select event "Wait Event", sum(seconds_in_wait) "Waited So Far(sec)", count(sid) "Num Sess Waiting" from v$session_wait group by event order by 3 desc;
set linesize 200
col "Wait Event" for a45
select EVENT "Wait Event",TIME_WAITED "Time Waited", round(TIME_WAITED/(SELECT SUM(TIME_WAITED) FROM v$system_event),2) "%Time waited", TOTAL_WAITS "Waits", round(TOTAL_WAITS/(SELECT SUM(TOTAL_WAITS) FROM V$system_event),2) "%Waited" from v$system_event order by 3 desc;
select sid,event "Wait Event",state "Wait Stat",
wait_time "W'd So Far(secs)", seconds_in_wait "Time W'd (secs)"
from v$session_wait
where event like '&event_name'
order by 5 desc;
select cpu.sid "SID",cpu.username"USER Name",cpu.value "CPU(sec)", reads.value "IORead(k)",writes.value "IO Write(k)",cpu.sql_address from
(select a.sid sid,a.sql_address,a.usernameusername,b.name,c.value value,a.serial# serial#
from v$session a,v$statname b,v$sesstat c wherea.sid=c.sid and b.statistic#=c.statistic# and b.name='CPU used by thissession') cpu,(select a.sid,a.username,b.name,c.value value from v$sessiona,v$statname b ,v$sesstat c
where a.sid=c.sid andb.statistic#=c.statistic# and b.name='physical reads') reads,
(select a.sid,a.username,b.name,c.value valuefrom v$session a,v$statname b ,v$sesstat c
where a.sid=c.sid andb.statistic#=c.statistic# and b.name='physical writes') writes
where cpu.sid=reads.sid and reads.sid=writes.sidand cpu.username is not null order by cpu.value desc;
select sql_text "SQL Statement Text"
from v$sqlarea
where ADDRESS='&sql_address';
SELECT sql_text
FROM v$sqltext a
WHERE a.hash_value = (SELECT sql_hash_value
FROM v$session b
WHERE b.sid = '&SID')
select * from
(select address "Stmt Addr",
disk_reads "Disk RDS",
buffer_gets "Buff Gets",
sorts "Sorts",
executions "Runs",
loads "Body Loads"
from v$sqlarea where disk_reads > &A
order by disk_reads )
where rownum < &B;
select x.ksppinm name,y.ksppstvlvalue,x.ksppdesc pdesc from sys.x$ksppi x,sys.x$ksppcv y where x.indx=y.indxand x.ksppinm like '%&par%';