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Hyper-Textbook: Optimization Models and Applications  —  Fall 2014 





This is an open and modifiable code-source which implements the Fast Appearance-based Mapping algorithm (FAB-MAP) originally developed by Mark Cummins and Paul Newman. OpenFABMAP was designed from published FAB-MAP theory and is for personal and research use.

FAB-MAP is a Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping algorithm which operates in appearance space only. FAB-MAP performs location matching between places that have been visited within the world as well as providing a measure of the probability of being at a new, previously unvisited location. Camera images form the sole input to the system, from which bag-of-words models are formed through the extraction of appearance-based (e.g. SURF) features.

The code has implementations of

  • Feature Detection and Extraction and Bag-of-words models using OpenCV
  • Chow-Liu tree implementation
  • FAB-MAP v1.0 (Cummins & Newman 2008)
  • FAB-MAP v1.0 using a Look-up-table for improved computation speed
  • FAB-MAP with Fast-Bailout (Cummins & Newman 2010)
  • FAB-MAP v2.0 (Cummins & Newman 2010)

For an overview of OpenFABMAP see (Glover et al. 2012). OpenFABMAP was first used in (Glover et al. 2010).

As of the latest version, openFABMAP is dependent solely on OpenCV 2.3 or higher. The project is designed to integrate with OpenCV2.3 2D feature-based methods and storage methods. The project has a CMake build environment for general use on both Linux and Windows systems. See the README file for more information on compiling the code.

OpenFABMAP is also designed to integrate with Robot Operating System (ROS). See the CyPhy-ROS page for a package that has implemented openFABMAP as a ROS node.

Check out the wiki (under construction) for some instructions and tips on running openFABMAP.

For questions on how to modify the source to your specific implementation, bug reporting, comments and suggestions, or if you would like to become involved in developing the openFABMAP project beyond the current implementation contact via the google group.

Citations Endnote BibTex

吴立德 《深度学习课程》


1.  火光摇曳团队分享文档


  • 神奇的伽玛函数
  • LDA 数学八卦
  • 正态分布的前世今生


  • Towards Topic Modeling for Big Data
  • Peacock: Learning Long-Tail Topic Features for Industrial Applications,Yi Wang, Xuemin Zhao, Zhenlong Sun, Hao Yan, Lifeng Wang, Zhihui Jin, Liubin Wang, Yang Gao, Ching Law, Jia Zeng,ACM TIST 2014


  • 正态分布(1)
  • 正态分布(2)
  • Dirichlet 函数介绍
  • Gibbs Sampling 介绍
  • LDA Introduction
  • 假设检验
  • 假设检验及其应用
  • 统计参数估计
  • 语言模型和序列标注
  • NLP&统计语言模型
  • 广告定向中的用户分析
  • 精准定向的广告系统
  • Learning One Million Latent Topics from Billions of Queries
  • 大规模主题模型建模及其在腾讯业务中的应用
  • SWIG Introduction
  • Code Review
  • SVN Introduction
  • LDA Training System
  • Introduction to Peacock
  • 人脸对齐技术
  • M6D Targeting Model
  • Multi-Layer Perceptron
  • 一起学习 Spark
    • Scala入门简介
    • Akka介绍
    • MLLib: LR & NB
    • MLLib: LinearSVM
    • MLLib: Regression

2.  其他资料整理

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六 ffmpeg SDL http://dranger.com/ffmpeg/



八  http://bigwww.epfl.ch/



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