
1. 数据与业务分离;充分体现了高内聚、低耦合。
2. “模板嵌套”运用的炉火纯青,让人感受到抽象数据类型的强大。
3. 巧妙运用结构体、递归、枚举;让复杂的逻辑简易化。
4. 功能强大,可检查随机数、一定范围数据、特定步长数据(包含有符号与无符号数)。


#include <iostream.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

//typedef int int32_t
//typedef unsigned int uint32_t
typedef char char_t;


struct Nil

//for signed irregular range(for example: -100,-77,0, 1,3,5) 
template< int32_t value, class U>
struct SsetList
  enum { RET = value };
  typedef U Tail;

//for unsigned irregular range(for example:  1,3,5,50,100) 
template< uint32_t value, class U>
struct UsetList
  enum { RET = value };
  typedef U Tail;

//for signed continuous regular range(for example:  -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3) 
template<int32_t startPos, int32_t stopPos, class U>
struct SscopeList
  enum { RET1 = startPos};
  enum { RET2 = stopPos};
  typedef U Tail;

//for unsigned continuous regular range(for example:  0,1,2,3,4,5,6) 
template<uint32_t startPos, uint32_t stopPos, class U>
struct UscopeList
  enum { RET1 = startPos};
  enum { RET2 = stopPos};
  typedef U Tail;

//for signed step-size regular range(use step-size 4 for example:  -8,-4,0,4,8,12) 
template< int32_t startPos, int32_t stopPos, uint32_t stepSize, class U>
struct SstepsizeList
  enum { RET1 = startPos};
  enum { RET2 = stopPos};
  enum { RET3 = stepSize};
  typedef U Tail;

//for unsigned step-size regular range(use step-size 4 for example:  0,4,8,12,16,20,24) 
template< uint32_t startPos, uint32_t stopPos, uint32_t stepSize, class U>
struct UstepsizeList
  enum { RET1 = startPos};
  enum { RET2 = stopPos};
  enum { RET3 = stepSize};
  typedef U Tail;

template< class AllowedList > struct Allowed;

//allowed check Nil
struct Allowed<Nil>
  static bool check( const int32_t value )
    return false;
  static bool check( const uint32_t value )
    return false;

template<int32_t head, class VTail >
struct Allowed< SsetList<head, VTail> >
  static bool check( const int32_t value )
    return (value == head) || Allowed< VTail >::check(value);

template<uint32_t head, class VTail >
struct Allowed< UsetList<head, VTail> >
  static bool check( const uint32_t value )
    return (value == head) || Allowed< VTail >::check(value);


template<class RangeList > struct Range;
//range check Nil
struct Range<Nil>
  static bool check( const int32_t value )
    return false;
  static bool check( const uint32_t value )
    return false;

template<int32_t start, int32_t stop, class VTail >
struct Range< SscopeList<start, stop, VTail> >
  static bool check( const int32_t value )
    return (value >= start && value <= stop) || Range< VTail >::check(value);

template<uint32_t start, uint32_t stop, class VTail >
struct Range< UscopeList<start, stop, VTail> >
  static bool check( const uint32_t value )
    return (value >= start && value <= stop) || Range< VTail >::check(value);

template<uint32_t stop, class VTail >
struct Range< UscopeList<0, stop, VTail> >
  static bool check( const uint32_t value )
    return (value <= stop) || Range< VTail >::check(value);

template<int32_t start, int32_t stop, uint32_t stepSize, class VTail >
struct Range< SstepsizeList<start, stop, stepSize, VTail> >
  static bool check( const int32_t value )
    return ((value >= start &&value <= stop &&abs(value - start) % stepSize == 0) || Range< VTail >::check(value));

template<uint32_t start, uint32_t stop, uint32_t stepSize, class VTail >
struct Range< UstepsizeList<start, stop, stepSize, VTail> >
  static bool check( const uint32_t value )
    return (value >= start &&value <= stop &&(value - start) % stepSize == 0) || Range< VTail >::check(value);

template<uint32_t stop, uint32_t stepSize, class VTail >
struct Range< UstepsizeList<0, stop, stepSize, VTail> >
  static bool check( const uint32_t value )
    return (value <= stop &&value % stepSize == 0) || Range< VTail >::check(value);

class DataVerif
	virtual ~DataVerif()

	bool getStatus() const
	  return checkOk;
  template <class RangeList, class AllowedList>
  void checkParam(int32_t value, const char_t* elemName)
    if (checkOk) 
      if (!(Range<RangeList>::check(value) || Allowed<AllowedList>::check(value)))
        checkOk = false;
	    printf("[%d] Warning: Data element %s: value %d not within valid range.\n",__LINE__, elemName, value);

  template <class RangeList, class AllowedList>
  void checkParam(uint32_t value, const char_t* elemName)
    if (checkOk) 
      if (!(Range<RangeList>::check(value) || Allowed<AllowedList>::check(value))) 
        checkOk = false;
        printf("[%d]Warning: Data element %s: value %d not within valid range.\n",__LINE__, elemName, value);
	bool checkOk; //Bool for keeping track of if checks of previous elements in struct were ok.
	uint8_t pad1;
	uint16_t pad2;


//random data  
typedef Nil SsetListRangeList;
typedef SsetList<-8,SsetList<-4,SsetList<0,SsetList<4,SsetList<8,SsetList<9,SsetList<80,Nil > > > > > > > SsetListAllowedList;

typedef Nil UsetListRangeList;
typedef UsetList<8,UsetList<12,UsetList<16,UsetList<24,UsetList<32,UsetList<40,UsetList<80,Nil > > > > > > > UsetListAllowedList;

//      对于规则数据,数据存储在ListRangeList中
//      实际可以将2者封装在一起,还没想明白分开做的好处

//for start-stop data
typedef SscopeList<-8388608,8388352,Nil > SscopeListRangeList;
typedef Nil SscopeListAllowedList;

typedef UscopeList<0,100,Nil > UscopeListRangeList; 
typedef Nil UscopeListAllowedList;

//for specific step-size data
typedef SstepsizeList<-44,100,4, Nil> SstepsizeListRangeList;
typedef Nil SstepsizeListAllowedList;

typedef UstepsizeList<44,100,4, Nil> UstepsizeListRangeList;
typedef Nil UstepsizeListAllowedList;

DataVerif dV1;
DataVerif dV2;
DataVerif dV3;
DataVerif dV4;
DataVerif dV5;
DataVerif dV6;

#define checkSsetList(x) dV1.checkParam<SsetListRangeList,SsetListAllowedList >((x),#x)
#define checkUsetList(x) dV2.checkParam<UsetListRangeList,UsetListAllowedList >((x),#x)

#define checkSscopeList(x) dV3.checkParam<SscopeListRangeList,SscopeListAllowedList >((x),#x)
#define checkUscopeList(x) dV4.checkParam<UscopeListRangeList,UscopeListAllowedList >((x),#x)

#define checkSstepsizeList(x) dV5.checkParam<SstepsizeListRangeList,SstepsizeListAllowedList >((x),#x)
#define checkUstepsizeList(x) dV6.checkParam<UstepsizeListRangeList,UstepsizeListAllowedList >((x),#x)


int main()
	printf("below is illegal value \n");



	printf("below is legal value \n");

  return 1;

