

1      GNU DIFF

在GNU Linux系统编程中,经常会用到diff与patch生成补丁与打补丁。使用diff生成补丁,diff是Linux下的文件比较命令,参数这里就不说了,直接man一下就行了,不仅可以比较文件,也可以比较两个目录,并且可以将不同之处生成补丁文件,其实就是一种打补丁的命令。使用方法如下:

diff -rNu a b > diff.patch



patch -p0 < diff.patch


You can usethe diff command to show differences between two files, or each correspondingfile in two directories. diff outputs differences between files line by line inany of several formats, selectable by command line options. This set ofdifferences is often called a `diff' or `patch'. For files that are identical,diff normally produces no output; for binary (non-text)  files, diff normally reports only that theyare different.

You can usethe cmp command to show the offsets and line numbers where two files differ.cmp can also show all the characters that differ between the two files, side byside.

You can usethe diff3 command to show differences among three files. When two people havemade independent changes to a common original, diff3 can report the differencesbetween the original and the two changed versions, and can produce a mergedfile that contains both persons' changes together with warnings aboutconflicts.

You can usethe sdiff command to merge two files interactively.

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执行: diff –help

Usage: diff [OPTION]... FILES

Compare files line by line.


 -i  --ignore-case  Ignore case differences in file contents.

 --ignore-file-name-case  Ignorecase when comparing file names.

 --no-ignore-file-name-case Consider case when comparing file names.

 -E  --ignore-tab-expansion  Ignore changes due to tab expansion.

 -b  --ignore-space-change  Ignore changes in the amount of white space.

 -w  --ignore-all-space  Ignore all white space.

 -B  --ignore-blank-lines  Ignore changes whose lines are all blank.

  -IRE  --ignore-matching-lines=RE  Ignore changes whose lines all match RE.

 --strip-trailing-cr  Striptrailing carriage return on input.

 --binary  Read and write data inbinary mode.

 -a  --text  Treat all files as text.


 -c  -C NUM  --context[=NUM]  Output NUM (default 3) lines of copiedcontext.

 -u  -U NUM  --unified[=NUM]  Output NUM (default 3) lines of unifiedcontext.

   --label LABEL  Use LABEL insteadof file name.

   -p  --show-c-function  Show which C function each change is in.

   -F RE --show-function-line=RE  Show themost recent line matching RE.

 -q  --brief  Output only whether files differ.

 -e  --ed  Output an ed script.

 --normal  Output a normal diff.

 -n  --rcs  Output an RCS format diff.

 -y  --side-by-side  Output in two columns.

   -W NUM  --width=NUM  Output at most NUM (default 130) printcolumns.

   --left-column  Output only theleft column of common lines.

   --suppress-common-lines  Do notoutput common lines.

  -DNAME  --ifdef=NAME  Output merged file to show `#ifdef NAME'diffs.

 --GTYPE-group-format=GFMT Similar, but format GTYPE input groups with GFMT.

 --line-format=LFMT  Similar, butformat all input lines with LFMT.

 --LTYPE-line-format=LFMT  Similar,but format LTYPE input lines with LFMT.

   LTYPE is `old', `new', or `unchanged'. GTYPE is LTYPE or `changed'.

   GFMT may contain:

     %<  lines from FILE1

     %>  lines from FILE2

     %=  lines common to FILE1 andFILE2

     %[-][WIDTH][.[PREC]]{doxX}LETTER printf-style spec for LETTER

       LETTERs are as follows for new group, lower case for old group:

         F  first line number

         L  last line number

         N  number of lines = L-F+1

         E  F-1

         M  L+1

   LFMT may contain:

     %L  contents of line

     %l  contents of line, excludingany trailing newline

     %[-][WIDTH][.[PREC]]{doxX}n printf-style spec for input line number

   Either GFMT or LFMT may contain:

     %%  %

     %c'C'  the single character C

     %c'\OOO'  the character with octalcode OOO


 -l  --paginate  Pass the output through `pr' to paginate it.

 -t  --expand-tabs  Expand tabs to spaces in output.

 -T  --initial-tab  Make tabs line up by prepending a tab.

 --tabsize=NUM  Tab stops are everyNUM (default 8) print columns.


 -r  --recursive  Recursively compare any subdirectories found.

 -N  --new-file  Treat absent files as empty.

 --unidirectional-new-file  Treatabsent first files as empty.

 -s  --report-identical-files  Report when two files are the same.

  -xPAT  --exclude=PAT  Exclude files that match PAT.

  -XFILE  --exclude-from=FILE  Exclude files that match any pattern in FILE.

  -SFILE  --starting-file=FILE  Start with FILE when comparing directories.

 --from-file=FILE1  Compare FILE1to all operands.  FILE1 can be adirectory.

 --to-file=FILE2  Compare alloperands to FILE2.  FILE2 can be adirectory.


 --horizon-lines=NUM  Keep NUMlines of the common prefix and suffix.

 -d  --minimal  Try hard to find a smaller set of changes.

 --speed-large-files  Assume largefiles and many scattered small changes.


 -v  --version  Output version info.

 --help  Output this help.


FILES are `FILE1 FILE2' or `DIR1 DIR2' or`DIR FILE...' or `FILE... DIR'.

If --from-file or --to-file is given, thereare no restrictions on FILES.

If a FILE is `-', read standard input.

Exit status is 0 if inputs are the same, 1if different, 2 if trouble.


Report bugs to<[email protected]>.



