我下的是3.2.6版本,首先需要解决的是comments中的评论会变成问号的问题,这个在我经历前面的乱码事件后,简直是小case。直接将sql建表脚本的varchar替换成nvarchar ( varchar replace nvarchar)。用unicode编码成功解决了。
同样,在文章标题列表中,会有“read more...”和"More articles"等字样,按理说应该在本地化资源文件(App_LocalResources中的resx文件)中进行修改就行了。可是作者也许忙忘了吧。并没有提供此功能。我们可以自己添加,也可以在ascx文件中修改text,推荐自己添加,然后使用资源文件。如果你直接改text的话,需要注意在vs中保存为utf-8编码。否则会是乱码。
然后是一个花了我1天多时间的问题。这儿有一个老外的描述,和我遇到的问题一样。 我就直接贴过来了,避免重复劳动,你就当编英文吧。
I need your help if you could give me.
I have a problem when i use your article Articles 3.2.6- Source & PA. I′m using dotnetnuke 4x version and Visual Studio 2005. When i install your PA i have no problem and everything is ok. When i try to install the sources, the process i use to do that is:
1. Install Articles PA in dotnetnuke import module. 2. Copying all files ascx.vb and vb project files to directory DesktopModules/Articles overwriting the existent
ones. 3. Inside my solution, i open the existent project(vbproj file) that i have copied to DesktopModules/Articles. 4. I include and point to correct dll′s in my articles project and the project build with no errors. 5. Remove the dll bin reference to effectionconsultingarticles on my website and add a project articles
The problem is:
I got errors when i build all the solution, and the compiler saies me that controls(variables) are already
declared. If i delete the control declarations in articles project, logically, the project won′t build no matter
Is this mode the right way to install sources in my dotnetnuke project?
I have also tried to copy the source files directly to desktopmodules/Articles (bellow dotnetnuke website), but i got the following error: 'namespace/ArticlesListBase.ascx.vb is not defined'. Seems that, the compiler doesn′t let me to create instance of this class because couldn′t found it in the namespace :|.
is there a problem with my visual studio?
Is the version of dotnetnuke?
I'd be very glad if you could help me in this situation
Best regards,
Ricardo Moura. ==== 我将能正常使用的源代码版的articles模块放于bin目录下的dll给剪切到其他位置。用vs2005编译,会提示“Error 4 Could not load type 'EfficionConsulting.Articles.Settings'. C:/dnn/DesktopModules/Articles/Settings.ascx 1 ”等一大堆错误。
后来,我将所有的vb源码全放到app_code目录下的articles目录中,并将vs2005自动提示的一些已经在新版本中更新的类名之类的改成vs推荐的。 如“Services.Search.SearchItemInfoCollection”需要改为“DotNetNuke.Services.Search.SearchItemInfoCollection”, System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings也要改为最新的。好像还有一个,我不记得了,反正,你注意看vs提示就行了。
OK,全部记录,就这些了。 其实一开始就看vs的错误提示,感觉是命名空间和类这方面没有被定义或者识别出来的问题。后来的问题解决印证了这个感觉。所以,今后,还是得认真看vs提示。再考虑是自己解决还是去搜。可以省很多时间。