


'pUrl  需要分页的网页url
'pPage  页码
'pSize  每页显示数目
'pCount  总页数
'pMax  分页栏显示的页码数目
'pNum1  限制显示页码数目的参数1
'pNum2  限制显示页码数目的参数2
'pNum3  限制显示页码数目的参数3
'pAbsolute 记录集的absolutepage属性
'使用方法:     在需要分页的页面头部加入如下代码:
'  dim p,Current
'  rs.pagesize = 10
'  if Current>rs.pagecount then Current=rs.pagecount
'  if request.QueryString("p")<>"" then
'  Current=request.querystring("p")
'  else
'  Current=1
'  end if
'  rs.absolutepage=Current
'  count=0
'  然后在显示分页的位置用该语句调用:
'  call showPage("2.asp",request.QueryString("p"),rs.pagesize,rs.pagecount,"10",rs.absolutepage,"9","20","19")
'注:  该例完全仿照百度搜索的分页编写,分页情况根据记录集的数目而定。
Sub showPage(pUrl,pPage,pSize,pCount,pMax,pAbsolute,pNum1,pNum2,pNum3)
 Dim max,begin,truepage,truenum,p
  max = pMax    
  begin = 1
 If pPage <> "" Then      
  truepage = pPage  '当前页码      
  max = truepage+pNum1
 End If
 If max >= pCount Then   
     max = pCount
 End If
 If max >= pNum2 Then      
  begin = max - pNum3    
 End If         
 If pPage <> "" And pPage <> 1 Then          
  Response.Write("<a class='zhaoyingjiefenye' href="""&pUrl&"&p="&Cint(pPage) - 1&"""><</a>&nbsp;") 
 End If
 for truenum = begin to max
 If truenum = 1 And pPage = "" And pCount > 1 Then
  Response.Write("<span class='zhaoyingjiefenye_1'>"&truenum&"</span> ")
 ElseIf truenum = Cint(pPage) And pCount > 1 Then
  Response.Write("<span class='zhaoyingjiefenye_1'>"&truenum&"</span> ")
 ElseIf rs.pagecount > 1 Then
  Response.Write("<a class='zhaoyingjiefenye' href="""&pUrl&"&p="&truenum&""">"&truenum&"</a>&nbsp;")
 End If
 If pPage <> "" And pAbsolute <> pCount And pAbsolute >= 0 Then
  Response.Write("<a class='zhaoyingjiefenye' href="""&pUrl&"&p="&Cint(pPage) + 1&""">></a>")  '不为空时传值为当前页加1
 End If
 If pPage = "" And pCount > 1 Then               
  Response.Write("<a href="""&pUrl&"&p=2"">></a>")  '为空时是第一页所以直接传2
 End If
End Sub 
'Codes From '============   
 sql=sql & " Order By id Desc" sql,conn,1,1
 if not rs.eof then
  dim p,Current
  rs.pagesize = 5
  if Current>rs.pagecount then Current=rs.pagecount
  if request.QueryString("p")<>"" then
  end if
  for i= 1 to rs.pagesize
if rs.eof then
exit for
end if

'  然后在显示分页的位置用该语句调用:
'  call showPage("2.asp",request.QueryString("p"),rs.pagesize,rs.pagecount,"10",rs.absolutepage,"9","20","19")



  end if 

       call showPage("?aid="&aid&"&amp;bclassid="&bclassid&"&amp;dt="&dt&"&amp;lx="&lx&"&amp;shi="&shi&"&amp;jg1="&jg1&"&amp;jg2="&jg2&"&amp;jgid="&jgid&"&dtzmid="&dtzmid&"&keyword="&keyword&"",request.QueryString("p"),rs.pagesize,rs.pagecount,"5",rs.absolutepage,"10","10","10")

