Download Cmake for windows and install.
Go to C:/OpenCV2.0, execute the following cmd
cmake . -G "Visual Studio 9 2008"
Change "Visual Studio 9 2008" to your default compiler.
Cmake will generate a solution file (containing many projects) for you visual studio. Open it and build with “RELEASE ”(the path is "C:/OpenCV2.0/RELEASE/ ").
Add the following path to Tools–>Options–>Projects–>VC++ Directories–>Include files
Add following path to Tools–>Options–>Projects–>VC++ Directories–>Library files
Add path
to computer's environment path ,then restart your computer(modified by fpzeng )
When create a new project,
add following to “Project–>Properties–>Linker->Input–>Additional dependencies ”
cv200.lib cxcore200.lib highgui200.lib
Tested on OpenCV 2.0 on Visual Studio 2008