
% 	\begin{table}
%    \centering
%    \caption{Composition of Training Dataset and Independent Validation Dataset for the Three Databases}\label{datainfo}
%    \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
%    	\hline
%      	\multirow{2}{*}{Dataset Index} &\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Training Dataset} &\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Independent Validation Dataset}\\ 
%      	\cline{2-7}
%	      			& Name  	& Nseq   		& (Nposi, Nnega)\footnote{A footnote}		& Name	& Nseq			&(Nposi, Nnega)  \\ 
%      	\hline 
%      	1    		& & 168   		& (3104, 59226)  		& - 	& -				& - \\ 
%      	\hline 
%      	2	  		& ATP227    & 227   		& (3393, 80409)  		& ATP17	& 17     		& (248, 6974)  \\ 
%	  	\hline 
%	  	3 			& ATP221    & 221   		& (3021, 72334)  		& ATP59	& 50     		& (647, 16639) \\
%      	\hline
%	\end{tabular}
%    \end{table}
%\usepackage{threeparttable}</span> % 注意引入这个包
	    \caption{Composition of Training Dataset and Independent Validation Dataset for the Three Databases}\label{datainfo}
	      	\multirow{2}{*}{Dataset Index} &\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Training Dataset} &\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Independent Validation Dataset}\\ 
		      			& Name  	& \textit{Nseq}\tnote{a}	& \textit{(Nposi, Nnega)}\tnote{b}	& Name	& \textit{Nseq}\tnote{a}	& \textit{(Nposi, Nnega)}\tnote{b}  \\ 
	      	1    		& ATP168    & 168   		& (3104, 59226)  			& - 	& -				& - \\ 
	      	2	  		& ATP227    & 227   		& (3393, 80409)  			& ATP17	& 17     		& (248, 6974)  \\ 
		  	3 			& ATP221    & 221   		& (3021, 72334)  			& ATP59	& 50     		& (647, 16639) \\
		\item[a] \textit{Nseq} represents the number of protein sequences.
		\item[b] \textit{Nposi} and \textit{Nnega} in 2-tuple \textit{(Nposi, Nnega)} represent the numbers of positive (binding residues) and negative (non-binding residues) samples, respectively.

% 文档双排,需要表格单排,将\begin{table} 替换为 \begin{table*}
   \caption{Composition of Training Dataset and Independent Validation Dataset for the Three Databases}\label{datainfo}
      \multirow{2}{*}{Dataset Index} &\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Training Dataset} &\multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Independent Validation Dataset} & \multirow{2}{*}{Total No. of Sequences}\\ 
      & Name  & No. of Sequences& \textit{(Nposi, Nnega)}\tnote{a}& Name& No. of Sequences& \textit{(Nposi, Nnega)}\tnote{a} &  \\ 
      1    & ATP168    & 168  & (3104, 59226)  & -& -& - & 168\\ 
      2 & ATP227    & 227   & (3393, 80409)  & ATP17& 17     & (248, 6974) & 244  \\ 
  3 & ATP221    & 221   & (3021, 72334)  & ATP59& 50     & (647, 16639) & 271 \\
\item[a] \textit{Nposi} and \textit{Nnega} in 2-tuple \textit{(Nposi, Nnega)} represent the numbers of positive (binding residues) and negative (non-binding residues) samples, respectively.
