做了一个生成JFreeChart的自定义标签SONIC Taglib。不过只能生成姘图和柱图

下载地址:http://www.javasp.net/jinxin/jinxin.rar (Sonic1.0)



          只能生成饼图 和 柱图 其他图还没有做

Sonic Chart Tutorial

SETUP for installing the tag library

(First time user)

Tutorial: Step1

How to Install (Making sure you have the Jar File)

To use the tag library, you must first include the jar file into your project.

Put the following JAR files of the /lib directory into your web applications /WEB-INF/lib directory:


l        Sonic. jar

l        jfreechart-0.9.20.jar

l        jcommon-0.9.5.jar

l        Commons-logging. jar

Install the sonic Servlet in your Web App

You must add the following code to the web.xml file t o let yours project know the location of the TLDS







Additionally you should provide a servlet-mapping to tell the container which URL maps to your sonic rendering servlet.






Additionally you should proide a taglib to tell container which URL to find sonic.tld






二.Tutorial: Step 2

Provide a DatasetProducer


1.How to Create a PeChart DatasetProducer


l         Createa a java file such ByUsingPeople_PieDB.java


1.       In ByUsingPeople_PieDB.java file you must implements ProductDataSetInterface, Serializable


Below is ByUsingPeople_PieDB.java detail


import org.jfree.data.DefaultPieDataset;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import net.javasp.www.chartfactorymethod.creator.ChartCreatorInterface.ProductDataSetInterface;import java.io.Serializable;


public class IndustryGroupRequire implements ProductDataSetInterface, Serializable{


   public ArrayList produceDataset() throws Exception {

// Create a DefaultPieDataset object

    DefaultPieDataset ds = new DefaultPieDataset();

    String total = null;

    String percent = null;

    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();


    // The data which need set into DefaultPieDataset object

    ds.setValue("第一产业比重", 36);

    ds.setValue("第二产业比重", 24);

    ds.setValue("第三产业比重", 20);

// Below chart show total info   

    String[] totalname = {"所占比重:", ""};





    list.add(totalname); //3

    list.add("other"); //

    return  list;




Tutorial: Step 3

Define the chart in your JSP

1.       Create a jsp file such as piechart.jsp


1.     The taglib sonic attribute must same to <jsp useBean id> attribute Such as <sonic:plotchart id=”pieData” …> and <jsp:useBean id=”pieData” …>

2.     type="piechart" type attribute must be “piechart”



Below is piechart.jsp detail


<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=GB2312" %>

<%@taglib uri='/WEB-INF/sonic.tld' prefix='sonic' %>

<jsp:useBean id="pieData" class=" net.javasp.www.piechartdataset.ByUsingPeople_PieDB "/>







<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<div align="center">

  <sonic:plotchart id="pieData" type="piechart" name="按行业分组的需求人数" hight="700" width="700" />





2.How to Create a Column Chart DatasetProducer


l         Createa a java file such SupplyTotalCount.java


In ByUsingPeople_PieDB.java file you must implements ProductDataSetInterface, Serializable

import net.javasp.www.chartfactorymethod.creator.ChartCreatorInterface.ProductDataSetInterface; import java.io.Serializable;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.jfree.data.CategoryDataset;

import org.jfree.data.DatasetUtilities;



 * <p>Title: Colum3DproduceDataset</p>

 * <p>Description: </p>

 * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p>

 * <p>Company: www.javasp.net</p>

 * @author Jstar

 * @version 1.0



public class SupplyTotalCount implements ProductDataSetInterface, Serializable {

  public SupplyTotalCount() {



  public ArrayList produceDataset() throws Exception {


    int total = 0;

    int percent = 0;

    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();


    double[][] date = new double[][] {{322, 261}, {128, 240}};


    String[] rowKeys = {"上期结转", "本期新增"};

    String[] columnKeys = {"需求人数", "求职人数"};


    String[] totalname = {"需求人数", "求职人数"};


    CategoryDataset ds = DatasetUtilities.createCategoryDataset(rowKeys,columnKeys, date);


    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {

      for (int j = 0; j < date.length; j++) {

        total += date[j][i];




    for (int a = 1; a < 2; a++) {

      for (int b = 0; b < date.length ; b++) {

        percent += date[b][a];









    return list;




Define the chart in your JSP

2.      Create a jsp file such as columnchart.jsp


3.     The taglib sonic attribute must same to <jsp useBean id> attribute Such as <sonic:plotchart id=” columndata” …> and <jsp:useBean id=” columndata” …>

4.     type=" columndata " type attribute must be “columndata



Below is piechart.jsp detail


<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=GB2312" %>

<%@taglib uri='/WEB-INF/sonic.tld' prefix='sonic' %>

<jsp:useBean id="columndata " class=" net.javasp.www.columndataset.SupplyTotalCount "/>







<body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<div align="center">

  <sonic:plotchart id=" columndata " type=" columchart " name="供求总体人数" width="500" hight="350 " />





