关于Bjarne Stroustrups教授与C++

    Bjarne Stroustrup(本贾尼·斯特劳斯特卢普)教授出生在丹麦人,美国国籍。关于他的个人的信息,在他的个人网站上有。网址是http://www.stroustrup.com。    这个名字有点难记,也不知道应该怎么念。

关于Bjarne Stroustrups教授与C++_第1张图片 

   C++ is a middle-level programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs. C++ runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX.
I'm a Managing Director in the technology division of Morgan Stanley in New York City and a Visiting Professor in Computer Science at Columbia University.
    I designed and implemented the C++ programming language. To make C++ a stable and up-to-date base for real-world software development, I stuck with its ISO standards effort for 25 years (so far).
