return odciconst.success;
  member function ODCITableFetch( self in out PivotImpl, nrows in number, outset out anydataset )
  return number
    c1_col_type pls_integer;
    type_code   pls_integer;
    prec        pls_integer;
    scale       pls_integer;
    len         pls_integer;
    csid        pls_integer;
    csfrm       pls_integer;
    schema_name varchar2(30);
    type_name   varchar2(30);
    version     varchar2(30);
    attr_count  pls_integer;
    attr_type   anytype;
    attr_name   varchar2(100);
    v1     varchar2(32767);
    n1     number;
    d1     date;
    ur1    urowid;
    ids1   interval day to second;
    iym1   interval year to month;
    ts1    timestamp;
    tstz1  timestamp with time zone;
    tsltz1 timestamp with local time zone;
    outset := null;
    if nrows < 1
-- is this possible???
      return odciconst.success;
    end if;
--dbms_output.put_line( 'fetch' );
    if dbms_sql.fetch_rows( self.cur ) = 0
      return odciconst.success;
    end if;
--dbms_output.put_line( 'done' );
    type_code := self.ret_type.getinfo( prec
                                      , scale
                                      , len
                                      , csid
                                      , csfrm
                                      , schema_name
                                      , type_name
                                      , version
                                      , attr_count
    anydataset.begincreate( dbms_types.typecode_object, self.ret_type, outset );
    for i in 1 .. attr_count
      type_code := self.ret_type.getattreleminfo( i
                                                 , prec
                                                 , scale
                                                 , len
                                                 , csid
                                                 , csfrm
                                                 , attr_type
                                                 , attr_name
--dbms_output.put_line( attr_name );
        case type_code
          when dbms_types.typecode_char then
            dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, v1 );
            outset.setchar( v1 );
          when dbms_types.typecode_varchar2 then
            dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, v1 );
            outset.setvarchar2( v1 );
          when dbms_types.typecode_number then
            dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, n1 );
            outset.setnumber( n1 );
          when dbms_types.typecode_date then
            dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, d1 );
            outset.setdate( d1 );
          when dbms_types.typecode_urowid then
            dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ur1 );
            outset.seturowid( ur1 );
          when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ds then
            dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ids1 );

    outset.setintervalds( ids1 );
          when dbms_types.typecode_interval_ym then
            dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, iym1 );
            outset.setintervalym( iym1 );
          when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp then
            dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, ts1 );
            outset.settimestamp( ts1 );
          when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_tz then
            dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, tstz1 );
            outset.settimestamptz( tstz1 );
          when dbms_types.typecode_timestamp_ltz then
            dbms_sql.column_value( self.cur, i, tsltz1 );
            outset.settimestampltz( tsltz1 );
        end case;
    end loop;
    return odciconst.success;
  member function ODCITableClose( self in PivotImpl )
  return number
    c integer;
    c := self.cur;
    dbms_sql.close_cursor( c );
    return odciconst.success;

-- 在外面包装一层PLSQL函数:
create or replace
function pivot( p_stmt in varchar2, p_fmt in varchar2 := 'upper(@p@)', dummy in number := 0 )
return anydataset pipelined using PivotImpl;


  2    FROM TABLE(pivot('select   job
  3                        ,      deptno
  4                        ,    avg(sal) sal_avg
  5                        from   scott.emp
  6                        group
  7                        by    deptno
  8                        ,      job
  9                      '));
JOB               10         20         30
--------- ---------- ---------- ----------
CLERK           1300        950        950
SALESMAN                              1400
PRESIDENT       5000            
MANAGER         2450       2975       2850
ANALYST                    3000 

SQL> select *
  2  from   table( pivot('select deptno
  3                        ,      job
  4                        ,      avg(sal) sal_avg
  5                        from   scott.emp
  6                        group
  7                        by     deptno
  8                        ,      job
  9                      ')
 10              );
------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    30                   950       2850                  1400
    20       3000        950       2975            
    10                  1300       2450       5000 
