基于TestNG+Mockito及自动装配注解的Spring MVC集成测试

本文主要总结自己近期在项目中对MVC集成测试的实践及理解,因为先前对这块未实践过。主要参考了官方文档《 11.3.6 Spring MVC Test Framework》这一章节内容,涉及到 Spring TestContext FrameworkTestNG Mockito 这3个测试框架,完全基于Spring自动装配注解(@Autowired)实现,不需要定义额外的setter或构造器来注入bean,也不需要通过Mockito的@Mock和MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this)代码方式实现实例化,而是通过静态工厂方法Mockito.mock(...)在XML中实现bean实例初始化。


废话不多说了,看一下需要几步就能搞定MVC Controller与Service层的集成测试。(如果你现在也正好使用Spring Test框架,可以看看下面对TestNG基类封装的代码,我觉得自己写得还可以。小小赞美一下啦~)


1. 定义底层Service接口及实现


 * User service.
public interface UserService {

	 * Gets user info for specified user ID.
	 * @param id user ID
	 * @return
	User getUserInfo(long id);
	 * Updates user info.
	 * @param user user info
	 * @return -1 means fail, 0 means success.
	int updateUserInfo(User user);



 * User query service.
public interface UserQueryService {

	 * Gets user name for specified user ID.
	 * @param userId user ID
	 * @return
	String getUserName(long userId);
	 * Updates user name for specified user ID.
	 * @param userId
	 * @param userName
	 * @return -1 means fail, 0 means success.
	int updateUserName(long userId, String userName);



 * User query service implementation.
public class UserQueryServiceImpl implements UserQueryService {

	private UserService userService;

	public String getUserName(long userId) {
		User user = this.userService.getUserInfo(userId);
		return user != null ? user.getName() : "";

	public int updateUserName(long userId, String userName) {
		User user = new User(userId, userName);
		int udpateResult = this.userService.updateUserInfo(user);
		return udpateResult;




2. 为 Controller 层的每一接口定义一对 Request与Response(可重用的,就别多定义啦!~\(≧▽≦)/~)

 * Base request info.
 * @author	Bert Lee
 * @version 2014-8-19
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true) // 忽略多传的参数
public class BaseRequest {



 * User ID request info.
 * @author	Bert Lee
 * @version 2014-8-19
public class UserIDRequest extends BaseRequest {

	@NotNull(message = "id param is null")
	@Min(value = 1, message = "id param must be great or equal than \\{{value}\\}") // 4.3. Message interpolation -《JSR 303: Bean Validation》
	protected long id;

	public long getId() {
		return id;

	public void setId(long id) {
		this.id = id;

	public String toString() {
		return "UserIDRequest [id=" + id + "]";



 * User name response info.
public class UserNameResponse {

	protected String name = "";

	public String getName() {
		return name;

	public void setName(String name) {
		this.name = name;

	public String toString() {
		return "UserNameResponse [name=" + name + "]";



 * User info request info.
public class UserInfoRequest extends UserIDRequest {

	@NotNull(message = "name param is null")
	@Size(min = 1, message = "name param is empty")
	protected String userName; // 变量名与请求参数名不一样,在@RequestBody中用到

	public String getUserName() {
		return userName;

	public void setUserName(String userName) {
		this.userName = userName;

	public String toString() {
		return "UserInfoRequest [userName=" + userName + ", id=" + id + "]";



 * User modify result response info.
public class UserResultResponse {

	protected int result;
	protected String resultMessage;

	public UserResultResponse() {
		this.result = 0;
		this.resultMessage = "ok";

	public int getResult() {
		return result;

	public void setResult(int result) {
		this.result = result;

	public String getResultMessage() {
		return resultMessage;

	public void setResultMessage(String resultMessage) {
		this.resultMessage = resultMessage;

	public String toString() {
		return "UserResultResponse [result=" + result + ", resultMessage="
				+ resultMessage + "]";




3. 实现 Controller 层逻辑

 * User Controller.
 * @author	Bert Lee
 * @version 2014-8-19
@RequestMapping(value = "/user")
public class UserController {

	private UserQueryService userQueryService;
	@RequestMapping(value = "/get_user_name", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
	public UserNameResponse getUserName(@Valid UserIDRequest userIDRequest) {
		long userId = userIDRequest.getId();
		String userName = this.userQueryService.getUserName(userId);
		UserNameResponse response = new UserNameResponse();
		if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(userName)) {
		return response;
	@RequestMapping(value = "/update_user_name", method = RequestMethod.POST,
			consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
	public UserResultResponse updateUserName(@Valid @RequestBody UserInfoRequest userInfoRequest) { // JSON request body map
		UserResultResponse response = new UserResultResponse();
		long userId = userInfoRequest.getId();
		String userName = userInfoRequest.getUserName();
		int result = this.userQueryService.updateUserName(userId, userName);
		if (result < 0) {
			response.setResultMessage("update operation is fail");
		return response;




4. 实现一个Service与Controller层的抽象测试基类(用于集成TestNG与MVC Test框架,且自动加载配置文件)

 * Abstract base test class for TestNG.
 * @author	Bert Lee
 * @version 2014-8-19
@ContextConfiguration("classpath:META-INF/spring/test-context.xml") // 集成应用上下文并加载默认的beans XML配置
public abstract class AbstractTestNGTest extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests { // 集成TestNG

	 * Initializes the test context.
	@BeforeSuite(alwaysRun = true)
	public void init() {
//		MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); // 基于Spring自动装配注解,这里不再需要初始化



 * Abstract controller tier base test class for TestNG.
 * @author	Bert Lee
 * @version 2014-8-19
@WebAppConfiguration("src/test/java") // 集成Web应用上下文
public abstract class AbstractControllerTestNGTest extends AbstractTestNGTest {

	 * MVC mock
	protected MockMvc mockMvc;
	 * Gets the tested controller.
	 * @return the controller that is tested
	protected abstract Object getController();
	 * Setups the tested controller in MVC Mock environment.
	@BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true)
	public void setup() {
		this.mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(this.getController()).build();
	 * Mocks the GET request.
	 * @param url
	 * @param params
	 * @param expectedContent
	 * @throws Exception
	protected void getMock(String url, Object[] params, String expectedContent) throws Exception {
		// 2. 构造GET请求
		MockHttpServletRequestBuilder requestBuilder = MockMvcRequestBuilders
				.get(url, params);
		this.jsonRequestMock(requestBuilder, expectedContent);
	 * Mocks the POST request.
	 * @param url
	 * @param paramsJson
	 * @param expectedContent
	 * @throws Exception
	protected void postMock(String url, String paramsJson, String expectedContent) throws Exception {
		// 2. 构造POST请求
		MockHttpServletRequestBuilder requestBuilder = MockMvcRequestBuilders
				.content(paramsJson) // 设置request body请求体,服务于"@RequestBody"
		this.jsonRequestMock(requestBuilder, expectedContent);
	 * Mocks the request for "application/json;charset=UTF-8" media type (Content-Type).
	 * @param requestBuilder
	 * @param expectedContent
	 * @throws Exception
	private void jsonRequestMock(MockHttpServletRequestBuilder requestBuilder, String expectedContent) throws Exception {
		// 2. 设置HTTP请求属性
		// 3. 定义期望响应行为
				.andDo(print()) // 打印整个请求与响应细节
				.andExpect(content().string(expectedContent)) // 校验是否是期望的结果



5. 实现Controller与Service层的测试逻辑

 * Test for {@link UserController}.
 * @author	Bert Lee
 * @version 2014-8-19
public class UserControllerTest extends AbstractControllerTestNGTest {

	// tested controller
	private UserController userControllerTest;
	// mocked service (被依赖的服务)
	private UserQueryService userQueryService;
	@Test(dataProvider = "getUserName")
	public void getUserName(Object[] params, String userName, String expectedContent) throws Exception {
		// 1. 定义"被依赖的服务"的方法行为
		this.getMock("/user/get_user_name?id={id}", params, expectedContent);
	@DataProvider(name = "getUserName")
	protected static final Object[][] getUserNameTestData() {
		Object[][] testData = new Object[][] {
				{ new Object[] { "23" }, "Bert Lee", "{\"name\":\"Bert Lee\"}" },
		return testData;
	@Test(dataProvider = "updateUserName")
	public void updateUserName(String paramsJson, Integer result, String expectedContent) throws Exception {
		// 1. 定义"被依赖的服务"的方法行为
		when(this.userQueryService.updateUserName(anyLong(), anyString())).thenReturn(result);
		this.postMock("/user/update_user_name", paramsJson, expectedContent);
	@DataProvider(name = "updateUserName")
	protected static final Object[][] updateUserNameTestData() {
		Object[][] testData = new Object[][] {
				{ "{\"id\":23,\"name\":\"Bert Lee\"}", 0, "{\"ret\":0,\"ret_msg\":\"ok\"}" },
		return testData;
	public Object getController() {
		return this.userControllerTest;



 * Test for {@link UserQueryService}.
 * @author	Bert Lee
 * @version 2014-7-25
public class UserQueryServiceTest extends AbstractTestNGTest {

	// tested service
	private UserQueryService userQueryServiceTest;
	// mocked service (被依赖的服务)
	private UserService userService;
	@Test(dataProvider = "getUserName")
	public void getUserName(User user, String expected) {
		// 1. 定义"被依赖的服务"的方法行为
		String userName = this.userQueryServiceTest.getUserName(3L);
		assertEquals(userName, expected);
	@DataProvider(name = "getUserName")
	protected static final Object[][] getUserNameTestData() {
		Object[][] testData = new Object[][] {
				{ null, "" },
				{ new User(3L, ""), "" },
				{ new User(10L, "Edward Lee"), "Edward Lee" },
				{ new User(23L, "李华刚@!~#$%^&"), "李华刚@!~#$%^&" },
		return testData;



6. 定义XML bean配置文件,实现测试对象及被依赖的服务的自动注入

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
      http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.2.xsd ">

	<bean id="userControllerTest" class="com.weibo.web.UserController" />
	<!-- 被依赖的服务 -->
    <bean id="userQueryService" class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock">
      <constructor-arg value="com.weibo.service.UserQueryService" />
	<bean id="userQueryServiceTest" class="com.weibo.service.impl.UserQueryServiceImpl" />
	<!-- 被依赖的服务 -->
    <bean id="userService" class="org.mockito.Mockito" factory-method="mock">
      <constructor-arg value="com.weibo.service.UserService" />


7. 运行测试用例,OK!




