

Property Description
Parameter type String
Syntax MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE = { integer [K | M] | UNLIMITED }
Default value UNLIMITED
Range of values 0 to unlimited, or UNLIMITED
Basic No

MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE specifies the maximum size of trace files(excluding the alert file). Change this limit if you are concerned that trace files may use too much space.

  • A numerical value for MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE specifies the maximum size inoperating system blocks.

  • A number followed by a K or M suffix specifies the file size in kilobytes or megabytes.

  • The special value string UNLIMITED means that there is no upper limit on trace file size. Thus, dump files can be as large as the operating system permits.

Controlling the Size of Trace Files

You can control the maximum size of all trace files (excluding the alert log) using the initialization parameter MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE, which limits the file to the specified number of operating system blocks. To control the size of an alert log, you must manually delete the file when you no longer need it. Otherwise the database continues to append to the file.

You can safely delete the alert log while the instance is running, although you should consider making an archived copy of it first. This archived copy could prove valuable if you should have a future problem that requires investigating the history of an instance.
