移除Word中的Field Code

如果你不了解Field code是啥子东东,就不要往下看了,这是一个很少用到的技术。

移出所有的Field Code:


Many publishers require that you remove ALL field codes before submitting an electronic manuscript.  Field codes are used in Microsoft Word to link your citations to your bibliographic references.
Make sure you remove hidden codes in a copy of your final manuscript.  Please note that once you remove all hidden codes, you can no longer reformat or unformat the citations or bibliography so always make a copy of your document prior to removing any codes.
1. Make a copy of the final manuscript.  From the File menu in Word, select the Save As command.  Give the file a new name.
2. In the new file, go to the Edit menu and choose Select All.
3. Press Ctrl+Shift+F9 or Cmd+6 to unlink all fields.  Your in-text citations and bibliography become regular text, without field codes or any hidden links.
If you want to do further editing or change citations in any way, make the changes to the original file.  When you are ready to submit your manuscript, make another copy of the original file to unlink field codes.

移除特定的Field Code(text值为" = SRS_034 "):

Sub RemoveFieldCode()
' RemoveFieldCode Macro
' Macro created 2006-12-6 by Axalto
Dim app As Application
Dim doc As Document
Set doc = ActiveDocument
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
While doc.Fields.Count > i
    If doc.Fields.Item(i).Code.Text = " = SRS_034 " Then
        i = i + 1
    End If
End Sub
