
Content pushed down in a UIPageViewController with UINavigationController

up vote 24 down vote favorite


I've been running and testing my app in the iOS Simulator using a 4-inch device. If I run using a 3.5-inch device the label doesn't jump. In my .xib, under Simulated Metrics, I have it set as Retina 4-inch Full Screen. Any idea why I'm only seeing this problem on a 4-inch device?


In IB, if I choose "Navigation Bar" in Simulated Metrics, my label still jumps. The only way I can get my label to render correctly on the first screen is to not set a navigation controller as my window's root view controller.


My window's rootViewController is being set to a UINavigationController whose rootViewController has a UIPageViewController embedded.

When my app loads, the initial view is presented with it's content pushed down a bit, roughly the same size as a navigation bar. When I scroll the pageViewController, the content jumps up to where it was placed in the nib, and all other viewControllers loaded by the pageViewController are fine.


In my appDelegate:

self.window.rootViewController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:[ContainerViewController new]];

In ContainerViewController:

- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.pvc = [[UIPageViewController alloc] initWithTransitionStyle:UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll navigationOrientation:UIPageViewControllerNavigationOrientationHorizontal options:nil]; self.pvc.dataSource = self; self.pvc.delegate = self; DetailViewController *detail = [DetailViewController new]; [self.pvc setViewControllers:@[detail] direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:false completion:nil]; [self addChildViewController:self.pvc]; [self.view addSubview:self.pvc.view]; [self.pvc didMoveToParentViewController:self]; }
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while designing the interface (.xib file) in the "attribute inspector" tab select top bar as "Navigation Bar" from drop down and then put your label accordingly in this way the label will be as it's original place. –  Gyanendra Singh  Aug 13 '13 at 7:29
That's actually what I'm already doing. –   djibouti33  Aug 13 '13 at 9:22

7 Answers

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up vote 0 down vote

this is my first time posting on stack overflow, but I have searching for a solution to this problem for over a week now.

Here is a solution I came up with, I hope this works for anyone else with the same issue.

I'm not sure how you are initializing your frame for your detail view controller, but I am going to assume you might use: self.view.frame.size.height;

try using: self.view.frame.size.height -= self.navigationController.navigationBar.bounds.size.height;

Hope this helps

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up vote 1 down vote

I have the same problem. I solve it by putting setViewControllers for the first page in UIPageViewController's viewDidLoad instead of setting it when I make a instance of UIPageViewController. Also, I need to set automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets to NO.

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up vote 0 down vote

As stated by "Bo:": Putting self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone; in the viewDidLoad of MyPageViewController solved the problem. – Bo

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up vote 5 down vote

This is definitely being caused by automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets, as other posters (including @djibouti33). However, this property is strange in two ways:

  1. It must be set on a UINavigationController. If you set it on a child controller that's managed by a UINavigationController, it won't have any effect. 1
  2. It only applies when a scroll view is at index zero in a controller's subviews. 2

These two caveats should explain the intermittent problems experienced by others in the thread.

TLDR: A workaround that I went with is adding a dummy view to the UIPageViewController at index zero, to avoid the setting applying to the scrollView within the page controller, like this:

pageViewController.view.insertSubview(UIView(), atIndex: 0) // swift [pageViewController.view insertSubview: [UIView new] atIndex: 0]; // obj-c

Better would be to set the contentInset on the scroll view yourself, but unfortunately the UIPageViewController doesn't expose the scroll view.

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This is a little hacky way. –   kelin  Jan 15 at 16:08
hacky. but works! thanks –   TonyTakeshi  Jan 28 at 5:07 
definitely hacky. but so is this magic behavior depending on a scrollview being at index zero! –   John Gibb Jan 28 at 23:08
up vote 22 down vote accepted

So I'm adding another answer after further development and I finally think I figured out what's going on. Seems as though in iOS7, UIPageViewController has its own UIScrollView. Because of this, you have to set automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets to false. Here's my viewDidLoadnow:

- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false; DetailViewController *detail = [[DetailViewController alloc] init]; [self setViewControllers:@[detail] direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:false completion:nil]; }

No need to put anything in viewWillLayoutSubviews (as one of my previous answers suggested).

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See my caveat below that automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets won't do anything when applied to a child view controller, such as a view controller inside of a UINavigationViewController or aUITabBarController –   John Gibb  Nov 17 '14 at 20:21
up vote 3 down vote

My original answer solved the problem for the time being, but after a while the same problem came back to bite me.

Using the following viewController hierarchy:

-- UINavigationController -- MyPageViewController -- MyDetailViewController

Here's what I did to solve it:

In MyPageViewController.m

@interface MyPageViewController () <delegates> @property (strong) MyDetailViewController *initialViewController; @end - (void)viewDidLoad { ... // set this once, because we're going to use it in viewWillLayoutSubviews, // which gets called multiple times self.initialViewController = [MyDetailViewController new]; } // the problem seemed to stem from the fact that a pageViewController couldn't // properly lay out it's child view controller initially if it contained a  // scroll view. by the time we're in layoutSubviews, pageViewController seems to // have gotten it's bearings and everything is laid out just fine. - (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews { [self setViewControllers:@[self.initialViewController] direction:UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirectionForward animated:false completion:nil]; }
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This is the one that ended up working for me - self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false; didn't seem to do anything. –   Adama  Sep 11 '14 at 15:53
@djibouti33: I think I figured out what was going on, see stackoverflow.com/a/26981213/99046 –   John Gibb Nov 17 '14 at 20:19
this worked for me - especially with a hierarchy that has detail view controllers embedded in their own nav controllers –   Terry Bu  Jan 19 at 20:25
up vote 0 down vote

Initially my view controller hierarchy looked like this:

-- UINavigationController -- MyContainerViewController -- UIPageViewController -- MyDetailViewController

I set it up this way so MyContainerViewController could manage a toolbar. I narrowed my problem down to MyContainerViewController, and then it occurred to me that I don't even need it if I subclass UIPageViewController. Now my hierarchy looks like this:

-- UINavigationController -- MyPageViewController -- MyDetailViewController

MyPageViewController manages it's toolbar, and everything works as expected, both on a 4-inch and 3.5-inch device.

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For me, adopting this hierarchy is not enough. Putting self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone; in the viewDidLoad of MyPageViewController solved the problem. –   Bo.  Sep 21 '13 at 15:54
Hey Bo, check out my new answer, which I chose as the accepted answer. Turns out that adopting this new hierarchy didn't quite solve it for me, as the problem came back again later in development. I also wanted my scrollviews to scroll underneath the blurred navigation bar, so I couldn't use your advice regarding edgesForExtendedLayout. My new answer seems to be solid though. –   djibouti33  Sep 27 '13 at 21:
