oracle 小知识点

oracle 默认排序空值在后面,显示在前面用nvl(column,-1) 或nulls first 与之对应的是nulls last






trunc(date,'yy') 年初

trunc(date,'mm') 月初


with 用法


with e as (select rownum sn,dept_code,job from v)

select dept_code from e;





select regexp_replace(data,'[^0-9]','') dname from dept;



select id,case when trx='PY' then '取款' else '存款' end  存取类型,amt 金额,

sum(case when trx='PY' then -amt else amt end) over(order by id)

from v order by id;


select deptno,empno,ename,sal,first_value(ename) over(partition by deptno order by empno) as 工资最高的人min,

first_value(ename) over(partition by deptno order by empno desc) as 工资最高的人max

from emp

where deptno=20 

order by 1,4 desc;



with t1 as

(select grouping(t.b) as gp_b,

t.b as 品牌,

sum(case t.a when '门店1' then t.c end) as 销量_门店1,

sum(case t.a when '门店2' then t.c end) as 销量_门店2,

sum(case t.a when '门店3' then t.c end) as 销量_门店3,

sum(t.c) as 销量_合计,

sum(case t.a when '门店1' then t.d end) as 收入_门店1,

sum(case t.a when '门店2' then t.d end) as 收入_门店2,

sum(case t.a when '门店3' then t.d end) as 收入_门店3,

sum(t.d) as 收入_合计

from T t

group  by  rollup(t.b)

order by 1 desc ,2)

select case when gp_b=1 then '销量合计' else 品牌 end as 品牌,

销量_门店1 as 门店1,

销量_门店2 as 门店2,

销量_门店3 as 门店3,

销量_合计 as 合计

from t1

union all

select case  when gp_b=1 then '收入合计' else 品牌 end  as 品牌,

收入_门店1 as 门店1,

收入_门店2 as 门店2,

收入_门店3 as 门店3

收入_合计  as 合计

from t1

union all

select case when gb_b=1 then '收入合计' else 品牌 end as 品牌,

round(销量_门店1*收入_门店1/销量_合计,2) as 门店1,

round(销量_门店2*收入_门店2/销量_合计,2) as 门店2,

round(销量_门店3*收入_门店3/销量_合计,2) as 门店3,

收入_合计  as 合计

from t1;


