python+gtk 开发用的在线帮助文档

Table of Contents

Reference Page Format
PyGTK Class Hierarchy
The atk Class Reference
atk.Action — the ATK interface provided by UI components that the user can activate/interact with,
atk.Component — the ATK interface provided by UI components that occupy a physical area on the screen.
atk.Document — the ATK interface which allows access to a DOM associated with on object.
atk.EditableText — the ATK interface implemented by components containing user-editable text content.
atk.GObjectAccessible — this object class is derived from AtkObject and can be used as a basis implementing accessible objects.
atk.Hyperlink — An ATK object which encapsulates a link or set of links in a hypertext document.
atk.Hypertext — the ATK interface which provides standard mechanism for manipulating hyperlinks.
atk.Image — the ATK Interface implemented by components that expose image or pixmap content on-screen.
atk.NoOpObject — an atk.Object which purports to implement all ATK interfaces.
atk.NoOpObjectFactory — the atk.ObjectFactory which creates an atk.NoOpObject.
atk.Object — the base object class for the Accessibility Toolkit API.
atk.ObjectFactory — the base object class for a factory used to create accessible objects for objects of a specific GType.
atk.Rectangle — an object holding data about a rectangle
atk.Registry — an object used to store the GType of the factories used to create an accessible object for an object of a particular GType.
atk.Relation — an object used to describe a relation between a object and one or more other objects.
atk.RelationSet — a set of atk.Relation objects, normally the set of atk.Relation objects that an atk.Object has.
atk.Selection — the ATK interface implemented by container objects whose atk.Object children can be selected.
atk.StateSet — an atk.StateSet determines a component's state set.
atk.StreamableContent — the ATK interface which provides access to streamable content.
atk.Table — the ATK interface implemented for UI components which contain tabular or row/column information.
atk.Text — the ATK interface implemented by components with text content.
atk.Value — the ATK interface implemented by valuators and components which display or select a value from a bounded range of values.
atk Constants — the built-in constants of the atk module
The gtk Class Reference
gtk.AboutDialog — popup window displaying information about an application (new in PyGTK 2.6)
gtk.AccelGroup — a group of accelerators for a Window hierarchy
gtk.AccelLabel — a label which displays accelerator info to the right of the text
gtk.AccelMap — Loadable keyboard accelerator specifications (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.Accessible — accessibility support for widgets.
gtk.Action — an action which can be triggered by a menu or toolbar item (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.ActionGroup — a group of actions (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.Activatable — An interface for activatable widgets.
gtk.Adjustment — an object representing an adjustable bounded value
gtk.Alignment — a widget that controls the alignment and size of its child
gtk.Arrow — produces an arrow pointing in one of the four cardinal directions.
gtk.AspectFrame — A frame that constrains its child to a particular aspect ratio.
gtk.Assistant — a widget used to guide users through multi-step operations (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.Bin — an abstract base class defining a container with just one child.
gtk.Border — an object containing data for a border (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.Box — an abstract base class for box containers
gtk.Buildable — Interface for objects that can be built by GtkBuilder.
gtk.Builder — Build an interface from an XML UI definition.
gtk.Button — A pushbutton widget that issues a signal when clicked.
gtk.ButtonBox — the base class for widgets that contain multiple buttons
gtk.Calendar — a widget that displays a calendar and allows the user to select a date.
gtk.CellEditable — an interface for editing a TreeView cell
gtk.CellLayout — an interface for packing cells
gtk.CellRenderer — a base class for objects that render on a gtk.gdk.Drawable
gtk.CellRendererAccel — an object that renders a keyboard accelerator in a cell (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.CellRendererCombo — an object that renders a gtk.ComboBoxEntry into a gtk.TreeView cell (new in PyGTK 2.6)
gtk.CellRendererPixbuf — an object that renders a pixbuf into a gtk.TreeView cell
gtk.CellRendererProgress — an object that renders numbers as progress bars in a gtk.TreeView (new in PyGTK 2.6)
gtk.CellRendererSpin — an object that renders a spin button in a cell (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.CellRendererSpinner — an object that renders a spinning animation in a cell (new in PyGTK 2.22)
gtk.CellRendererText — an object that renders text into a gtk.TreeView cell
gtk.CellRendererToggle — an object that renders a toggle button into a TreeView cell
gtk.CellView — a widget displaying a single row of a gtk.TreeModel (new in PyGTK 2.6).
gtk.CheckButton — a toggle button widget styled as a checkbox and label
gtk.CheckMenuItem — a menu item with a check box.
gtk.Clipboard — an object to store data to and retrieve data from (new in PyGTK 2.2)
gtk.ColorButton — a button to launch a color selection dialog (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.ColorSelection — a widget used to select a color.
gtk.ColorSelectionDialog — a standard dialog for selecting a color.
gtk.Combo — a text entry field with a dropdown list.
gtk.ComboBox — a widget used to choose from a list of items (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.ComboBoxEntry — a text entry field with a dropdown list (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.ComboBoxText — A simple, text-only combo box (new in PyGTK 2.24)
gtk.Container — a base class for widgets that contain other widgets
gtk.Curve — allows direct editing of a curve.
gtk.Dialog — popup windows for user information and action
gtk.DrawingArea — a widget for custom user interface elements.
gtk.Editable — an interface for text-editing widgets.
gtk.Entry — a single line text entry field.
gtk.EntryBuffer — stores text for display in a gtk.Entry (new in PyGTK 2.22)
gtk.EntryCompletion — completion functionality for gtk.Entry (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.EventBox — a widget used to catch events for widgets which do not have their own window.
gtk.Expander — a container that can hide its child (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.FileChooser — an interface for choosing files used by gtk.FileChooserWidget and gtk.FileChooserDialog (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.FileChooserButton — a button to launch a gtk.FileChooserDialog (new in PyGTK 2.6)
gtk.FileChooserDialog — a file chooser dialog, suitable for "File/Open" or "File/Save" commands(new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.FileChooserWidget — a file chooser widget that can be embedded in other widgets(new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.FileFilter — a filter for selecting a file subset (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.FileSelection — a dialog used to prompt the user for a file or directory name
gtk.Fixed — a container which allows you to position widgets at fixed coordinates
gtk.FontButton — a button to launch a font selection dialog (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.FontSelection — a widget for selecting fonts.
gtk.FontSelectionDialog — a dialog for selecting fonts.
gtk.Frame — a bin with a decorative frame and optional label.
gtk.GammaCurve — subclass of gtk.Curve for editing gamma curves.
gtk.GenericCellRenderer — a TreeView cell renderer that helps create cell renderers in Python
gtk.GenericTreeModel — a TreeView model that helps create tree models in Python
gtk.HandleBox — a widget for detachable window portions.
gtk.HBox — a horizontal container box
gtk.HButtonBox — a container for arranging buttons horizontally.
gtk.HPaned — a container with two panes arranged horizontally.
gtk.HRuler — a horizontal ruler.
gtk.HScale — a horizontal slider widget for selecting a value from a range.
gtk.HScrollbar — a horizontal scrollbar widget
gtk.HSeparator — a horizontal separator.
gtk.IconFactory — an object that manages a group of icon sets.
gtk.IconInfo — object containing information about and icon in an icon theme (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.IconSet — contains a set of variants for an icon
gtk.IconSource — a source for icon variants
gtk.IconTheme — look up icons by name and size (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.IconView — a widget which displays a list of icons in a grid (new in PyGTK 2.6)
gtk.Image — A widget displaying an image
gtk.ImageMenuItem — a menuitem that displays an image with an accel label
gtk.IMContext — an abstract base class defining a generic input method interface
gtk.IMContextSimple — an input method context object that supports "simple" input methods
gtk.IMMulticontext — an input method context object that manages the use of multiple input method contexts for a widget
gtk.InfoBar — report important messages to the user (new in PyGTK 2.22)
gtk.InputDialog — a dialog for configuring devices for the XInput extension.
gtk.Invisible — internally-used widget which is not displayed.
gtk.Item — abstract base class for gtk.MenuItem
gtk.ItemFactory — creates menus, menubars and option menus from a data description.
gtk.Label — a widget that displays a limited amount of read-only text
gtk.Layout — infinite scrollable area containing child widgets and custom drawing
gtk.LinkButton — a button bound to a URL (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.ListStore — a list model to use with a gtk.TreeView
gtk.Menu — a drop down menu widget.
gtk.MenuBar — a widget that displays gtk.MenuItem widgets horizontally
gtk.MenuItem — the widget used for an item in menus
gtk.MenuShell — a base class for menu objects.
gtk.MenuToolButton — A gtk.ToolItem containing a button with an additional dropdown menu (new in PyGTK 2.6)
gtk.MessageDialog — a convenient message window
gtk.Misc — a base class for widgets with alignments and padding.
gtk.MountOperation — Functions for working with GIO (new in PyGTK 2.14)
gtk.Notebook — a tabbed notebook container.
gtk.Object — the base class of the PyGTK type hierarchy.
gtk.OffscreenWindow — a toplevel container widget used to manage offscreen rendering of child widgets (new in PyGTK 2.22)
gtk.OptionMenu — a widget used to provide a list of valid choices.
gtk.PageSetup — an object that stores page setup information (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.Paned — a base class for widgets with two adjustable panes
gtk.PaperSize — an object providing support for named paper sizes (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.Plug — A toplevel window for embedding into other processes.
gtk.PrintContext — Encapsulates context for drawing pages (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.PrintOperation — a high-level printing API (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.PrintOperationPreview — an interface for printing preview (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.PrintSettings — Stores print settings (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.ProgressBar — a widget which indicates progress visually.
gtk.RadioAction — an action that can be grouped so that only one can be active (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.RadioButton — a choice of one of multiple check buttons.
gtk.RadioMenuItem — a choice from multiple check menu items.
gtk.RadioToolButton — a toolbar item that contains a radio button (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.Range — a base class for widgets that allow a user to set a value in a range.
gtk.RcStyle — an object holding resource styles
gtk.RecentAction — An action of which represents a list of recently used files (new in PyGTK 2.12)
gtk.RecentChooserDialog — Displays recently used files in a dialog (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.RecentChooserMenu — Displays recently used files in a menu (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.RecentChooserWidget — Displays recently used files (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.RecentChooser — an interface implemented by gtk.RecentChooserWidget, gtk.RecentChooserMenu and gtk.RecentChooserDialog (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.RecentFilter — A filter for selecting a subset of recently used files (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.RecentInfo — information found when looking up an entry of the recently used files list. (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.RecentManager — manages recently used files (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.Requisition — an object containing information about the desired space requirements of a widget.
gtk.Ruler — a base class for horizontal or vertical rulers
gtk.Scale — a base class for the scale widgets.
gtk.ScaleButton — A button which pops up a scale. (new in PyGTK 2.12)
gtk.Scrollbar — a base class for scrollbar widgets.
gtk.ScrolledWindow — adds scrollbars to its child widget.
gtk.SelectionData — an object that stores information about a selection
gtk.Separator — a base class for visual separator widgets.
gtk.SeparatorMenuItem — a separator used in menus.
gtk.SeparatorToolItem — a toolbar item that separates groups of other toolbar items (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.Settings — an object that contains the global settings for the widgets on a gtk.gdk.Screen
gtk.SizeGroup — an object that groups widgets so they request the same size
gtk.Socket — a container for widgets from other processes.
gtk.SpinButton — retrieve an integer or floating-point number from the user.
gtk.Spinner — show a spinner animation (new in PyGTK 2.22)
gtk.Statusbar — report messages of minor importance to the user.
gtk.StatusIcon — display an icon in the system tray (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.Style — an object that hold style information for widgets
gtk.Table — layout widgets in a two-dimensional array
gtk.TearoffMenuItem — a menu item used to tear off and reattach its menu.
gtk.TextAttributes — an object containing the attributes set on some text
gtk.TextBuffer — stores attributed text for display in a gtk.TextView
gtk.TextChildAnchor — a location in a textbuffer for placing widgets
gtk.TextIter — an object pointing at a location in a gtk.TextBuffer
gtk.TextMark — a position in a textbuffer that is preserved across textbuffer modifications
gtk.TextTag — an object used to apply attributes to text in a gtk.TextBuffer
gtk.TextTagTable — A collection of gtk.TextTag objects that can be used together
gtk.TextView — a widget that displays the contents of a gtk.TextBuffer
gtk.ToggleAction — an action which can be toggled between two states (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.ToggleButton — a button that retains its state
gtk.ToggleToolButton — A gtk.ToolItem containing a toggle button (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.Toolbar — a bar holding buttons and other widgets.
gtk.ToolButton — a gtk.ToolItem subclass that displays buttons (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.ToolItem — the base class of widgets that can be added to gtk.Toolbar (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.ToolItemGroup — a sub container used in a tool palette (new in PyGTK 2.22)
gtk.ToolPalette — a tool palette with categories (new in PyGTK 2.22)
gtk.ToolShell — Interface for containers containing GtkToolItem widgets.
gtk.Tooltip — Add tips to your widgets (new in PyGTK 2.12)
gtk.Tooltips — add tips to your widgets.
gtk.TreeDragDest — an interface that manages the data transfer for a destination of a gtk.TreeView drag and drop operation
gtk.TreeDragSource — an interface that manages the source data transfer for a gtk.TreeView drag and drop operation
gtk.TreeIter — An object that points at a path in a gtk.TreeModel.
gtk.TreeModel — the tree interface used by gtk.TreeView
gtk.TreeModelFilter — a gtk.TreeModel which hides parts of an underlying tree (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.TreeModelSort — a tree model that is a sorted version of a child gtk.TreeModel
gtk.TreeModelRow — an object representing a row in a gtk.TreeModel
gtk.TreeModelRowIter — an object for iterating over a set of gtk.TreeModelRow objects.
gtk.TreeRowReference — an object maintaining a persistent reference to a gtk.TreeModel row (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.TreeSelection — the selection object for gtk.TreeView
gtk.TreeSortable — an interface for sorting a gtk.TreeModel
gtk.TreeStore — a model for tree widgets with columns
gtk.TreeView — a widget for displaying both trees and lists.
gtk.TreeViewColumn — a visible column in a gtk.TreeView widget
gtk.UIManager — construct menus and toolbars from an XML description (new in PyGTK 2.4)
gtk.VBox — a vertical container box
gtk.VButtonBox — a container for arranging buttons vertically.
gtk.VolumeButton — A button which pops up a volume control (new in PyGTK 2.12)
gtk.VPaned — A container with two panes arranged vertically.
gtk.VRuler — a vertical ruler.
gtk.VScale — a vertical slider widget used to select a value from a range.
gtk.VScrollbar — a vertical scrollbar
gtk.VSeparator — a vertical separator.
gtk.Viewport — a widget displaying a portion of a larger widget.
gtk.Widget — the base class for all PyGTK widgets
gtk.Window — a top-level window that holds one child widget.
gtk.WindowGroup — a group of gtk.Window widgets
gtk Functions — miscellaneous functions
Stock Items — prebuilt common menu/toolbar items and corresponding icons
gtk Constants — the built-in constants of the gtk module
The gtk.gdk Class Reference
gtk.gdk.AppLaunchContext — Startup notification for applications.
gtk.gdk.Atom — an object representing an interned string
gtk.gdk.CairoContext — object providing support for drawing using Cairo (new in PyGTK 2.8)
gtk.gdk.Color — an object holding color information
gtk.gdk.Colormap — a table of color display component values
gtk.gdk.Cursor — standard and pixmap cursors
gtk.gdk.Device — an object for supporting input devices
gtk.gdk.Display — controls the keyboard/mouse pointer grabs and a set of gtk.gdk.Screen objects
gtk.gdk.DisplayManager — maintains a list of all open gtk.gdk.Display objects
gtk.gdk.DragContext — an object containing the drag and drop context data
gtk.gdk.Drawable — a base class for drawing methods
gtk.gdk.Event — an object representing an event from the windowing system
gtk.gdk.GC — objects to encapsulate drawing properties.
gtk.gdk.Image — an area for bit-mapped graphics stored on the X Windows client.
gtk.gdk.Keymap — an object containing mappings of keys to key values.
gtk.gdk.PangoRenderer — an object providing use of Pango in GDK (new in PyGTK 2.8)
gtk.gdk.Pixbuf — an object containing a client side image.
gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimation — an object holding an animation
gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimationIter — an object providing access to the frames of a gtk.gdk.PixbufAnimation
gtk.gdk.PixbufLoader — an object providing application-driven progressive image loading
gtk.gdk.Pixmap — An offscreen gtk.gdk.Drawable
gtk.gdk.Rectangle — an object holding data about a rectangle
gtk.gdk.Region — an object representing a set of pixels on the screen (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtk.gdk.Screen — an object representing a physical screen
gtk.gdk.Visual — an object containing hardware display information
gtk.gdk.Window — on-screen display areas in the target window system
gtk.gdk Functions — the gtk.gdk module functions
gtk.gdk Constants — the built-in constants of the gtk.gdk module
The Class Reference — Allows dynamic loading of user interfaces from XML descriptions.
The pango Class Reference
pango.Attribute — an attribute that applies to a section of text
pango.AttrIterator — an object pointing to a location in a pango.AttrList.
pango.AttrList — an object holding attributes that apply to a section of text
pango.Color — an object representing a RGB color
pango.Context — stores global information used to control rendering.
pango.Font — a rendering-system independent font representation.
pango.FontDescription — an object representing a description of a font.
pango.FontFace — an object representing a group of fonts varying only in size.
pango.FontFamily — an object representing a family of related font faces.
pango.FontMap — an object that represents the set of fonts available for a particular rendering system.
pango.FontMetrics — an object containing overall metric information for a font.
pango.Fontset — an object containing a set of pango.Font objects.
pango.FontsetSimple — a simple container for a set of fonts
pango.GlyphString — an object holding strings of glyphs and glyph information.
pango.Language — an object that represents a language tag.
pango.Layout — an object representing a paragraph of text with attributes.
pango.LayoutIter — an object used to iterate over the visual extents of a pango.Layout (new in PyGTK 2.6)
pango.LayoutLine — a line in a pango.Layout (new in PyGTK 2.8)
pango.Renderer — a base class for pango rendering (new in PyGTK 2.8)
pango.TabArray — an object containing an array of tab stops.
The Pango Markup Language — a simple markup language for encoding attributes with text.
pango Functions — a list of all the pango functions
pango Constants — the built-in constants of the pango module
The pangocairo Class Reference
pangocairo.CairoContext — object providing support for using Cairo (new in PyGTK 2.8)
pangocairo.CairoFontMap — object providing support for using font maps with Cairo (new in PyGTK 2.8)
pangocairo Functions — a list of all the pangocairo functions
pangocairo Constants — the built-in constants of the pangocairo module
The gtkunixprint Class Reference
gtkunixprint.PageSetupUnixDialog — a dialog for setting up a printer page on Unix (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtkunixprint.Printer — an object representing a print in Unix (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtkunixprint.PrintJob — an object that represents a print job (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtkunixprint.PrintUnixDialog — an dialog for selecting a printer in Unix (new in PyGTK 2.10)
gtkunixprint Functions — the built-in functions of the gtkunixprint module
gtkunixprint Constants — the built-in constants of the gtkunixprint module (new in PyGTK 2.10)
