Cannot start the task because the resource provision thresholds have been reached. This task will wa

Problem Description

A scheduled session is not executed on time and the following error is displayed in the Integration Service log:

LB_47063 : Cannot start the task [:Session task instance [wklt_CMPL.S_PRD_ACTION_CHARGE]:] because the resource provision thresholds have been reached. This task will wait its turn in the dispatch queue.
This issue occurs when the resource provision threshold for the node has reached the maximum.


To resolve this issue, increase the number of concurrent sessions configured.


To configure the maximum number of sessions, do the following:

  1. Log in to the Informatica  Administration Console.
  2. Click the Node on which the Integration Service is running.
  3. Click the Properties tab.
  4. Click Edit (Pencil icon) under Resource Provision Threshold (9.x) (General Properties 8.x).
  5. Increase the value of the Maximum Processes property to increase the number of sessions that can run concurrently on this Integration Service.
You can also use the  infacmd UpdateNodeOptions command to increase the  Maximum Process attribute.


infacmd UpdateNodeOptions -dn Domain_CAP123456 -un admin -pd admin -nn node1_IN123456 -rp MaxProcesses=100
