addSizes.js 自定标注链接文件的大小


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addSizes.js 是一段 JS 代码 , 用于从一个页面里链接的一些大的文件 , 并自动在它们的链接旁边标注文件大小。它的作者是 Nathalie Downe ,应用了 Simon Willison json-head App Engine 迷你服务。

使用它,你的链接不需要额外的代码,它自动会在页面里找到你的链接并更改为这样的格式,如 你的链接 (pdf 2.8 MB)” 。的确很好用!




jQuery( function ($) {


    $( 'a[href$=".pdf"], a[href$=".doc"], a[href$=".mp3"], a[href$=".m4u"]' ).each( function () {

         // looking at the href of the link, if it contains .pdf or .doc or .mp3

         var link = $( this );

         var bits = this .href.split( '.' );

         var type = bits[bits.length -1];


         var url= "" +encodeURI($( this ).attr( 'href' ))+ "&callback=?" ;


         // then call the json thing and insert the size back into the link text

         $.getJSON(url, function (json) {

                if (json.ok && json.headers[ 'Content-Length' ]) {

                        var length = parseInt(json.headers[ 'Content-Length' ], 10);


                        // divide the length into its largest unit

                        var units = [

                              [1024 * 1024 * 1024, 'GB' ],

                              [1024 * 1024, 'MB' ],

                              [1024, 'KB' ],

                              [1, 'bytes' ]



                         for ( var i = 0; i <units.length; i++) {


                               var unitSize = units[i][0];

                               var unitText = units[i][1];


                               if (length>= unitSize) {

                                       length = length / unitSize;

                                       // 1 decimal place

                                       length = Math.ceil(length * 10) / 10;

                                       var lengthUnits = unitText;

                                        break ;



                          // insert the text directly after the link and add a class to the link

                         link.after( ' (' + type + ' ' + length + ' ' + lengthUnits + ')' );



           } );

     } );

} );

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