ParaView的User Guides中关于Python Programmable filter中的一个例子。
The previous examples demonstrate how the Programmable Filter can be used as an advanced Python Calculator. However, the full power of the Programmable Filter can only be harnessed by using the VTK API. The following is a simple example. Create a Sphere source and apply the Programmable Filter with the following script in ParaView software.
input = inputs[0] newPoints = vtk.vtkPoints() numPoints = input.GetNumberOfPoints() for i in range(numPoints): x, y, z = input.GetPoint(i) newPoints.InsertPoint(i, x, y, 1 + z*0.3) output.SetPoints(newPoints)
from paraview.vtk.dataset_adapter import numpyTovtkDataArray input = inputs[0] newPoints = vtk.vtkPoints() zs = 1 + input.Points[:,2]*0.3 coords = hstack([input.Points[:,0:2],zs]) newPoints.SetData(numpyTovtkDataArray(coords)) output.SetPoints(newPoints)