1. Create a new /data/-folder in your project and add a file ConsoleMenu_reg.rss to this directory.
2. Paste the following text into ConsoleMenu_reg.rss:
#include <appinfo.rh>3. Add the new resource file to the .mmp file, so that it’s included in the compilation-process. Do not change the "10003a3f" ID, this folder is used for all applications.
SOURCEPATH ../data4. Add the new resource file to the .pkg-file, in order to include it in the .sis that you will install on the phone:
"$(EPOCROOT)Epoc32/data/z/private/10003a3f/apps/ConsoleMenu_reg.rsc" -That’s it!
Defining your own application icon
Right now, your application will have the default icon. If you want it to have your own icon, follow these additional steps.
1. Create an icon file in any vector graphics application that supports SVG-Tiny (e.g. Adobe Illustrator).
2. Create a /gfx/-folder in your project and save the icon file into this directory (e.g. ConsoleMenu.svg)
3. Add a file called Icons_scalable_dc.mk to the group-directory. Carbide.c++ should automatically suggest adding this new file to bld.inf. Allow this. If you do not use Carbide.c++, add the make file to bld.inf manually:
PRJ_MMPFILES4. Paste the following code into the Icons_scalable_dc.mk-file:
ifeq (WINS,$ (findstring WINS, $ (PLATFORM ) ) )5. Create a new file called ConsoleMenu.rss in the /data/-folder and fill it with the following definition. Adapt the name of the short_caption and the caption to your needs – this will be the visible name of your application.
#include <appinfo.rh>6. Add the new resource file to the .mmp-file, in order to include it in the compilation process:
SOURCEPATH ../data7. The ConsoleMenu_reg.rss-file has to be extended by one line defining the location of the localisable resource file:
#include <appinfo.rh>8. Of course, the new files also have to be added to the .pkg-file to include them into the installation package (.sis):
"$(EPOCROOT)Epoc32/data/z/resource/apps/ConsoleMenu.rsc" - "!:/resource/apps/ConsoleMenu.rsc"9. Clean the project and rebuild it.