ufldl学习笔记与编程作业:Convolutional Neural Network(卷积神经网络)
在deep learning高质量群里面听一些前辈说,不必深究其他机器学习的算法,可以直接来学dl。
其实卷积神经网络没什么特别,卷积层的连接可以看成是local connection就可以了。
function [cost, grad, preds] = cnnCost(theta,images,labels,numClasses,... filterDim,numFilters,poolDim,pred) % Calcualte cost and gradient for a single layer convolutional % neural network followed by a softmax layer with cross entropy % objective. % % Parameters: % theta - unrolled parameter vector % images - stores images in imageDim x imageDim x numImges % array % numClasses - number of classes to predict % filterDim - dimension of convolutional filter % numFilters - number of convolutional filters % poolDim - dimension of pooling area % pred - boolean only forward propagate and return % predictions % % % Returns: % cost - cross entropy cost % grad - gradient with respect to theta (if pred==False) % preds - list of predictions for each example (if pred==True) if ~exist('pred','var') pred = false; end; weightDecay = 0.0001; imageDim = size(images,1); % height/width of image numImages = size(images,3); % number of images %% Reshape parameters and setup gradient matrices % Wc is filterDim x filterDim x numFilters parameter matrix %convolution参数 % bc is the corresponding bias % Wd is numClasses x hiddenSize parameter matrix where hiddenSize % is the number of output units from the convolutional layer %这个convolutional layer应该是包含了卷积层和pool层 % bd is corresponding bias [Wc, Wd, bc, bd] = cnnParamsToStack(theta,imageDim,filterDim,numFilters,... poolDim,numClasses); % Same sizes as Wc,Wd,bc,bd. Used to hold gradient w.r.t above params. Wc_grad = zeros(size(Wc)); Wd_grad = zeros(size(Wd)); bc_grad = zeros(size(bc)); bd_grad = zeros(size(bd)); %%====================================================================== %% STEP 1a: Forward Propagation % In this step you will forward propagate the input through the % convolutional and subsampling (mean pooling) layers. You will then use % the responses from the convolution and pooling layer as the input to a % standard softmax layer. %% Convolutional Layer % For each image and each filter, convolve the image with the filter, add % the bias and apply the sigmoid nonlinearity. Then subsample the % convolved activations with mean pooling. Store the results of the % convolution in activations and the results of the pooling in % activationsPooled. You will need to save the convolved activations for % backpropagation. convDim = imageDim-filterDim+1; % dimension of convolved output outputDim = (convDim)/poolDim; % dimension of subsampled output % convDim x convDim x numFilters x numImages tensor for storing activations activations = zeros(convDim,convDim,numFilters,numImages); % outputDim x outputDim x numFilters x numImages tensor for storing % subsampled activations activationsPooled = zeros(outputDim,outputDim,numFilters,numImages); %%% YOUR CODE HERE %%% %调用之前写的两个函数 activations = cnnConvolve(filterDim, numFilters, images, Wc, bc); activationsPooled = cnnPool(poolDim, activations); % Reshape activations into 2-d matrix, hiddenSize x numImages, % for Softmax layer activationsPooled = reshape(activationsPooled,[],numImages);%就变成了传统的softmax模式 %% Softmax Layer % Forward propagate the pooled activations calculated above into a % standard softmax layer. For your convenience we have reshaped % activationPooled into a hiddenSize x numImages matrix. Store the % results in probs. % numClasses x numImages for storing probability that each image belongs to % each class. probs = zeros(numClasses,numImages); %%% YOUR CODE HERE %%% z = Wd*activationsPooled; z = bsxfun(@plus,z,bd); %z = Wd * activationsPooled+repmat(bd,[1,numImages]); z = bsxfun(@minus,z,max(z,[],1));%减去最大值,减少一个维度 z = exp(z); probs = bsxfun(@rdivide,z,sum(z,1)); preds = probs; %%====================================================================== %% STEP 1b: Calculate Cost % In this step you will use the labels given as input and the probs % calculate above to evaluate the cross entropy objective. Store your % results in cost. cost = 0; % save objective into cost %%% YOUR CODE HERE %%% logProbs = log(probs); labelIndex=sub2ind(size(logProbs), labels', 1:size(logProbs,2)); %找出矩阵logProbs的线性索引,行由labels指定,列由1:size(logProbs,2)指定,生成线性索引返回给labelIndex values = logProbs(labelIndex); cost = -sum(values); weightDecayCost = (weightDecay/2) * (sum(Wd(:) .^ 2) + sum(Wc(:) .^ 2)); cost = cost / numImages+weightDecayCost; %Make sure to scale your gradients by the inverse size of the training set %if you included this scale in the cost calculation otherwise your code will not pass the numerical gradient check. % Makes predictions given probs and returns without backproagating errors. if pred [~,preds] = max(probs,[],1); preds = preds'; grad = 0; return; end; %%====================================================================== %% STEP 1c: Backpropagation % Backpropagate errors through the softmax and convolutional/subsampling % layers. Store the errors for the next step to calculate the gradient. % Backpropagating the error w.r.t the softmax layer is as usual. To % backpropagate through the pooling layer, you will need to upsample the % error with respect to the pooling layer for each filter and each image. % Use the kron function and a matrix of ones to do this upsampling % quickly. %%% YOUR CODE HERE %%% %softmax残差 targetMatrix = zeros(size(probs)); targetMatrix(labelIndex) = 1; softmaxError = probs-targetMatrix; %pool层残差 poolError = Wd'*softmaxError; poolError = reshape(poolError, outputDim, outputDim, numFilters, numImages); unpoolError = zeros(convDim, convDim, numFilters, numImages); unpoolingFilter = ones(poolDim); poolArea = poolDim*poolDim; %展开poolError为unpoolError for imageNum = 1:numImages for filterNum = 1:numFilters e = poolError(:, :, filterNum, imageNum); unpoolError(:, :, filterNum, imageNum) = kron(e, unpoolingFilter)./poolArea; end end convError = unpoolError .* activations .* (1 - activations); %%====================================================================== %% STEP 1d: Gradient Calculation % After backpropagating the errors above, we can use them to calculate the % gradient with respect to all the parameters. The gradient w.r.t the % softmax layer is calculated as usual. To calculate the gradient w.r.t. % a filter in the convolutional layer, convolve the backpropagated error % for that filter with each image and aggregate over images. %%% YOUR CODE HERE %%% %softmax梯度 Wd_grad = (1/numImages).*softmaxError * activationsPooled'+weightDecay * Wd; % l+1层残差 * l层激活值 bd_grad = (1/numImages).*sum(softmaxError, 2); % Gradient of the convolutional layer bc_grad = zeros(size(bc)); Wc_grad = zeros(size(Wc)); %计算bc_grad for filterNum = 1 : numFilters e = convError(:, :, filterNum, :); bc_grad(filterNum) = (1/numImages).*sum(e(:)); end %翻转convError for filterNum = 1 : numFilters for imageNum = 1 : numImages e = convError(:, :, filterNum, imageNum); convError(:, :, filterNum, imageNum) = rot90(e, 2); end end for filterNum = 1 : numFilters Wc_gradFilter = zeros(size(Wc_grad, 1), size(Wc_grad, 2)); for imageNum = 1 : numImages Wc_gradFilter = Wc_gradFilter + conv2(images(:, :, imageNum), convError(:, :, filterNum, imageNum), 'valid'); end Wc_grad(:, :, filterNum) = (1/numImages).*Wc_gradFilter; end Wc_grad = Wc_grad + weightDecay * Wc; %% Unroll gradient into grad vector for minFunc grad = [Wc_grad(:) ; Wd_grad(:) ; bc_grad(:) ; bd_grad(:)]; end
function [opttheta] = minFuncSGD(funObj,theta,data,labels,... options) % Runs stochastic gradient descent with momentum to optimize the % parameters for the given objective. % % Parameters: % funObj - function handle which accepts as input theta, % data, labels and returns cost and gradient w.r.t % to theta. % theta - unrolled parameter vector % data - stores data in m x n x numExamples tensor % labels - corresponding labels in numExamples x 1 vector % options - struct to store specific options for optimization % % Returns: % opttheta - optimized parameter vector % % Options (* required) % epochs* - number of epochs through data % alpha* - initial learning rate % minibatch* - size of minibatch % momentum - momentum constant, defualts to 0.9 %%====================================================================== %% Setup assert(all(isfield(options,{'epochs','alpha','minibatch'})),... 'Some options not defined'); if ~isfield(options,'momentum') options.momentum = 0.9; end; epochs = options.epochs; alpha = options.alpha; minibatch = options.minibatch; m = length(labels); % training set size % Setup for momentum mom = 0.5; momIncrease = 20; velocity = zeros(size(theta)); %%====================================================================== %% SGD loop it = 0; for e = 1:epochs % randomly permute indices of data for quick minibatch sampling rp = randperm(m); for s=1:minibatch:(m-minibatch+1) it = it + 1; % increase momentum after momIncrease iterations if it == momIncrease mom = options.momentum; end; % get next randomly selected minibatch mb_data = data(:,:,rp(s:s+minibatch-1)); mb_labels = labels(rp(s:s+minibatch-1)); % evaluate the objective function on the next minibatch [cost grad] = funObj(theta,mb_data,mb_labels); % Instructions: Add in the weighted velocity vector to the % gradient evaluated above scaled by the learning rate. % Then update the current weights theta according to the % sgd update rule %%% YOUR CODE HERE %%% velocity = mom*velocity+alpha*grad; theta = theta-velocity; fprintf('Epoch %d: Cost on iteration %d is %f\n',e,it,cost); end; % aneal learning rate by factor of two after each epoch alpha = alpha/2.0; end; opttheta = theta; end