# modified: crane_standard.mk
# modified: init.sun8i.rc
- device/softwinner/crane-standard/modules/modules/uvcvideo.ko:/system/vendor/modules/uvcvideo.ko
+ device/softwinner/crane-standard/modules/modules/uvcvideo.ko:/system/vendor/modules/uvcvideo.ko \
+ device/softwinner/crane-standard/modules/modules/ov4689_sdv.ko:/system/vendor/modules/ov4689_sdv.ko
insmod /system/vendor/modules/vfe_os.ko
insmod /system/vendor/modules/vfe_subdev.ko
- insmod /system/vendor/modules/ov2710_mipi.ko
- insmod /system/vendor/modules/vfe_v4l2.ko
+# insmod /system/vendor/modules/ov2710_mipi.ko
+ insmod /system/vendor/modules/ov4689_sdv.ko
+ insmod /system/vendor/modules/vfe_v4l2.ko ccm="ov4689_sdv" i2c_addr=0x42
+# insmod /system/vendor/modules/vfe_v4l2.ko
# uvc sensor
--- a/pack/chips/sun8iw8p1/configs/crane-standard/sys_config.fex
+++ b/pack/chips/sun8iw8p1/configs/crane-standard/sys_config.fex
@@ -491,9 +491,9 @@ lcd_cmap_en = 0
lcdgamma4iep = 22
-lcd_bl_en = port:PC10<1><0><default><1>
+lcd_bl_en = port:PB13<1><0><default><1>
lcd_power = ""
-lcd_gpio_0 = port:PG11<1><0><default><1>
+lcd_gpio_0 = port:PB12<1><0><default><1>
lcdd2 = port:PD0<2><0><default><default>
lcdd3 = port:PD1<2><0><default><default>
@@ -593,29 +593,29 @@ vip_csi_mck = port:PE20<3><default><default><default>
vip_csi_sck = port:PE21<2><default><default><default>
vip_csi_sda = port:PE22<2><default><default><default>
-vip_dev0_mname = "ov2710_mipi"
-;vip_dev0_mname = "ov4689"
+;vip_dev0_mname = "ov2710_mipi"
+vip_dev0_mname = "ov4689_sdv"
vip_dev0_pos = "rear"
vip_dev0_lane = 1
vip_dev0_twi_id = 0
-vip_dev0_twi_addr = 0x6c
-;vip_dev0_twi_addr = 0x42
+;vip_dev0_twi_addr = 0x6c
+vip_dev0_twi_addr = 0x42
vip_dev0_isp_used = 1
vip_dev0_fmt = 1
vip_dev0_stby_mode = 0
vip_dev0_vflip = 1
vip_dev0_hflip = 1
vip_dev0_iovdd = ""
-vip_dev0_iovdd_vol = 1800000
+vip_dev0_iovdd_vol = 2800000
vip_dev0_avdd = ""
vip_dev0_avdd_vol = 2800000
vip_dev0_dvdd = ""
-vip_dev0_dvdd_vol = 1800000
+vip_dev0_dvdd_vol = 2800000
vip_dev0_afvdd = ""
vip_dev0_afvdd_vol = 2800000
vip_dev0_power_en =
-vip_dev0_reset = port:PG12<1><default><default><default>
-vip_dev0_pwdn = port:PG13<1><default><default><default>
+vip_dev0_reset = port:PE18<1><default><default><default>
+vip_dev0_pwdn = port:PE19<1><default><default><default>
vip_dev0_flash_en =
vip_dev0_flash_mode =
# Sensor CSI
# CONFIG_OV2710_MIPI is not set
# CONFIG_OV4689 is not set
# CONFIG_OV4689_60FPS is not set
# CONFIG_AR0330_MIPI is not set
# CONFIG_GC1004_MIPI is not set
# CONFIG_H22_MIPI is not set
# CONFIG_NT99231_MIPI is not set
# CONFIG_AW_TSC is not set
# Graphics support
3.160723] init: command 'insmod' r=0
[ 3.165146] init: skipping insecure file '/system/vendor/modules/cci.ko'
[ 3.411723] [VFE]cci probe start cci_sel = 0!
[ 3.416942] [VFE]cci probe end cci_sel = 0!
[ 3.421883] [VFE]cci_init end
[ 3.425446] init: command 'insmod' r=0
[ 3.429967] init: skipping insecure file '/system/vendor/modules/vfe_os.ko'
[ 3.496799] init: command 'insmod' r=0
[ 3.501460] init: skipping insecure file '/system/vendor/modules/vfe_subdev.ko'
[ 3.837312] init: command 'insmod' r=0
[ 3.841895] init: skipping insecure file '/system/vendor/modules/ov4689_sdv.ko'
[ 4.225529] init: command 'insmod' r=0
[ 4.230088] init: skipping insecure file '/system/vendor/modules/vfe_v4l2.ko'
[ 4.777132] [VFE]Welcome to Video Front End driver
[ 4.783275] [VFE]pdev->id = 0
[ 4.786676] [VFE]dev->mipi_sel = 0
[ 4.790540] [VFE]dev->vip_sel = 0
[ 4.794285] [VFE]dev->isp_sel = 0
[ 4.804243] [VFE_WARN]vfe vpu clock is null
[ 4.815345] [ISP] isp platform_id = 6!
[ 4.819709] [VFE]vfe_init end
[ 4.823248] [VFE]probe_work_handle start!
[ 4.827770] [VFE]..........................vfe clk open!.......................
[ 4.836349] init: command 'insmod' r=0
[ 4.840634] init: processing action 0x975b78 (property_service_init)
[ 4.848454] [VFE]v4l2 subdev register input_num = 0
[ 4.853995] [VFE]vfe sensor detect start! input_num = 0
[ 4.859864] [VFE_WARN]NOT found this item: ov4689_sdv, you can add this sensor in the sensor_list_t!
[ 4.870254] [VFE]Sub device register "ov4689_sdv" i2c_addr = 0x42 start!
[ 4.877855] [VFE]v4l2_device_register_subdev return 0
[ 4.883539] [VFE]registered sensor subdev is OK!
[ 4.888799] [VFE]Check sensor!
[ 4.892259] [VFE]Sub device register "ov4689_sdv" is OK!
[ 4.900889] init: skipping insecure file '/system/build.prop'
[ 4.907763] [VFE]Check open /system/etc/hawkview/ov4689_sdv/isp_test_param.ini failed!
[ 4.907773] Match isp cfg start!
[ 4.920494] [VFE_WARN]NOT found this item: ov4689_sdv, you can add this ISP Config in the isp_cfg_array!
[ 4.931263] [VFE]read ini start
[ 4.934869] [VFE]Fetch ini file form "/system/etc/hawkview/ov4689_sdv/isp_test_param.ini"
[ 4.946357] [vfe_warn]open file failed!
[ 4.951061] [VFE_WARN]read ini info fail
[ 4.955968] [VFE]V4L2 device registered as video0
[ 4.961429] [VFE]..........................vfe clk close!.......................
[ 4.969726] [VFE]probe_work_handle end!
[ 5.045620] init: Created socket '/dev/socket/property_service' with mode '666', user '0', group '0'
[ 5.058265] init: command 'property_service_init' r=0
[ 5.066199] init: processing action 0x975bc0 (signal_init)
[ 5.074723] init: command 'signal_init' r=0
[ 5.079444] init: processing action 0x975c08 (check_startup)
[ 5.088041] init: command 'check_startup' r=0
[ 5.093054] init: processing action 0x9737c8 (boot)
[ 5.098944] init: command 'ifup' r=0
[ 5.105273] init: command 'hostname' r=0
[ 5.109765] init: command 'domainname' r=0
[ 5.121721] init: command 'setrlimit' r=0
[ 5.126409] init: command 'chown' r=0
[ 5.132863] init: starting 'servicemanager'
[ 5.140160] init: starting 'vold'
[ 5.144335] init: starting 'newcdr'
[ 5.148530] init: command 'class_start' r=0
[ 5.156647] init: Created socket '/dev/socket/vold' with mode '660', user '0', group '1009'
[ 5.171109] init: starting 'debuggerd'
[ 5.175702] init: starting 'media'
[ 5.179970] init: starting 'standby'
[ 5.192599] init: command 'class_start' r=0
[ 5.197375] init: processing action 0x9748a8 (boot)
[ 5.206865] init: command 'setprop' r=0
[ 5.211273] init: command 'setprop' r=0
[ 5.215612] init: processing action 0x975c50 (queue_property_triggers)
[ 5.225282] init: command 'queue_property_triggers' r=0
[ 5.233392] init: processing action 0x973aa8 (property:ro.debuggable=1)
[ 5.243215] init: starting 'console'
[ 5.247551] init: command 'start' r=0
[ 5.256938] init: processing action 0x975568 (property:sys.usb.config=mass_storage,adb)
[ 5.267313] android_usb: already disabled
[ 5.271984] init: command 'write' r=0
[ 5.276210] init: command 'write' r=0
[ 5.282583] init: command 'write' r=0
[ 5.286880] init: command 'write' r=0
[ 5.291204] init: command 'write' r=0
[ 5.295529] init: command 'setprop' r=0
root@camdroid:/ # [ 8.381957] ★·newcdr·★: main entry
[ 8.386875] ★·newcdr·★: ===no need to check battery capacity ===
[ 10.683494] [DISP] ready enter pm_runtime_get_sync, device0
[ 11.389331] init: processing action 0x975568 (property:sys.usb.config=mass_storage,adb)
[ 11.429044] init: command 'write' r=0
[ 11.434172] init: command 'write' r=0
[ 11.440300] init: command 'write' r=0
[ 11.445969] init: command 'write' r=0
[ 11.450567] init: command 'write' r=0
[ 11.455413] init: command 'setprop' r=0
[ 11.586209] [VFE]vfe_open
[ 11.589208] [VFE]..........................vfe clk open!.......................
[ 11.618394] [VFE]vfe_open ok
[ 11.630469] [VFE_WARN]NOT found this item: ov4689_sdv, you can add this sensor in the sensor_list_t!
[ 11.654571] [VFE_WARN]Not find this sensor info, Set vfe core clk = 500000000, after Set vfe core clk = 360000000
[ 11.676540] [VFE_WARN]os_gpio_set_status, hdl is NULL
[ 11.716782] [VFE]mclk on
[ 11.859533] [VFE]V4L2_MBUS_CSI2,4 lane,bus1 channel,rx 1 channel
[ 11.985016] [ov4689_sdv]s_fmt = 3019, width = 1920, height = 1080
[ 11.991875] [ov4689_sdv]s_fmt end
[ 11.995724] [VFE]width_input = 2688, height_input = 1520, width = 1920, height = 1080
[ 12.004494] [ISP] full_size width = 1920, height = 1080.
[ 12.015550] [ISP] scale width = 960, height = 540
[ 12.020848] [VFE]dev->buf_byte_size = 3919872, double_ch_flag = 1
[ 12.027752] [VFE]Init isp ini configs from isp_cfg.
[ 12.033739] [ISP] VIDEO_MODE!
[ 12.097925] [VFE]put 1 frame into one buf to output!
[ 12.103725] [VFE]buffer_setup, buffer count=5, size=3923968
[ 12.174120] ★·newcdr·★: startPreview finished
[ 12.186534] [VFE]capture video mode!
[ 12.219888] [VFE]capture video first frame done!
[ 21.440289] set usbcur 0 mA
[ 21.443857] set usbvol 4000 mV