How to install and use OpenCV 2.0 in Visual Studio2008(VS2008)


October 6, 2009


OpenCV2.0 could be downloaded from this url:  (for win32)


OpenCV2.0 was released on October 1, 2009 with advanced function .


OpenCV 2.0 now uses CMake to organize the whole project. By default, it only provides linux library. So we need to compile it first.

Download Cmake for windows and install.

Go to C:/OpenCV2.0, execute the following cmd


cmake . -G "Visual Studio 9 2008"  


Change "Visual Studio 9 2008" to your default compiler.

Cmake will generate a solution file (containing many projects) for you visual studio. Open it and build with “RELEASE ”(the path is "C:/OpenCV2.0/RELEASE/ ").




Add the following path to Tools–>Options–>Projects–>VC++ Directories–>Include files


Add following path to Tools–>Options–>Projects–>VC++ Directories–>Library files


Add path


to computer's environment path ,then restart your computer(modified by fpzeng )


When create a new project,

add following to “Project–>Properties–>Linker->Input–>Additional dependencies

cv200.lib cxcore200.lib highgui200.lib

Tested on OpenCV 2.0 on Visual Studio 2008

