hrbust 1577 Prince and little Princess-1



because i think 坚持就是胜利~~~加油~~~

using namespace std;
int main()
    int stack[1024];
    char str[15];
    int n, i;
    while(cin >> n)
        for(i=0; i<n; i++)
            cin >> stack[i];

        int top=i-1;
        while(cin >> str)
            if(strcmp(str, "end")==0) break;  //结束

            else if(strcmp(str, "pop")==0)
                top--;                         //出栈
            else if(strcmp(str, "top")==0)
                cout << stack[top]<<endl;      //查询栈顶元素
            else if(strcmp(str, "empty")==0)
                if(top==-1) cout << "T^T"<< endl;

                else cout << "^_^" << endl;     //判定栈是否为空
            else if(strcmp(str, "push")==0)
                cin >> stack[top];              //将元素入栈

    return 0;

你可能感兴趣的:(hrbust 1577 Prince and little Princess-1)