1. 创建NioEventLoopGroup线程池
2. 创建NioServerSocketChannel,并初始化,注册时没有直接把SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT注册上,只是注册了一个0,把AbstractNioChannel作为attachment绑定到selectionkey了,但是传递了OP_ACCEPT到AbstractNioChannel的readInterestOp属性。
3. 初始化Pipeline以及相关的ChannelHandlerContext数据结构
4. 在读数据开始时,根据AbstractNioChannel的readInterestOp的值,把SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT真正注册上。selectionKey.interestOps(interestOps | readInterestOp);
5. 调用ServerSocketChannel完成端口绑定。
public void bind(int port) throws Exception { EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(); try { ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();, workerGroup) .channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class) .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 1024) .childHandler(new ChildChannelHandler()); ChannelFuture f = b.bind(port).sync(); System.out.println("Netty time Server started at port " + port);; } finally { bossGroup.shutdownGracefully(); workerGroup.shutdownGracefully(); } }
我们先看一下new NioEventLoopGroup(),它实际上创建了一个默认的线程池,线程的数量是Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2,线程的实现是NioEventLoop
static { DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_THREADS = Math.max(1, SystemPropertyUtil.getInt( "io.netty.eventLoopThreads", Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("-Dio.netty.eventLoopThreads: {}", DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_THREADS); } } /** * @see {@link MultithreadEventExecutorGroup#MultithreadEventExecutorGroup(int, Executor, Object...)} */ protected MultithreadEventLoopGroup(int nThreads, Executor executor, Object... args) { super(nThreads == 0 ? DEFAULT_EVENT_LOOP_THREADS : nThreads, executor, args); }
public ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress) { validate(); if (localAddress == null) { throw new NullPointerException("localAddress"); } return doBind(localAddress); } private ChannelFuture doBind(final SocketAddress localAddress) { final ChannelFuture regFuture = initAndRegister(); final Channel channel =; if (regFuture.cause() != null) { return regFuture; } final ChannelPromise promise; if (regFuture.isDone()) { promise = channel.newPromise(); doBind0(regFuture, channel, localAddress, promise); } else { // Registration future is almost always fulfilled already, but just in case it's not. promise = new DefaultChannelPromise(channel, GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE); regFuture.addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { doBind0(regFuture, channel, localAddress, promise); } }); } return promise; } final ChannelFuture initAndRegister() { Channel channel; try { channel = createChannel(); } catch (Throwable t) { return VoidChannel.INSTANCE.newFailedFuture(t); } try { init(channel); } catch (Throwable t) { channel.unsafe().closeForcibly(); return channel.newFailedFuture(t); } ChannelPromise regFuture = channel.newPromise(); channel.unsafe().register(regFuture); if (regFuture.cause() != null) { if (channel.isRegistered()) { channel.close(); } else { channel.unsafe().closeForcibly(); } } return regFuture; } Channel createChannel() { EventLoop eventLoop = group().next(); return channelFactory().newChannel(eventLoop, childGroup); } // ServerBootstrapChannelFactory 根据NioServerSocketChannel.class来创建Channel实例 private static final class ServerBootstrapChannelFactory<T extends ServerChannel> implements ServerChannelFactory<T> { private final Class<? extends T> clazz; ServerBootstrapChannelFactory(Class<? extends T> clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; } @Override public T newChannel(EventLoop eventLoop, EventLoopGroup childGroup) { try { Constructor<? extends T> constructor = clazz.getConstructor(EventLoop.class, EventLoopGroup.class); return constructor.newInstance(eventLoop, childGroup); } catch (Throwable t) { throw new ChannelException("Unable to create Channel from class " + clazz, t); } } @Override public String toString() { return StringUtil.simpleClassName(clazz) + ".class"; } }
@Override protected void doRegister() throws Exception { boolean selected = false; for (;;) { try { selectionKey = javaChannel().register(eventLoop().selector, 0, this); return; } catch (CancelledKeyException e) { if (!selected) { // Force the Selector to select now as the "canceled" SelectionKey may still be // cached and not removed because no operation was called yet. eventLoop().selectNow(); selected = true; } else { // We forced a select operation on the selector before but the SelectionKey is still cached // for whatever reason. JDK bug ? throw e; } } } }
private static void doBind0( final ChannelFuture regFuture, final Channel channel, final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise promise) { // This method is invoked before channelRegistered() is triggered. Give user handlers a chance to set up // the pipeline in its channelRegistered() implementation. channel.eventLoop().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (regFuture.isSuccess()) { channel.bind(localAddress, promise).addListener(ChannelFutureListener.CLOSE_ON_FAILURE); } else { promise.setFailure(regFuture.cause()); } } }); }
@Override public ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise) { return pipeline.bind(localAddress, promise); }
@Override public ChannelFuture bind(SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise) { return tail.bind(localAddress, promise); } public ChannelFuture bind(final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise promise) { DefaultChannelHandlerContext next = findContextOutbound(MASK_BIND); next.invoker.invokeBind(next, localAddress, promise); return promise; }
public void bind( ChannelHandlerContext ctx, SocketAddress localAddress, ChannelPromise promise) throws Exception { unsafe.bind(localAddress, promise); } public final void bind(final SocketAddress localAddress, final ChannelPromise promise) { if (!ensureOpen(promise)) { return; } // See: if (!PlatformDependent.isWindows() && !PlatformDependent.isRoot() && Boolean.TRUE.equals(config().getOption(ChannelOption.SO_BROADCAST)) && localAddress instanceof InetSocketAddress && !((InetSocketAddress) localAddress).getAddress().isAnyLocalAddress()) { // Warn a user about the fact that a non-root user can't receive a // broadcast packet on *nix if the socket is bound on non-wildcard address. logger.warn( "A non-root user can't receive a broadcast packet if the socket " + "is not bound to a wildcard address; binding to a non-wildcard " + "address (" + localAddress + ") anyway as requested."); } boolean wasActive = isActive(); try { doBind(localAddress); } catch (Throwable t) { promise.setFailure(t); closeIfClosed(); return; } if (!wasActive && isActive()) { invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { pipeline.fireChannelActive(); } }); } promise.setSuccess(); }
@Override protected void doBind(SocketAddress localAddress) throws Exception { javaChannel().socket().bind(localAddress, config.getBacklog()); }