Axis2 quick start guide-client code

#developing in win system

1)download zip file from axis2 website

2)uncompress,,and must be download tomcat 7 or even later

3)put the unzip file axis2.war into tomcat directorys webapps.,and start tomcat server

call the link  :http://localhost:8080/axis2/

4)genercate client code

cd axis2/bin,type the command

wsdl2java.bat -uri http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/Version?wsdl -o Test

5.)config client code

create a maven project

How to config the axis dependences

copy axis2 example project "axis2-1.6.4\samples\transport\https-sample" pom dependences

and axis2-1.6.4\samples\jaxws-samples\ pom file dependences


6)  invoke menthod
