1. How to use email validation in Java script.Like User can't enter invalid email address?
Use this regular expression
You can be more strict by using .com,.biz,.org,.arpa etc in regular expression
2.How to go next field without filling the text? Which function should use.Phone No Text validation in javascript?
3. How to add a combo box dynamically at run time in Java script?
document.forms[0].<combobox name>.options[index]= new Option(Apearingtext,value)
for (var i=0;i<5;i++)
document.forms[0].cmb1.options[i]= new Option("Test"+i,i)
4. Explain about session? Where it runs & what are different types of session handling?
session is a mean to maintain client identity...
many client my request u .. further they my visit several pages how can you identify which client is accessing page..
to maintain this each client should be assigned a unique ID as soon as the request first page.. and to access consecuent pages the client must supply his/her ID whith page request... now u can identify that which client is requesting the page...
search on net for various techniques to maintain the session..;-)
5. What is the main difference between Client side JavaScript and and Server side Java Script. How actually they run on both side with Example?
6. What is javascript and what is it functionality?
7. Write sample code for pagination using java script.
8. What are the methods of validating whether the form is secure?
9. How to prevent a window not to be clicked or selected any way in java script?11. How to validate a Email-address, in Form using JavaScript?
10. What is the difference between java and java script?
12. what is flapjax and what are its benefits compared to javascript . How it converts flapjax code to javascript code during compilation