一个NHibernate应用的实际例子(A good open source project to learn how to use NHibernate)

此项目名字叫Cuyahoga,是一个CMS。该项目中就使用了NHibernate0.6作为持久层。并且使用了NHibernate0.6新添加的Lazy loading特性,是学习使用NHibernate的上佳例子。
- Use the HttpContext to store your NHibernate session facade. This is what I call the HttpContext Local Session pattern 8-)  
 使用HttpContext .Item来存储NH的Session,亦即使用了HttpRequest--Session的模式

- Access to the session facade is provided by a property get in your overrided ASP.NET page's base class, such as "base.GetCoreRepository.LoadObjectById(..)". This is an alternative to having the repository itself control instantiation such as "CoreRepository.Instance.LoadObjectById(..)"  

     public   class  CoreRepository
private ISessionFactory _factory;
private ISession _activeSession;

/// <summary>
/// Get the active NHibernate session.
/// </summary>

        public ISession ActiveSession
get return this._activeSession; }

/// <summary>
/// Create a repository for core objects.
/// </summary>

        public CoreRepository() : this(false)

/// <summary>
/// Create a repository for core objects.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="openSession">Indicate if the CoreRepository should open a session and keep it in memory.</param>

        public CoreRepository(bool openSession)
this._factory = SessionFactory.GetInstance().GetNHibernateFactory();
if (openSession)
this._activeSession = this._factory.OpenSession();


/// <summary>
/// Open a NHibernate session.
/// </summary>

        public void OpenSession()
if (this._activeSession == null || ! this._activeSession.IsOpen)
this._activeSession = this._factory.OpenSession();

throw new InvalidOperationException("The repository already has an open session");


/// <summary>
/// Flushes the current active NHibernate session.
/// </summary>

        public void FlushSession()
if (this._activeSession != null && this._activeSession.IsOpen)


/// <summary>
/// Close the active NHibernate session
/// </summary>

        public void CloseSession()
if (this._activeSession != null && this._activeSession.IsOpen)


Generic methods

- A new NHibernate Open Session at beginning of a web request and close it at the end of the request. This is the "session-per-request" pattern. 
- Using a custom IHttpModule called NHSessionModule to provide the handlers for Context_BeginRequest and Context_EndRequest. This is a nice way of automatically wiring up your creation/opening and closing and sessions. 
 使用了一个HttpModule 来进行Session的存储和获得,代码如下:

using  System;
using  System.Web;
using  Cuyahoga.Core.Service;

namespace  Cuyahoga.Web.Util
在一个HTTP Request期间管理NHibetnate的Session


NHibernate中添加的最重要的特性就是用proxy对延迟加载的支持(包括对集合的和单个object的延迟加载),这也是因为项目中使用了动态代理技术(这要求业务实体的成员需要是virtual的或者实现某个接口), 这为多表的join带来了性能上的提升。

你可能感兴趣的:(一个NHibernate应用的实际例子(A good open source project to learn how to use NHibernate))