
上一篇文章http://http://blog.csdn.net/stormragewang/article/details/33727127 中由于我使用的CentOS位64位版本,在安装完DiskSim后在运行验证程序时出错,由于昨天给老师出去跑腿去了,耽误了一天,今天来记录下我在新系统下安装DiskSim的过程。

我使用的是VrtualBox 搭建的CentOS的虚拟机,具体的安装过程可以参考网上的相关文章

  • http://http://blog.csdn.net/kobe_lzq/article/details/7894718 这篇文章讲解了如何安装CentOS
  • http://http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_77b9e7010101hmsx.html 这篇文章讲解了如何在虚拟机和主机间共享文件夹
  • VirtualBox的默认虚拟机的配置信息(主要是虚拟硬盘文件等)默认的是安装在C盘的,这样不是很合理,我么最好在安装虚拟机前就在 “管理 -》 全局设定” 中修改一下。
  • 在通过  “设备 -》 安装增强功能”   安装完共享文件夹的扩展功能后,我添加共享文件夹的命令如下
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS ~]$ cd /mnt/
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS mnt]$ ls
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS mnt]$ su
[root@Panda-CentOS mnt]# mkdir DiskSim
[root@Panda-CentOS mnt]# ls
[root@Panda-CentOS mnt]# mount -t vboxsf DiskSim-Win DiskSim/
[root@Panda-CentOS mnt]# ls
[root@Panda-CentOS mnt]# cd DiskSim/
[root@Panda-CentOS DiskSim]# LS
bash: LS: command not found
[root@Panda-CentOS DiskSim]# ls
[Ganger95]System-Oriented Evaluation of IO Subsystem Performance_CSE-TR-243-95.pdf
The DiskSim Simulation Environment Version 1.0 Reference Manual_CSE-TR-358-98.pdf
[root@Panda-CentOS DiskSim]# 

[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS ~]$ cp -rf /mnt/DiskSim Desktop
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS ~]$ cd Desktop/DiskSim/
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS DiskSim]$ ls
[Ganger95]System-Oriented Evaluation of IO Subsystem Performance_CSE-TR-243-95.pdf
The DiskSim Simulation Environment Version 1.0 Reference Manual_CSE-TR-358-98.pdf
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS DiskSim]$ rm -rf disksim1.0
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS DiskSim]$ ls
[Ganger95]System-Oriented Evaluation of IO Subsystem Performance_CSE-TR-243-95.pdf
The DiskSim Simulation Environment Version 1.0 Reference Manual_CSE-TR-358-98.pdf
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS DiskSim]$ tar -zxf disksim1.0.tar.gz 
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS DiskSim]$ ls
[Ganger95]System-Oriented Evaluation of IO Subsystem Performance_CSE-TR-243-95.pdf
The DiskSim Simulation Environment Version 1.0 Reference Manual_CSE-TR-358-98.pdf
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS DiskSim]$ cd disksim1.0
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS disksim1.0]$ ls
CVS  doc  README  src  valid
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS disksim1.0]$ cd src
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS src]$ ls
COPYRIGHT             disksim_disk.c       disksim_ioface.h   disksim_pfsim.h
CVS                   disksim_diskcache.c  disksim_ioqueue.c  disksim_redun.c
disksim_assertlib.h   disksim_diskctlr.c   disksim_ioqueue.h  disksim_stat.c
disksim_bus.c         disksim_disk.h       disksim_iosim.c    disksim_stat.h
disksim_bus.h         disksim_diskmap.c    disksim_iosim.h    disksim_synthio.c
disksim.c             disksim_diskmech.c   disksim_iotrace.c  disksim_synthio.h
disksim_cache.c       disksim_global.h     disksim_logorg.c   hplcomb.c
disksim_cache.h       disksim_hptrace.h    disksim_logorg.h   Makefile
disksim_controller.c  disksim_interface.c  disksim_orgface.h  rms.c
disksim_controller.h  disksim_intr.c       disksim_pfdisp.c   syssim_driver.c
disksim_ctlrdumb.c    disksim_iodriver.c   disksim_pfface.h   syssim_driver.h
disksim_ctlrsmart.c   disksim_iodriver.h   disksim_pfsim.c
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS src]$ make
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS src]$ cd ..
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS disksim1.0]$ ls
CVS  doc  README  src  valid
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS disksim1.0]$ cd valid/
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS valid]$ ls
ajw.1week.srt.Z  outv.decrz26     par.synthraid5  statdefs
CVS              outv.hpc2247     parv.decrz26    statdefs.validgrow
diskspecs        outv.hpc2490     parv.hpc2247    trace.ascii.Z
out.ascii        outv.hpc3323     parv.hpc2490    trace.decrz26
out.hplajw       outv.seagate     parv.hpc3323    trace.hpc2247
out.synthcache   par.ascii        parv.seagate    trace.hpc2490
out.synthclosed  par.hplajw       runvalid        trace.hpc3323
out.synthmixed   par.synthcache   seekDECRZ26     trace.seagate
out.synthopen    par.synthclosed  seekHPC2490
out.synthraid5   par.synthmixed   seekHPC3323
out.syssim       par.synthopen    seekSeagate
[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS valid]$ ./runvalid 

These results represent actual drive validation experiments

HP_C2247_validate (rms should be about 0.090)
rms = 0.089557

HP_C3323_validate (rms should be about 0.306)
rms = 0.306133

HP_C2490_validate (rms should be about 0.254)
rms = 0.253503

Seagate_ST41601N_validate (rms should be about 0.083)
rms = 0.082911

DEC_RZ26_validate (rms should be about 0.438)
rms = 0.437962

The remaining tests exercise other DiskSim components

Open synthetic workload (avg. resp. should be about 47.3ms)
IOdriver Response time average: 	47.265968

Closed synthetic workload (avg. resp. should be about 87.6ms)
IOdriver Response time average: 	87.559662

Mixed synthetic workload (avg. resp. should be about 24.4ms)
IOdriver Response time average: 	24.366213

Cache at controller (avg. resp. should be about 23.0ms)
IOdriver Response time average: 	23.038920

RAID 5 at device driver (avg. resp. should be about 22.8ms)
IOdriver Response time average: 	22.740700

Note: this validates HP trace input, *not* the corresponding traced disk
HP srt trace input (avg. resp should be about 48.8ms)
IOdriver Response time average: 	48.783785

ASCII input (avg. resp should be about 13.8ms)
IOdriver Response time average: 	13.771355

syssim: externally-controller DiskSim (avg. resp should be about 19.6ms)
response time: n=1000 average=0.019558 std. deviation=0.005156
IOdriver Response time average: 	19.558014

[WangZhi@Panda-CentOS valid]$ 

Bingo !
