码农小汪-Hibernate学习3-Mapping declaration 映射定义



  1. using Java 5 annotations (via the Java Persistence 2 annotations)注解
  2. using the Hibernate legacy XML files approach known as hbm.xml

    JPA annotations are in the javax.persistence.* package. Hibernate specific extensions are in org.hibernate.annotations.*. 我们下面看个例子。写得很多。对了哈,关于注解的实现原理,我也想写一篇,先把这个文档看完再说。


package eg;

@Entity 表明这个是个实体类
@Table(name="cats") 对应数据库中的表
@Inheritance(strategy=SINGLE_TABLE) 单继承
@DiscriminatorValue("C") 鉴别器的值为(就是为了区分父类子类的情况),鉴别器在表中的名称为,类型为,这个为了在集成中把所有的都集中在一个表中,进行区分,我看过的,一种的全部放在一起,一种是父亲有的放在父类,子类有的在弄一张表单独存放的这个是Join类型的,还有我们等会慢慢的说@DiscriminatorColumn(name="subclass", discriminatorType=CHAR)
public class Cat {

   @Id 这个就是key,主键
   @GeneratedValue 生成的策略,有increament,native....
   public Integer getId() { return id; }
   public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; }
   private Integer id;

   public BigDecimal getWeight() { return weight; }
   public void setWeight(BigDecimal weight) { this.weight = weight; }
   private BigDecimal weight;

   @Temporal(DATE) 因为时间有很多种在数据库中,我们到底转换成什么的类型
   @NotNull 不为空
   @Column(updatable=false)  这个列,不允许更新
   public Date getBirthdate() { return birthdate; }
   public void setBirthdate(Date birthdate) { this.birthdate = birthdate; }
   private Date birthdate;

   public ColorType getColor() { return color; }
   public void setColor(ColorType color) { this.color = color; }
   private ColorType color;

   @NotNull @Column(updatable=false)
   public String getSex() { return sex; }
   public void setSex(String sex) { this.sex = sex; }
   private String sex;

   @NotNull @Column(updatable=false)
   public Integer getLitterId() { return litterId; }
   public void setLitterId(Integer litterId) { this.litterId = litterId; }
   private Integer litterId;

   @ManyToOne 多对一
   @JoinColumn(name="mother_id", updatable=false)
   public Cat getMother() { return mother; }
   public void setMother(Cat mother) { this.mother = mother; }
   private Cat mother;

   @OneToMany(mappedBy="mother") 这个属性下面有个链接自己去看看http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_697b968901016s7f.html
   public Set<Cat> getKittens() { return kittens; }
   public void setKittens(Set<Cat> kittens) { this.kittens = kittens; }
   private Set<Cat> kittens = new HashSet<Cat>();

public class DomesticCat extends Cat {

   public String getName() { return name; }
   public void setName(String name) { this.name = name }
   private String name;

public class Dog { ... }

上面的好多的注解,记不住没关系。慢慢的领悟就好了。你真的在做项目的时候,可能在写的时候,先自己会吧所有可以写的属性罗列一下,放在单独的文档,需要的时候在复制 一下。但是前提是你能够理解这些东西,到底的作用是什么。我们好的方式是,把XML和我们的annotations这两个做个比较

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN" "http://www.hibernate.org/dtd/hibernate-mapping-3.0.dtd">

<hibernate-mapping package="eg">

        <class name="Cat" table="cats" discriminator-value="C">

                <id name="id">
                        <generator class="native"/>

                <discriminator column="subclass" type="character"/>

                <property name="weight"/>

                <property name="birthdate" type="date" not-null="true" update="false"/>

                <property name="color" type="eg.types.ColorUserType" not-null="true" update="false"/>

                <property name="sex" not-null="true" update="false"/>

                <property name="litterId" column="litterId" update="false"/>

                <many-to-one name="mother" column="mother_id" update="false"/>

                <set name="kittens" inverse="true" order-by="litter_id">
                        <key column="mother_id"/>
                        <one-to-many class="Cat"/>

                <subclass name="DomesticCat" discriminator-value="D">

                        <property name="name" type="string"/>



        <class name="Dog">
                <!-- mapping for Dog could go here -->



  • Entity
    An entity is a regular Java object (aka POJO) which will be persisted by Hibernate.

  • Table
    @Table lets you define the table the entity will be persisted into. If undefined, the table name is the unqualified class name of the entity. 数据库中的表名,如果没有定义的话,就是我们的实体类的名字啦

  • @Immutable
    Some entities are not mutable. They cannot be updated by the application. This allows Hibernate to make some minor performance optimizations 有些实体是不可变的,可以让他不可以更新

    -@discriminator-value 用于继承的
    (optional - defaults to the class name): a value that distinguishes individual subclasses that is used for polymorphic behavior. Acceptable values include null and not null.

  • @dynamicInsert / dynamicUpdate
    指定用于 UPDATE 、INSERT的 SQL 将会在运行时动态生成,

    optional - defaults to version): determines the optimistic locking strategy. 如果你打开了dynamic-update,你可以选择几种乐观锁定的策略:

Tables Are
version check the version/timestamp columns
all check all columns
dirty check the changed columns, allowing some concurrent updates
none do not use optimistic locking

- @Id
Mapped classes must declare the primary key column of the database table.

Declaring column attributes

public class Flight implements Serializable {
@Column(updatable = false, name = "flight_name", nullable = false, length=50)
public String getName() { ... }

    name="columnName";                                     (1)
    boolean unique() default false;                        (2)
    boolean nullable() default true;                       (3)
    boolean insertable() default true;                     (4)
    boolean updatable() default true;                      (5)
    String columnDefinition() default "";                  (6)
    String table() default "";                             (7)
    int length() default 255;                              (8)小数点精度
    int precision() default 0; // decimal precision (9)
    int scale() default 0; // decimal scale

. Property mapping with hbm.xml

        name="propertyName"                                (1)
        column="column_name"                               (2)
        type="typename"                                    (3)
        update="true|false"                                (4)
        insert="true|false"                                (4)
        formula="arbitrary SQL expression"                 (5)
        access="field|property|ClassName"                  (6)
        lazy="true|false"                                  (7)
        unique="true|false"                                (8)
        not-null="true|false"                              (9)
        optimistic-lock="true|false"                       (10)
        generated="never|insert|always"                    (11)

Single table per class hierarchy strategy

2。加入子类策略:每个类和子类是一个表 现在和每个表存储特定于给定的属性 子类。 实体的状态被存储在它 相应的类表和所有它的超类。父类的属放在父类,新产出的放在我们的子类中新建表
3。表每个类策略:每个具体类一个表 子类是现在和每个表持续的属性 类和它的超类。 然后存储实体的状态 完全在专用表类。


The discriminator column contains marker values that tell the persistence layer what subclass to instantiate for a particular row
public class Plane { ... }

public class A320 extends Plane { ... }  

        name="ClassName"                                   (1)
        discriminator-value="discriminator_value"          (2)
        proxy="ProxyInterface"                             (3)
        lazy="true|false"                                  (4)

        <property .... />

<subclass name="DomesticCat" extends="Cat" discriminator- value="D">
<property name="name" type="string"/>

每个子类一张表(Table per subclass)

<class name="Payment" table="PAYMENT">
  <id name="id" type="long" column="PAYMENT_ID">
     <generator class="native"/>
   <property name="amount" column="AMOUNT"/>
   <joined-subclass name="CreditCardPayment"       table="CREDIT_PAYMENT">
      <key column="PAYMENT_ID"/>
      <property name="creditCardType" column="CCTYPE"/>
   <joined-subclass name="CashPayment" table="CASH_PAYMENT">
   <key column="PAYMENT_ID"/>
<joined-subclass name="ChequePayment" table="CHEQUE_PAYMENT">
<key column="PAYMENT_ID"/>


@Entity @Table(name="CATS")
public class Cat implements Serializable { 
    @Id @GeneratedValue(generator="cat-uuid") 
    @GenericGenerator(name="cat-uuid", strategy="uuid")
    String getId() { return id; }


@Entity @Table(name="DOMESTIC_CATS")
public class DomesticCat extends Cat { 
    public String getName() { return name; }

每个具体类一张表(Table per concrete class)

<class name="Payment">
<id name="id" type="long" column="PAYMENT_ID">
<generator class="sequence"/>
<property name="amount" column="AMOUNT"/>
<union-subclass name="CreditCardPayment" table="CREDIT_PAYMENT">
<property name="creditCardType" column="CCTYPE"/>
<union-subclass name="CashPayment" table="CASH_PAYMENT">
<union-subclass name="ChequePayment" table="CHEQUE_PAYMENT">

a foreign key in one table is referencing the primary key column(s) of the target table. 引用一个外键

public class Flight implements Serializable {
    @ManyToOne( cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE} )
    public Company getCompany() {
        return company;

这个就是个外键的引用啦,如果没有指定我们的JoinColumn的名字的话,会有个默认的名字加入到Flight这个表中比如 company_id
