#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> using namespace std; double dist( double l1, double d1, double l2, double d2 ) { double r = 6875.0/2; double p = acos(-1.0); l1 *= p/180;d1 *= p/180; l2 *= p/180;d2 *= p/180; return r*acos(cos(l1)*cos(l2)*cos(d1-d2)+sin(l1)*sin(l2)); } int main() { char temp[100]; double d,m,s,l1,l2,d1,d2,dis; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; ++ i ) scanf("%s",temp); scanf("%lf^%lf'%lf\" %s",&d,&m,&s,temp); l1 = d+m/60+s/3600; if ( temp[0] == 'S' ) l1 *= -1; scanf("%s",temp); scanf("%lf^%lf'%lf\" %s.",&d,&m,&s,temp); d1 = d+m/60+s/3600; if ( temp[0] == 'W' ) d1 *= -1; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; ++ i ) scanf("%s",temp); scanf("%lf^%lf'%lf\" %s",&d,&m,&s,temp); l2 = d+m/60+s/3600; if ( temp[0] == 'S' ) l2 *= -1; scanf("%s",temp); scanf("%lf^%lf'%lf\" %s.",&d,&m,&s,temp); d2 = d+m/60+s/3600; if ( temp[0] == 'W' ) d2 *= -1; scanf("%s",temp); dis = dist(l1,d1,l2,d2); printf("The distance to the iceberg: %.2lf miles.\n",dis); if ( floor(dis+0.005) < 100 ) printf("DANGER!\n"); return 0; }