

  der.session_id , --internal identifier for the running session
   der.status , --determines if the query is active or waiting
   der.start_time , --gives you an idea when the query started
   der.command , --the type of command involved
   der.database_id , --which database you're connected to
   der.user_id , --which login is running the command
   der.blocking_session_id , --session id of blocking session
   der.wait_type , -- what is the waiting session it waiting on
   der.wait_time , --how long has it been waiting
   der.last_wait_type , --what caused it to last wait
   der.cpu_time , --how much of the CPU has been used
   der.total_elapsed_time , --how long has the command been running
   der.reads , --has the command hit the disk for information
   der.writes , --how much information was written to the disk
   der.logical_reads --how many reads came out of memory
 FROMsys.dm_exec_requests AS der; 


SELECTSUBSTRING(dest.text, ( der.statement_start_offset / 2 ) + 1,
 (der.statement_end_offset - der.statement_start_offset )
 / 2 + 1)
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests AS der
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(der.plan_handle) AS deqp
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(der.sql_handle) AS dest
WHERE der.session_id = 442; 


