SQL Server 升迁向导更新


这是针对 Visual FoxPro 9.0 SP2 Sedna升迁向导的更新,要运行向导需要执行UpsizingWizard.app。

重温CODE Magazine上对SP2升迁向导的介绍:  http://www.code-magazine.com/Article.aspx?quickid=0703052

  • Updated, cleaner look and feel
  • Streamlined, simpler steps
  • Support for bulk insert to improve performance.
  • Allows you to specify the connection as a DBC, a DSN, one of the existing connections or a new connection string.
  • Fields using names with reserved SQL keywords are now delimited.
  • If lQuiet is set to true when calling the wizard, no UI is displayed. It uses RAISEEVENT() during the progress of the upsizing so the caller can show progress.
  • Performance improvement when upsizing to Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
  • Trims all Character fields being upsized to Varchar.
  • BlankDateValue property available. It specifies that blank dates should be upsized as nulls. (Old behavior was to set them to 01/01/1900).
  • Support for an extension object. This allows developers to hook into every step of the upsizing process and change the behavior. Another way is to subclass the engine.
  • Support for table names with spaces.
  • UpsizingWizard.APP can be started with default settings (via params) for source name and path, target db, and a Boolean indicating if the target database is to be created.

  • 处理转换Memo 到 Varchar(Max)。
  • 现在你可以在AllDefs.H的SQLSERVEREMPTYDATEY2K位置,针对空VFP日期改变在SQL Server的日期应用行为。
  • 一个用于空日期的输出机制("JimExport") ,但结果却不是为空VFP日期字段定义的日期,这次进行了修补。
  • 进度条现在可以正确地展示每个表中数据上传进度。
  • 上传最后一个字节数据到SQL Server有时会导致错误的Bug,已经被修补。
  • 当大量插入一个记录超过30MB的数据时,不会再发生string too long错误。
  • 现在允许字段名称长度为128个字符,而不是之前30个字符限制。

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