[!] Pods written in Swift can only be integrated as frameworks; add `use_frameworks!` to your Podfil

[!] Pods written in Swift can only be integrated as frameworks; add `use_frameworks!` to your Podfile or target to opt into using it. The Swift Pod being used is: FBSnapshotTestCase

可能是要添加的这个库 不支持swift导致 
解决办法:在podfile里面添加 use_frameworks!

platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'Alamofire', '~> 1.1'
pod 'Taplytics'
pod 'MBProgressHUD'
pod 'Atlas'



你可能感兴趣的:([!] Pods written in Swift can only be integrated as frameworks; add `use_frameworks!` to your Podfil)