function [Z Obj] = read_dr8_dir(path,option,show_n, save_img, hist_info) %Author:shizhixin %Blog: %函数功能:批量读取文件夹下的DR8光谱数据, %并完成显示保存图片以及统计Z和Obj的分布情况 % option='dered' % path = 'dr8\' % show_n=-1; % save_img = 1; % hist_info = 1; % [Z Obj] = read_dr8_dir(path,option,show_n,save_img,hist_info); % %参数说明 % path: 需要读取的文件夹PATH % option: 是否退红移动,'dered' or 'undered' % show_n: 处理文件夹文件的个数,方便处理文件夹中部分文件; % if show_n=-1 then 处理所有文件 % if show_n>总数,then 处理所有文件 % save_img: % 是否显示并保存数据的图于当前路径下,取1 or 0 % hist_info: % 是否获取头文件中的Z Obj,并做直方图,取1 or 0; % if hist_info == 1,[Z Obj]返回其对应的值,否则[Z Obj]都为0 % Obj的值表示含义: % GALAXY Obj = 1; % QSO Obj = 2; % STAR Obj=3; % else Obj=4; Z = zeros(show_n,1);%红移 Obj = zeros(show_n,1);%类型 files = dir([path '*.fits']); n = length(files) if show_n > n disp 'input show_n is larger than the number of files!set show_n = n!' show_n = n; end if show_n == -1 show_n=n; end for i = 1:show_n i filename = [path files(i).name] [hed lamd flux z] = read_dr8_flux(filename,option); z %-----------------plot line and save image---------------- if save_img == 1 plot(lamd,flux); hold on; plot_dot_line(flux); fits_name = files(i).name; save_name = strtok(files(i).name,'.'); print(gcf,'-dpng',[path save_name '.png']); hold off title(save_name); end% if save_img %--------------------------------------- if hist_info == 1 [Z(i),Obj(i)] = get_hed_info(hed); end%if hist_info %------------------------------- end%for if hist_info == 1 hist_fit_info(Obj, Z); end end%fun %------------------------------------------------------------------------ function plot_dot_line(flux) min_flux = min(flux); max_flux = max(flux); line_set = [4862 4959 5007 6564 6583 6716 6731];%[H-BETA,OIII, OIII, H-ALPHA, NII, SII,SII] num_line = size(line_set,2); for plot_i=1:num_line plot([line_set(plot_i):line_set(plot_i)],[min_flux:5:max_flux],'r-'); hold on end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %------------------------------------------------------------------------ function [z,obj] = get_hed_info(hed) size_hed = size(hed,1); for j=1:size_hed switch hed(j,1:8) case 'RAOBJ ' RAOBJ=strtrim(hed(j,11:30)); case 'DECOBJ ' DECOBJ=strtrim(hed(j,11:30)); case 'QUALITY ' QUALITY=strtrim(hed(j,11:30)); case 'OBJTYPE ' OBJTYPE=strtrim(hed(j,12:19)); if strcmp(OBJTYPE, 'GALAXY') obj = 1; elseif strcmp(OBJTYPE, 'QSO') obj = 2; elseif strcmp(OBJTYPE, 'STAR') obj=3; else obj=4; end case 'Z ' red=strtrim(hed(j,11:30)); z = str2double(red(2:end-1)); end%switch end%for end %------------------------------------------------------------------------ %------------------------------------------------------------------------ function hist_fit_info(Obj, Z) figure; hist(Obj, [1:4]); title('The hist of ObjType'); figure; Z(find(Z>5))=0; hist(Z, [0:0.05:1]); title('The hist of Z'); end %------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [hed,lamd,flux,z]=read_dr8_flux(filename,option) %Author:shizhixin %Blog: % filename = 'dr8/spec-2951-54592-0433.fits'; % option = 'undered' or 'dered' % DR8 FITS文件 % 文件头1 2880字节 END结束 % 文件头2 N*2880字节 END结束 % 数据区: % flux,double,长度为NAXIS2 % best_fit double 长度为NAXIS2 % wavelength double 长度为NAXIS2 % and_mask int32 长度为NAXIS2 % or_mask int32 长度为NAXIS2 % inverse_variance double长度为NAXIS2 % 不是按块,而是按顺序依次存储. % flux1, best_fit1....flux2, best_fit2... fid=fopen(filename,'r','ieee-be'); fseek(fid, 2880, -1); %跳过文件开头2880个字节 %计算文件头中包含的2880的块数 read = true; while read == true fseek(fid, 80, 0); string = fread(fid,3,'*char'); fseek(fid, -3, 0); pos = ftell(fid); if string(1)=='E' & string(2)=='N' & string(3)=='D' read = false; end end pos = pos+3;%'D'的后面一个位置 chunk_num = ceil(pos/2880);%计算文件头中包含的2880的块数,包括第一个2880 fseek(fid, 2880, -1); %跳过文件开头2880个字节 hed_unit_num = (2880*(chunk_num-1))/80; %读取文件头,文件头总大小为5*2880,每个单元80个字节 hed=fread(fid,[80,hed_unit_num],'*char')';%读取出来的数据存入数组, in column order for i=1: hed_unit_num switch hed(i,1:8) case 'NAXIS2 ' dim=str2num(hed(i,10:30));%dim;number of pixel case 'COEFF0 ' start=str2num(hed(i,12:19));%start,wavelentgh of first pixe case 'COEFF1 ' deat=str2num(hed(i,12:19));%deat,dispersion per pixel case 'CRVAL1 ' start=str2num(hed(i,12:19)); case 'CD1_1 ' deat = str2num(hed(i,12:19)); case 'Z ' z=str2num(hed(i,12:19));%redshift end end lamd0=start:deat:start+deat*(dim-1); lamd0 = 10.^lamd0'; %-----read flux of spectrum----- Oset = 2880*chunk_num; status=fseek(fid,Oset,-1); for i = 1:dim flux(i) = fread(fid,1,'double'); best_fit(i) = fread(fid,1,'double'); lamd(i) = fread(fid,1,'double'); % 和lamd0一样 and_mask(i) = fread(fid,1,'int32'); or_mask(i) = fread(fid,1,'int32'); inverse_variance(i) = fread(fid,1,'double'); end fclose(fid); switch option case 'undered' lamd=lamd; case 'dered' %---dered-------- lamd=lamd./(1+z); end % plot(lamd, flux); % figure % plot(lamd, best_fit); end %function