HFile文件Cell的写入,发起的一个地方,就是MemStore flush时,StoreFlusher的performFlush()方法,如下:
/** * Performs memstore flush, writing data from scanner into sink. * 执行memstore的刷新,将数据从scanner写入到sink * * @param scanner Scanner to get data from. * @param sink Sink to write data to. Could be StoreFile.Writer. * @param smallestReadPoint Smallest read point used for the flush. */ protected void performFlush(InternalScanner scanner, Compactor.CellSink sink, long smallestReadPoint) throws IOException { int compactionKVMax = conf.getInt(HConstants.COMPACTION_KV_MAX, HConstants.COMPACTION_KV_MAX_DEFAULT); List<Cell> kvs = new ArrayList<Cell>(); boolean hasMore; do { hasMore = scanner.next(kvs, compactionKVMax); if (!kvs.isEmpty()) { // 循环Cell列表,调用Compactor.CellSink的sink方法,append数据到磁盘 for (Cell c : kvs) { // If we know that this KV is going to be included always, then let us // set its memstoreTS to 0. This will help us save space when writing to // disk. // 如果我们知道这个KV是包括总,然后让我们设置它memstoreTS为0。这将帮助我们节省空间在写入磁盘。 sink.append(c); } kvs.clear(); } } while (hasMore); }它会循环的将Cell写入Compactor.CellSink类型的sink,那么这个sink是什么呢?在performFlush()方法的上层调用者DefaultStoreFlusher的flushSnapshot()方法中,首先会调用HStore的createWriterInTmp()方法生成一个StoreFile.Writer实例writer,然后将这个writer作为参数sink传入performFlush()方法,如下:
// Write the map out to the disk // 创建Writer writer = store.createWriterInTmp( cellsCount, store.getFamily().getCompression(), false, true, true); writer.setTimeRangeTracker(snapshot.getTimeRangeTracker()); IOException e = null; try { performFlush(scanner, writer, smallestReadPoint); } catch (IOException ioe) { e = ioe; // throw the exception out throw ioe; } finally { if (e != null) { writer.close(); } else { finalizeWriter(writer, cacheFlushId, status); } }我们再看这个StoreFile.Writer类型的writer是如何生成的,进入HStore的createWriterInTmp()方法,代码如下:
// 创建StoreFile的StoreFile,需要使用上述信息,比如文件系统、文件路径、合并器、最大keyvalue数目、有利节点等 StoreFile.Writer w = new StoreFile.WriterBuilder(conf, writerCacheConf, this.getFileSystem())// 文件系统 .withFilePath(fs.createTempName())// 文件路径 .withComparator(comparator)// 合并器 .withBloomType(family.getBloomFilterType()) .withMaxKeyCount(maxKeyCount)// 最大keyvalue数目 .withFavoredNodes(favoredNodes)// 有利节点 .withFileContext(hFileContext)// HFile上下文信息 .build();而在StoreFile.WriterBuilder的build()方法最后,会new一个StoreFile.Writer实例,在其构造方法中,会生成一个HFile.Writer实例writer,如下:
writer = HFile.getWriterFactory(conf, cacheConf) .withPath(fs, path) .withComparator(comparator) .withFavoredNodes(favoredNodes) .withFileContext(fileContext) .create();而这个HFile.Writer实例writer则是通过HFile中WriterFactory获取的,如下:
/** * Returns the factory to be used to create {@link HFile} writers */ public static final WriterFactory getWriterFactory(Configuration conf, CacheConfig cacheConf) { int version = getFormatVersion(conf); switch (version) { case 2: return new HFileWriterV2.WriterFactoryV2(conf, cacheConf); case 3: return new HFileWriterV3.WriterFactoryV3(conf, cacheConf); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create writer for HFile " + "format version " + version); } }HBase中包含两种类型的WriterFactoryV2,分别为HFileWriterV2.WriterFactoryV2和HFileWriterV3.WriterFactoryV3,今天我们以HFileWriterV2.WriterFactoryV2为例,其creaet的HFile.Writer实例其实为HFileWriterV2类型,如下:
@Override public Writer createWriter(FileSystem fs, Path path, FSDataOutputStream ostream, KVComparator comparator, HFileContext context) throws IOException { context.setIncludesTags(false);// HFile V2 does not deal with tags at all! return new HFileWriterV2(conf, cacheConf, fs, path, ostream, comparator, context); } }那么,最开始的sink调用append循环写入Cell,实际上最终调用的是HFileWriterV2的append()方法,如下:
public void append(final Cell cell) throws IOException { appendGeneralBloomfilter(cell); appendDeleteFamilyBloomFilter(cell); writer.append(cell);// 调用HFile的Writer的append()方法,将数据写入文件 trackTimestamps(cell);// 记录本次Put操作的时间戳 }这个writer的实例化就是我们上面讲到的HFileWriterV2的实例化。下面,我们重点看下HFileWriterV2的append()方法,如下:
/** * Add key/value to file. Keys must be added in an order that agrees with the * Comparator passed on construction. * * @param cell Cell to add. Cannot be empty nor null. * @throws IOException */ @Override public void append(final Cell cell) throws IOException { // 从Cell中获取数据value、偏移量voffset、长度vlength byte[] value = cell.getValueArray(); int voffset = cell.getValueOffset(); int vlength = cell.getValueLength(); // checkKey uses comparator to check we are writing in order. // 检测给定Cell,确保key是有序的,dupKey为true说明key没有换,false说明key已更改 boolean dupKey = checkKey(cell); // 检测value,确保value不为null checkValue(value, voffset, vlength); if (!dupKey) {// 换key时才检测block边界 checkBlockBoundary(); } if (!fsBlockWriter.isWriting()) { // 申请新块 newBlock(); } // 写入Cell fsBlockWriter.write(cell); // 累加Key长度totalKeyLength和Value长度totalValueLength totalKeyLength += CellUtil.estimatedSerializedSizeOfKey(cell); totalValueLength += vlength; // Are we the first key in this block? // 标记该数据块中写入的第一个key,firstCellInBlock if (firstCellInBlock == null) { // If cell is big, block will be closed and this firstCellInBlock reference will only last // a short while. firstCellInBlock = cell; } // TODO: What if cell is 10MB and we write infrequently? We'll hold on to the cell here // indefinetly? // 标记上次写入Cell,即lastCell赋值为当前cell lastCell = cell; // 条目计数加1 entryCount++; // 更新maxMemstoreTS this.maxMemstoreTS = Math.max(this.maxMemstoreTS, cell.getSequenceId()); }逻辑很简单,大体如下:
/** * At a block boundary, write all the inline blocks and opens new block. * * @throws IOException */ protected void checkBlockBoundary() throws IOException { // 如果fsBlockWriter已写入大小小于hFileContext中定义的块大小,直接返回 if (fsBlockWriter.blockSizeWritten() < hFileContext.getBlocksize()) return; // 结束上一个块 finishBlock(); // 写入InlineBlocks writeInlineBlocks(false); // 申请新块 newBlock(); }它会首先判断fsBlockWriter已写入大小,如果fsBlockWriter已写入大小小于hFileContext中定义的块大小,说明block未越界,直接返回,否则的话,说明block已经达到或者超过设定的阈值,此时,需要做以下处理: