git log graph 的解读


  • how to read log graph
  • how to understand log graph

log graph output explain

D:\java-work\personal\JavaBase>git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --graph --full-history --all --pretty=format:"%h%x09%d%x20%s"
* f2a687d        (test) add test
| * 5022cf9      (t2) add t2
|/ #这里第二列的斜杠/表示5022cf9的parent是下面指向的aa43086
* aa43086        add test snd
| * d1c961e      (HEAD -> master) master snd
| * df35dbf      add master
| | * 14c0ec9    (t1) add t1 first
| |/ #这里连续有两个斜杠,这两个斜杠应该是连接在一起的
|/|  #表示14c0ec9的parent是e3d857a
* | e3d857a      add commnent in class Test
* 883749e        first commit

1. f2a687d->aa43086->e3d857a->883749e # branch:test
2. 5022cf9->aa43086->e3d857a->883749e # branch:t2
3. d1c961e->df35dbf->883749e # branch:master
4. 14c0ec9->e3d857a->883749e # branch:t1
// 因此规则是: 从*开始,沿着|或者/的路径走,走到下一个*,然后继续走就可以了。

D:\java-work\personal\JavaBase>git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --graph --full-history --pretty=format:"%h%x09%d%x20%s"
* d1c961e        (HEAD -> master) master snd
* df35dbf        add master
* 883749e        first commit

D:\java-work\personal\JavaBase>git checkout t1
Switched to branch 't1'

D:\java-work\personal\JavaBase>git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --graph --full-history --pretty=format:"%h%x09%d%x20%s"
* 14c0ec9        (HEAD -> t1) add t1 first
* e3d857a        add commnent in class Test
* 883749e        first commit

D:\java-work\personal\JavaBase>git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --graph --full-history --pretty=format:"%h%x09%d%x20%s"
*   94f0d5d      (HEAD -> master) fix conflicts
|\ #表示上面的94fod5d是下面两个分支合并而来的
| * ae5504b      add t1 first
| * ea056f5      add test
| * 262cc75      add test snd
| * e71d409      add commnent in class Test
| * d1c961e      master snd
| * df35dbf      add master
* | 5022cf9      add t2
* | aa43086      add test snd
* | e3d857a      add commnent in class Test
* 883749e        first commit
