






  1. 在symbol file 配置Microsoft Symbol Servers的 目录

    Windbg的File==>Symbol File Path中输入:


    d:\symbols表示从Microsoft Symbol Servers下载的符号文件存放目录,若从未下载过系    统的符号文件,Windbg会自动下载。

  2. Symbol File Path中输入自己程序的PDB文件目录(包括DLL的PDB),可添加    多个,以分号隔开如:



  3. 配置操作系统标记,开启可能有内存泄露程序的用户堆栈跟踪。利用gflags工具很    容易实现(gflags同样也是微软Windbg工具之一),安装Windbg时会同时安装该工    具。使用如下的命令行实现

    gflags.exe /i MemoryLeak.exe +ust


  4. 配置Source File Path,输入相关的程序代码目录,多个目录用分号隔开
  5. 配置Image File Path,输入相关程序的2进制文件目录,包括exe\dll,多个目录用分    号隔开


    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

    { while(1)




    return 0;


    void AllocateMemory()


    int* a = new int[2000];

    ZeroMemory(a, 8000);





    配置好Windbg后,运行存在内存泄露的程序,在Windbg中加载该程序,File==>Attach to a Process,或者使用快捷键F6,如下图


    !heap -s


    0:001> !heap -s

    NtGlobalFlag enables following debugging aids for new heaps:

    validate parameters

    stack back traces

    Heap Flags Reserv Commit Virt Free List UCR Virt Lock Fast

    (k) (k) (k) (k) length blocks cont. heap


    00150000 58000062 1024 12 12 1 1 1 0 0 L

    00250000 58001062 64 24 24 15 1 1 0 0 L

    00260000 58008060 64 12 12 10 1 1 0 0

    00330000 58001062 64576 47404 47404 13 4 1 0 0



    !heap -s


    0:001> !heap -s

    NtGlobalFlag enables following debugging aids for new heaps:

    validate parameters

    stack back traces

    Heap Flags Reserv Commit Virt Free List UCR Virt Lock Fast

    (k) (k) (k) (k) length blocks cont. heap


    00150000 58000062 1024 12 12 1 1 1 0 0 L

    00250000 58001062 64 24 24 15 1 1 0 0 L

    00260000 58008060 64 12 12 10 1 1 0 0

    00330000 58001062 261184 239484 239484 14 4 1 0 0


    加粗字段部分显示了有增长的堆信息,上面的输出显示堆00330000 有增长。


    !heap -stat h 00330000


    0:001> !heap -stat -h 00330000

    heap @ 00330000

    group-by: TOTSIZE max-display: 20

    size #blocks total ( %) (percent of total busy bytes)

    1f64 76c6 - e905f58 (99.99)

    1800 1 - 1800 (0.00)

    824 2 - 1048 (0.00)

    238 2 - 470 (0.00)

    244 1 - 244 (0.00)

    4c 5 - 17c (0.00)

    b0 2 - 160 (0.00)

    86 2 - 10c (0.00)

    50 3 - f0 (0.00)

    74 2 - e8 (0.00)

    38 4 - e0 (0.00)

    48 3 - d8 (0.00)

    c4 1 - c4 (0.00)

    62 2 - c4 (0.00)

    be 1 - be (0.00)

    b8 1 - b8 (0.00)

    ae 1 - ae (0.00)

    ac 1 - ac (0.00)

    55 2 - aa (0.00)

    a4 1 - a4 (0.00)

    加粗部分显示有0x76c61f64 8036即代码中2000*4)大小的内存块被分配,如此大量同样大小的内存块分配,可以猜测这就可能是内存泄露的地方。


    !heap -flt s 1f64

    该命令掉其它的内存块,只显示大小为1f64 的内存块信息


    0:001> !heap -flt s 1f64

    _HEAP @ 150000

    _HEAP @ 250000

    _HEAP @ 260000

    _HEAP @ 330000

    HEAP_ENTRY Size Prev Flags UserPtr UserSize - state

    003360e0 03f0 0000 [07] 003360e8 01f64 - (busy)

    00338060 03f0 03f0 [07] 00338068 01f64 - (busy)

    00339fe0 03f0 03f0 [07] 00339fe8 01f64 - (busy)

    0033bf60 03f0 03f0 [07] 0033bf68 01f64 - (busy)

    0033dee0 03f0 03f0 [07] 0033dee8 01f64 - (busy)

    01420040 03f0 03f0 [07] 01420048 01f64 - (busy)

    01421fc0 03f0 03f0 [07] 01421fc8 01f64 - (busy)

    01423f40 03f0 03f0 [07] 01423f48 01f64 - (busy)

    01425ec0 03f0 03f0 [07] 01425ec8 01f64 - (busy)

    01427e40 03f0 03f0 [07] 01427e48 01f64 - (busy)

    01429dc0 03f0 03f0 [07] 01429dc8 01f64 - (busy)

    0142bd40 03f0 03f0 [07] 0142bd48 01f64 - (busy)

    0142dcc0 03f0 03f0 [07] 0142dcc8 01f64 - (busy)

    0142fc40 03f0 03f0 [07] 0142fc48 01f64 - (busy)

    01431bc0 03f0 03f0 [07] 01431bc8 01f64 - (busy)

    01433b40 03f0 03f0 [07] 01433b48 01f64 - (busy)

    01435ac0 03f0 03f0 [07] 01435ac8 01f64 - (busy)

    01437a40 03f0 03f0 [07] 01437a48 01f64 - (busy)

    014399c0 03f0 03f0 [07] 014399c8 01f64 - (busy)

    0143b940 03f0 03f0 [07] 0143b948 01f64 - (busy)

    0143d8c0 03f0 03f0 [07] 0143d8c8 01f64 - (busy)

    0143f840 03f0 03f0 [07] 0143f848 01f64 - (busy)

    014417c0 03f0 03f0 [07] 014417c8 01f64 - (busy)

    01443740 03f0 03f0 [07] 01443748 01f64 - (busy)

    014456c0 03f0 03f0 [07] 014456c8 01f64 - (busy)

    01447640 03f0 03f0 [07] 01447648 01f64 - (busy)

    014495c0 03f0 03f0 [07] 014495c8 01f64 - (busy)

    0144b540 03f0 03f0 [07] 0144b548 01f64 - (busy)

    0144d4c0 03f0 03f0 [07] 0144d4c8 01f64 - (busy)

    0144f440 03f0 03f0 [07] 0144f448 01f64 - (busy)

    014513c0 03f0 03f0 [07] 014513c8 01f64 - (busy)

    01453340 03f0 03f0 [07] 01453348 01f64 - (busy)

    014552c0 03f0 03f0 [07] 014552c8 01f64 - (busy)

    01457240 03f0 03f0 [07] 01457248 01f64 - (busy)

    014591c0 03f0 03f0 [07] 014591c8 01f64 - (busy)

    0145b140 03f0 03f0 [07] 0145b148 01f64 - (busy)

    0145d0c0 03f0 03f0 [07] 0145d0c8 01f64 - (busy)

    0145f040 03f0 03f0 [07] 0145f048 01f64 - (busy)

    01460fc0 03f0 03f0 [07] 01460fc8 01f64 - (busy)

    01462f40 03f0 03f0 [07] 01462f48 01f64 - (busy)

    01464ec0 03f0 03f0 [07] 01464ec8 01f64 - (busy)

    01466e40 03f0 03f0 [07] 01466e48 01f64 - (busy)

    01468dc0 03f0 03f0 [07] 01468dc8 01f64 - (busy)

    任意找到一行UsrPtr 对应列的值,使用如下命令显示该UsrPtr 对应的调用堆栈

    !heap -p -a UsrPtr

    选择上述输出中加粗的一行,执行命令!heap -p -a 0143d8c8后可以得到如下的输出

    0:001> !heap -p -a 0143d8c8

    address 0143d8c8 found in

    _HEAP @ 330000

    HEAP_ENTRY Size Prev Flags UserPtr UserSize - state

    0143d8c0 03f0 0000 [07] 0143d8c8 01f64 - (busy)

    Trace: 0025

    7c96d6dc ntdll!RtlDebugAllocateHeap+0x000000e1

    7c949d18 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeapSlowly+0x00000044

    7c91b298 ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap+0x00000e64

    102c103e MSVCR90D!_heap_alloc_base+0x0000005e

    102cfd76 MSVCR90D!_heap_alloc_dbg_impl+0x000001f6

    102cfb2f MSVCR90D!_nh_malloc_dbg_impl+0x0000001f

    102cfadc MSVCR90D!_nh_malloc_dbg+0x0000002c

    102db25b MSVCR90D!malloc+0x0000001b

    102bd691 MSVCR90D!operator new+0x00000011

    102bd71f MSVCR90D!operator new[]+0x0000000f

    4113d8 Test2!AllocateMemory+0x00000028

    41145c Test2!wmain+0x0000002c

    411a08 Test2!__tmainCRTStartup+0x000001a8

    41184f Test2!wmainCRTStartup+0x0000000f

    7c816fd7 kernel32!BaseProcessStart+0x00000023


    PS:有时!heap -s命令并不能找出有明显增长的堆。这时可以先用 !heap -stat -h 命令将所有堆的block 和 size列出来,找到可能有增长的堆,再用命令 !heap -flt s SIZE (SIZE即为怀疑的堆大小)
